Chen Han grabbed the little phoenix by the collar and lifted her up directly, when he raised his fist, he couldn't smash it anyway, this is probably because he turned into a child, his face was innocent and innocent, and he pouted, as if he was going to cry loudly at any time.

Besides, now that the little fox and Mi'er have become vegetative, Chen Han is completely blank in the area of thinking transplantation, if the little phoenix is killed, the two of them can only be finished, thinking of this, Chen Han hatefully threw her to the ground and asked in a deep voice.

"What do you say, as long as there is any accident between the two of them, I will let you and your senior brother bury them. "

"As long as I can find a place with a stable environment, or if you can make the environment of this place very stable, I can do it. Little Phoenix said with an aggrieved face.

For Chen Han, destroying a world is just a gesture, but to build a world, or support the operation of a world, he seems powerless, he has consulted the invincible system, the invincible system is only very interested in defeating the enemy, as for the rest, it doesn't seem to want to care at all.

"Can you resurrect your senior brother now?" This is the world that belongs to the Void Beast, and if you can resurrect him, it will naturally be stable.

"Senior brother's situation is more complicated than the two of them, I also need a stable environment to resurrect him, the energy here is very unstable, and there will often be a sudden burst of sharp energy waves, which is very fatal to my interference, I am worried that in this environment, it is easy to create monsters with very distorted thinking. "

Chen Han felt that the most precious thing in the little fox and Mi'er was their pure thoughts, and if they were twisted into monsters, it would make him even more uncomfortable than killing them.

"What do you think we should do now?" Chen Han asked in a deep voice.

"You follow me to the Void Realm, where the environment is very... Ahh

Before the little phoenix could finish her words, she suddenly screamed, because she saw a person poking out a head from the outside, no, a festering head to be exact, the guy's face was full of pain, but there was an effort to keep smiling, and it looked very weird.

"Didn't I tell you to get out?" Chen Han couldn't help but ask angrily when he saw that the people who had come to the Valley of the Dead with Qingtian Xiao had actually turned around, and it could be seen that their bodies had begun to fester, and it was estimated that they would not live for too long.

"This world is starting to rot so quickly, Chen Han, we must get out of here as soon as possible, if the Gate of Time and Space is destroyed, we won't be able to get out of here. "

"The Gate of Time and Space?" Chen Han repeated Little Phoenix's words with a confused expression.

"Why, you don't even know about time and space. The little phoenix looked at Chen Han with a strange expression.

"What is the Gate of Time and Space?" is another blind spot of knowledge.

"Ah, you don't know how the space-time gate came to this world, when the majority of the makers are creating the world, in order to prevent the intruders, they will use the frequency of energy to set up the space-time gate, otherwise this world will soon be occupied by the space-time pirates, and eventually even the makers will be disintegrated by the space-time pirates. "

"Time and Space Pirates?"

The little phoenix sighed softly, glanced at Chen Han with the eyes of an idiot and said.

"I thought you were a space-time hooligan and space-time hunter wandering around in time and space, but I didn't expect you to know nothing about these things, okay, I think I need to give you some science first, otherwise, we won't be able to communicate at all in the future. "

After the little phoenix finished speaking, she sat on the chair, like a little teacher, and raised Erlang's legs, seeing Chen Han looking at her with cold eyes, she put her legs down, but the tone of her voice was still like that of a little teacher.

"When I was very young, the master told us that there are all kinds of worlds in this universe, but they can be roughly divided into two types, one is naturally generated and the other is made, but as I learn more and more about this universe, I feel that all worlds seem to be created, but there are some traces that we can't find the maker. "

Chen Han could understand and agree with Little Phoenix's point of view, so he nodded lightly.

"In order to prevent the two worlds from interfering with each other, the energy frequencies of different worlds are different, and once the worlds of the same frequency get close, they will devour each other, so that it is a catastrophe for the makers of the two worlds, so the makers will try to prevent this from happening. "

"In addition to the world-makers, there are also many powerhouses in this universe that transcend a single world, they can travel between different worlds at will, there are well-intentioned feelers like us, there are also time-space pirates and space-time rogues with malice, they specialize in destroying those fragile worlds, in order to obtain the energy of the world-maker, and there is also a kind of space-time hunter, specializing in hunting those worlds full of malice, I thought you were a space-time hunter at first, but now it seems that you should be regarded as a space-time wanderer. "

"Ah, the situation here is so complicated, why can't I feel it at all?" Chen Han said in a tone of disbelief.

"The time and space of different worlds are based on different energy frequencies, as long as the energy fluctuation frequency is above five thousand, a stable world can be established, and the current highest frequency can reach about fifty million, a medium world, the frequency width required is about twenty, you think about it, how many worlds can be established in this universe. "

"What's the matter with the Gate of Time and Space?" Chen Han thought of the electromagnetic wave frequency of the world he used to live in, this truth was very similar to the communication signal of a mobile phone, so he didn't find it difficult to understand, but he didn't know that there were such rich things in the energy frequency.

"Generally speaking, only the created space-time will have space-time gates, mainly to prevent the invasion of space-time pirates and space-time hooligans, but for those who are super strong, space-time gates are useless, but to that extent, the strong people disdain to be enemies of those ordinary space-time makers. "

Hearing that there are still some super powerhouses in this universe, Chen Han's eyes suddenly lit up, his invincible system is strong when he is strong, and he can only quickly improve his strength by constantly fighting against those strong people.

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Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read - collecting, recommending, and sharing

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