"You mean, the Void Emperor is the master of this world, but why, as a member of his body, can I threaten his survival?" For Chen Han's statement, the sect leader was obviously difficult to accept, so he retorted in a very surprised tone.

"The reason is very simple, from his point of view, you are a tumor that grows in his body and can threaten his life, if you defeat him, he will die, and the world will slowly disintegrate, and I am more like a virus that invades this body, if he is defeated by me, the cause of death is because of the virus."

"No, how could I be a virus!" The sect leader obviously did not agree with the positioning that Chen Han had given him.

"Because you don't follow some of the rules he set for this world, I have experienced several different worlds, although there will be some differences in their rules, but the rules at the bottom are the same, and I am trying to find the maker of this bottom rule."

"Do you suspect that the Void Emperor is the maker of this underlying rule?" The sect leader asked with a puzzled expression.

"Of course not, he is not qualified at all, although this world seems to belong to him, as if he can make rules at will, but in fact, the rules he makes are actually very few, most of them are formed because of his own living habits, the most fundamental difference between you and him is that he can use his consciousness to detect his body, and the one who transforms into the Void Emperor is his consciousness."

"Ah, isn't that pitifully small compared to him?"

The sect leader's idea is very simple and direct, Chen Han's current body is smaller than him, if the body of the Void Emperor is in this world, its size is completely unimaginable, it is a desolate night talk for an ant to defeat an elephant, not to mention the size difference between Chen Han and the Void Emperor.

"Alas, you have been enlightened for so many years, I don't know what you have figured out something, only low-end species will distinguish strength and weakness according to their size, and after a certain extent, the physical body is just an external manifestation, and it has nothing to do with his energy, a real strong person should be in different cosmic scales, showing the most reasonable size."

Chen Han said, shaking his body proudly, and told the sect leader very clearly that he was now the best size of the universe.

The sect leader thought thoughtfully for a while, most of these things Chen Han said were the first time he had heard of them, although he felt that there was some truth, but he still couldn't accept it in his heart, but the only thing he was sure of was that Chen Han didn't mean to let him help deal with the Void Emperor at all.

Chen Han didn't need his help, and he was in control of his life and death, so there was no reason to lie to him, although he couldn't understand it, he could only believe that what Chen Han said was true, he felt the gap between him and Chen Han in addition to ability, and he instantly felt a sense of discouragement.

"I can't figure out a lot of what you said for the time being, and I'm really going to stay in the seal for a while."

A few hours ago, in the Demon Slayer Mountain, the Void Emperor slapped the king in the face with a backhand, and the body of the dead man king was like a spinning top, turning in place for dozens of times before staggering to a stop.

"Even if I kill you ten times, it's not too much, since you know that he is my sworn enemy, and let Chen Han go to him, dealing with one Chen Han is enough to give me a headache, and the two of them are united, isn't it the end of us all?"

If it weren't for the fact that now was the time to employ people, the Void Emperor would have killed the Dead Man King a long time ago, and seeing that the Dead King's eyes were full of resentment when he looked at him, he realized that his actions were a little excessive, if the Dead Man King had another defection at this time, he would have no chance of winning at all.

He had no choice but to suppress the roar in his heart, put his hand on the shoulder of the Dead King, and said in a serious voice: "You also know that in order to deal with a Chen Han, we have exhausted all our strength, if we add that guy in again, what are our chances of winning, we will all be finished, you know?" "

"Chen Han is very arrogant, and his willingness to give us such ample time to prepare shows that he didn't take this duel seriously at all, so I don't think it's possible for him to let the Sect Master of the Immortal Sect help him." This reason was just thought of by the dead man**, but it still sounds very reasonable.

"Hmph, even if Chen Han doesn't let that bastard help him, how can that bastard let go of this great opportunity for revenge, no, I definitely can't let the two of them join forces, the King of the Dead, you hurry back to the Valley of the Dead, and as soon as there is a new situation, immediately send a message like me."

Looking at the back of the Dead Man King, the Void Emperor really wanted to rush up and strangle this guy who had more than enough success and more than defeat, he began to pace back and forth irritably, seeing that the Void Emperor had moved the real fire, the Emperor and the Demon King looked at each other on the side, and they didn't dare to make any sound at all.

"No, I can't let these two guys do things, you two continue the unfinished work, and you can't let anyone bother me."

After the Void Emperor finished speaking, he quickly walked to one of his exclusive futons in Demon Slayer Mountain, and after he finished it cross-legged, he turned his palm to the sky and began to let his consciousness go straight to the Valley of the Dead, and soon, his brows were locked, because he sensed that the Immortal Sect Leader had broken the seal, but he also felt the hostility between the Sect Master and Chen Han.

With the battle between Chen Han and the sect leader, the Void Emperor's mood was like a roller coaster, especially when the sect leader proposed to help Chen Han deal with himself, his heart even rose to his throat. However, the result was still as the dead man king said, the arrogant Chen Han actually flatly rejected the sect leader's proposal, and Chen Han still had the intention of sealing the sect leader again.

Through perception, the Void Emperor found that Chen Han's ability was stronger than he imagined, but it had not yet reached the point of invincibility, at least when the sect leader made a strong counterattack, he could feel the strong fluctuations in Chen Han's heart, as long as a person was not strong enough that his heart did not fluctuate in any situation, this person could be defeated.

This truth had already been told by the master when the Void Emperor was a child, and for so many years afterward, this sentence seemed to be the truth.

The Void Emperor firmly believed that at least Chen Han could be defeated, he would definitely be able to win, thinking that at the beginning, when the Immortal Sect Master rose, it was also like a bamboo at the beginning, it was completely a god blocking and killing a god, and a Buddha blocking and killing a Buddha, and he had stronger doubts about winning that duel than now.

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Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read - collecting, recommending, and sharing

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