The old man's heart tightened, and he hurriedly pointed to the night sky with his finger, and his mouth made random sounds, but he couldn't express a complete sentence.

The old man in front looked at the sky with a puzzled look at the old man's finger in the back, and his face immediately turned pale, and the things he was worried about were indeed superfluous, because he felt that his hope could not go that far at all.

Soon, everyone felt a huge thing falling from the sky, they looked at the sky with expressions, no one made any sound, but everyone's hearts became very dark.


"How could it be, with Chen Han here, how could such an accident happen?" said the old man who spoke just now in a tone of disbelief, it was obvious that in his heart, Chen Han was omnipotent.

The old man in front of him just wanted to taunt him, but suddenly shut up, and he said with a look of ecstasy: "Look, it doesn't seem to be a wooden boat." "

"yes, it doesn't seem like it's a wooden boat, great, it's not a wooden boat. "

Hearing that it was not a wooden boat, those who were jumping on the fire immediately wanted to stop and take a look, but due to inertia, their bodies still fell into the sea of fire, and soon a faded voice came from the sea of fire: "Is it really not a wooden boat falling?"

The violent bump woke up the sleeping prince suddenly, in order not to let the accident outside interfere with his mood, but also to save food, after he entered the crystal coffin, he immediately took sleeping pills, if he did not find a new place to stay, he died in his sleep like this, and there would be less pain.

After the crystal coffin landed, there were several rolls on the ground, and then it stopped in a relatively stable place, and the crystal coffin landed, which proved that he had found a new world, and the prince's mood was naturally very excited.

He peeked out cautiously through the glass window of the crystal coffin, and found that it was pitch black outside, but there were many bonfires on the ground, and a group of naked people gathered around him, chattering as if they were constantly talking about something, and it was obvious that they were very excited.

Bonfire, naked, let the prince quickly think of the primitive tribe, it seems that the civilization of this world is still very backward, still in the primitive era without clothes, then the intelligence of this group of people must be very low, with their own wisdom, maybe they can mix a chieftain.

A few skinny guys walked up to the crystal coffin and kicked it twice, the prince couldn't help but feel very ridiculous, the barbarian is really a barbarian, his crystal coffin is a royal characteristic, there is no way to open it from the outside, according to the strength of these people kicking the coffin, the prince feels that his force is definitely above them, so he decided to come out first to see what is going on.

"Wow, there's a guy in there?"

As soon as the prince came out, he heard someone exclaim, and he was overjoyed, because the people in this world used the same language as himself, so that even the language barrier he was most worried about was gone, and he immediately felt a sense of beauty in his heart.

"What are you doing here?" the prince asked cautiously, for fear that if he accidentally angered the people of this new world, it would be difficult to live in peace with them in the future.

"Wow, everyone, come and see, inside the crystal coffin that fell from the sky just now, there is actually a person, and he looks very good. "

With a shout, a large group of people quickly gathered around the prince, and they sighed in a gossiping voice, the people in the other world actually looked exactly like them, and now they have reason to believe that King Qi and they will quickly adapt to the environment there when they arrive in the new world.

"Isn't it just a person from the outside world, what's the fuss, haven't we seen people from the outside world before, I don't know who is more powerful than Chen Han compared to this person. "

When the prince heard the word Chen Han, his head buzzed, and he hurriedly asked, "What, Chen Han has also been in this world?"

"Hey, you know Chen Han, you and he won't be from the same world, alas, you see that we have become what we are now, it is thanks to him, but fortunately, he knows his mistakes and can change them, and bring our best offspring to the new world, and it won't be long before we will rebuild our glory in that new world." "

Hearing this, the prince suddenly felt a little frightened, and he hurriedly looked around, but it was pitch black, and he couldn't see anything at all, but the air was confused with the smell of rot that he was very familiar with.

"I won't go back to the world again. As soon as his doubts came up, someone helped him confirm it, only to hear a surprised voice shouting loudly.

"Ah, isn't this the crown prince, why did you appear here, didn't you say that you were killed by King Qi with a cannon two days ago?"

An old man who had done errands in the palace asked loudly, and the prince suddenly felt very bitter in his heart, and his voice became a little hoarse.

"King Qi, he's still alive. "

"Hey, not only is he still alive, in our world, I'm afraid he is the best alive, he followed Chen Han to the new world, and Chen Han also promised to make him the king of the new world. "

When the prince heard this, he couldn't help but fall into deep thought, he didn't understand why he fell back to the same place, but King Qi swore to tell him that with the power of a large firearm, he could get rid of the shackles of this world, because at that time, the gravitational coefficient of this world was falling sharply, and the gravitational force would also drop sharply.

Could it be that King Qi deliberately put himself together in order to be the emperor, because as long as he is still alive in this world, he is the rightful king, and it will not be King Qi's turn at all. But he recalled the bits and pieces after the Great Duel, and felt that King Qi should not have such malice, unless King Qi had already known that Chen Han would lead them to find a new world.

But King Qi and Chen Han had no personal contact at all, and the relationship between the two of them had not yet reached the level of conspiracy, how could Chen Han secretly tell King Qi his plans.

But if King Qi was unintentional, why did he wait for them to leave before he fell back into this world, is all this too much of a coincidence?

"How long will this world last?" the prince asked the man who had been in the palace.

"No, everything that can rot has begun to rot, and the oxygen is getting thinner and thinner, and according to Little Phoenix, it can last for three hours at most. "

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