"I said that I saved you before just coveting the treasure in your hand, and of course I won't ask you for anything to give you, but it's still the same condition before, if you need our help, you must give us a share according to the plan I said. As for the current situation, if you want to make a move, if you don't want to do it, I will never force it, but you must leave us immediately. "

"Dude, I'm too familiar with this world, you must not have any luck mentality, you will either be destroyed by it or compromise with it, I hope you can start from the overall situation and think about it... "

Before the red-haired words could finish speaking, his body was thrown out by Chen Han, and the golden rat and the little white rabbit immediately rushed towards him, and the most headache for him was that those raindrops, although he had forced his luck, the raindrops still fell on his body like a knife cut.

On a normal day, the angry raindrops and golden rats would not have had the slightest effect on him, but now that he is seriously injured, if he is forced to luck, he is afraid that he will die violently.

The first thing he learned as a pirate was to swallow his anger, even if Chen Han didn't eat his set, it was necessary to compromise with this world, because he didn't want to die like this.

He raised his hand vigorously and beckoned desperately at Chen Han, Chen Han also waved at him, his body immediately flew up, a golden rat had already bitten his collar, and after he flew up, the golden rat also flew up.

After the golden rat followed the red-haired body into the energy shield, the whole body trembled with excitement, in his eyes, the people inside the energy shield were a moving feast, it bared its teeth at the crowd, if it was a Westerner, it must have prepared a scarf and a knife and fork at this moment.

Because of his arrival, the crowd automatically surrounded Chen Han, and the golden rat looked at Chen Han and felt that it should be a hard bone, so he turned around and pounced on a little girl who screamed the loudest.

When the golden rat's body was still in the air, a purple lightning bolt hit its head accurately, and suddenly it was like a headless fly scurrying around in the air, and at the same time, its body began to shrink rapidly, and when it landed, it became the state that people saw it at the beginning, running around on the ground at a very fast speed.

Even if the golden rat has become smaller, all the people are still very afraid of it, every time it goes to a place, the crowd will be chaotic into a pot of porridge, these began to flee in Sichuan, when it ran in front of Yingxue, Yingxue quickly picked up the child sitting on the ground, and then followed the crowd to avoid the mouse.

Just when everyone was worried, the mouse disappeared, and everyone immediately searched around with their eyes, and the golden rat that was alive just now was miraculously gone.

Just when the eldest parents breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly a person screamed loudly, pointing at Yingxue's child while screaming, Yingxue thought that her child was hurt by the golden rat, and immediately picked it up and touched him, and when she turned her son's body around, she couldn't help but scream.

The golden rat's head had been completely destroyed by him, and the golden rat's feet were still struggling desperately outside, but her son seemed to be enjoying a delicious meal.

"Oh my God, he actually bites the golden rat!" the redhead looked at the child with a look of disbelief, and then beat his fist on the forehead with a look of chagrin, because it meant that he had to pay a high price for this dispute.

A flash of lightning made the golden rat in the energy shield see the scene of their kind being eaten by their kind, and they were suddenly much quieter, but the thunder and lightning in the sky were even more rapid, as if its anger had entered a new climax.

"Is there any other way?" Chen Han looked at the red hair and asked in a cold voice.

"Yes, I am the one who has signed a blood pact with this world, and as long as the blood of my middle finger is dripped into the blood pact pool, this anger can be slowly subsided, but because this golden rat has been eaten, I must pay more than ten times its energy as compensation. "

"Okay, as for how you do it, I'm not worried at all, one day, I'll ask the guy hiding behind me to kneel down and admit my mistake. Chen Han said in a cold tone, if it weren't for so much drag, he really wanted to stand up and fight with these pretending to be ghosts.

"Dude, this world grows naturally, there is no black hand behind it at all, of course, if you have to say that there is a black hand, it is the supreme cosmic law, you will never think about competing with the cosmic law. "

The red-haired said angrily, he is really an ignorant and fearless, Chen Han actually said such arrogant words, which made him feel that although Chen Han was strong, he was actually a very shallow person, which also strengthened his plan to let Chen Han be cannon fodder.

"Since it is a law, there must be a law-maker, and no one in front of me is qualified to make any law, not even the law of the universe. Chen Han said very domineeringly.

"Dude, the laws of the universe are what each of our worlds must abide by, such as what is the speed of light, what kind of laws should each cell use to establish connections, without these things, the universe is nothing, no, nothingness should be regarded as a kind of universal law, where there is no universal law, we can't imagine it at all. "

"When you survive as an ordinary person in a certain world, can you imagine that there are so many strange worlds in this universe, so you can't think that things you can't imagine have no possibility of existing, okay, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and solve the trouble in front of you. "

When the whole world was plunged into darkness, the blood red of the Blood Pact Pool was particularly dazzling, and a few kilometers away, Chen Han saw it, he originally thought it was an endless lake, but when he walked to the edge of the Blood Pool, he found that its scale was only equivalent to a swimming pool a hundred meters long and fifty meters wide.

Inside the blood pit pool, the bright red blood was desperately tumbling, like a large pot of boiling water. Next to the Blood Pact Pool, there is a two-meter-high smooth stone slab, and at this moment, the slate is also blood red all over, and the red hair slowly walks in front of the Blood Pact Stone, and the Blood Pact Stone immediately becomes like a mirror.

Three minutes later, the red hair inside the blood deed stone, bright red blood began to flow from the corners of his eyes, Chen Han was shocked, and quickly looked at the red hair, only to find that the person in reality did not have the slightest trace of blood in the corners of his eyes.

The blood flowed more and more, and the red hair became more and more strained, and when a small black hole appeared in the middle of the blood contract, the red hair breathed a long sigh of relief, and the whole person collapsed to the ground.

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Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read - collecting, recommending, and sharing

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