"When is it, don't you want to save your senior brother, don't put any guidelines in front of me, you just need to be responsible for the transfer, and leave the matter of turning others into vegetative people to me. Chen Han waved his hand and said very decisively.

Phoenix sighed softly, she knew that if she didn't agree to Chen Han's request, her senior brother would definitely not survive, her senior brother had broken the rules a lot because she had helped her before, and it was very normal for her to break the rules for her senior brother, besides, what she wanted to protect was her senior brother's life, and she believed that when the time came, the master would be able to understand her distress at this time.

Chen Han used his internal force to wake Mi'er from his slumber, and Mi'er's delicate weakness when he raised his head made him feel very distressed.

"Mi'er, take a look, among these people, who do you like the most?" Chen Han gently broke Mi'er's face, letting her face those panicked people, especially a few female warriors who looked good.

"Brother Han, they are all villains, they are all the people who killed Brother Jianyi, I don't like them. Mi'er stubbornly turned her head back, in her current opinion, except for Chen Han and the little fox, the other creatures around her are all villains who have harmed Li Jianyi, she didn't think about avenging Li Jianyi, but not contacting these people is her bottom line.

"Believe it or not, you have to choose one of them that you like the most. Chen Han once again broke Mi'er's head like a few female warriors who looked a little heroic, and said with a forced attitude.

"Brother Han, I said I don't like them, why do you have to let me see them. Mi'er didn't expect Chen Han to treat her like this, and immediately shouted with an aggrieved face.

"Mi'er, it's a special moment, you have to choose the least annoying person to come out, good, don't sleep, after choosing, I'll let you sleep well." Chen Han saw that Mi'er was about to close his eyes again, and said a little anxiously.

"Brother Han, if I had to choose a favorite, it would definitely be the little fox, I'm so tired, I'm going to sleep, I saw Brother Jianyi in my dream just now. "

Mi'er's last few words were spoken in a whispering manner, and Chen Han quickly patted her face gently with his hand, but she just refused to wake up.

"Little Phoenix, Mi'er is too sleepy now, she didn't choose a suitable target, are we... "

Before Chen Han finished speaking, the little fox suddenly said loudly: "Master, you are lying, didn't Mi'er say that she likes me just now." "

"Little fox, what are you messing around, how can you?" Chen Han didn't expect that at this critical moment, the little fox would start messing around again, so he said angrily.

"Why can't it, didn't Sister Little Phoenix say just now, any living thing can do it, I know that you have always looked down on me, you must think that I am not worthy, since you hate me so much, why do you keep bringing me to you. The more the little fox talked, the more aggrieved he became, and he actually cried in the back.

"Little fox, do you know that if you occupy your body, you will be gone. Chen Han said speechlessly, he didn't want to lose such a cute pet as the little fox.

"Hmph, you lied to me, Sister Little Phoenix just said that as long as other spirits are willing to accept Mi'er's words, Mi'er can coexist with her, the relationship between me and Mi'er, you can rest assured, we will get along very well, and Mi'er always gives me a feeling of depression, and after I move in, I will definitely make her lively and cheerful." "

"Nonsense, how can this be, one common body, isn't this schizophrenia, no, absolutely not. It was hard for Chen Han to imagine what would happen to two people who were not very sensible about the same body after sharing the same body.

"Actually, it's theoretically possible, but the difference between humans and demons is still very big, and there needs to be a process of mutual tolerance. The little phoenix whispered on the side.

"Master, look, Sister Little Phoenix said it's okay, what do you have to worry about, don't you know, how generous I am, Mi'er will do whatever she does, I will let her, and that is, if you forcibly choose a body for Mi'er, what if she doesn't like it, and won't Mi'er follow you in the future, don't you feel disgusted when you look like you don't like it all day long. "

The little fox lobbied Chen Han very hard, of course it also has its own wishful thinking, doesn't Chen Han like Mi'er, let Mi'er live in his body, Chen Han can't treat it differently.

"Master, don't worry, I can transform into other forms, I will remember Mi'er's original appearance now, I can become her appearance and follow you in the future, haven't I already absorbed the power of the Divine Soul Jade, and after I learn to control this power, I can always become her original appearance." "

Chen Han thought for a moment, and then said to Little Phoenix: "Little Phoenix, after this transfer, if you find discord, can you transfer it again?"

"As long as it doesn't take more than half a month, it's okay, because after more than half a month, their sensory consciousness will slowly merge into one, and when the time comes, it is unlikely that they want to transfer a single meter out, and it is easy to cause a tear in consciousness, so that they become incomplete, and it is difficult to heal. "

"Master, what do you want, how can Mi'er and I be at odds, I guarantee that Mi'er and I will be very perfectly integrated, a girl you like the most, and a pet you like the most, blend together, don't you think you're making a fortune, take care of your pet at the same time, take care of your girlfriend too, if you have other dirty ideas, I can too... "

"Okay, little fox, the more you talk, the more unpleasant it becomes, since you swear so much, I'll give you a chance, if I find a feud within half a month, I'll take her out of your body. "

"Master, you can rest assured, I promise I won't let you find an excuse to take her out, little phoenix sister, what do I need to do to cooperate with you?" asked the little fox with an impatient expression.

"You don't need to do anything, just sleep in peace, I'll use hypnosis to put you into a deep sleep, and when you wake up, your 027 brain will have Mi'er's memories, thoughts, and consciousness.

"Great, little phoenix sister, you hurry up and start hypnotizing me, I'm already very well prepared, and I've long wanted to merge with Mi'er. "

"It's a matter between you and Mi'er, it's useless just that you're in a good condition, and Mi'er isn't in the best state right now, I have to choose a time that suits her before starting. "

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