Huoniu listened to Chen Han's words, and really wanted to pat his ass and leave, regardless of the grievances between him and nature, but he urgently needed the sunshine of this world to help him heal, so he had to shake his head with a wry smile, and walked quickly towards the blood contract pool, in his opinion, Chen Han was a troublemaker who didn't know the height of the sky, if he didn't need his protection now, he would have left this world a long time ago.

It didn't take long for the clouds to disperse quickly, and the sun showed a friendly smile from the sky, and on the other side of the sky, a bright moon had slowly risen, as if it couldn't wait to replace the sun and bring light to the world.

In order to make everyone forget the previous pain as soon as possible, King Kai had a huge bonfire on the beach, and a group of people were singing and dancing here, and the fire ox saw the skyrocketing fire, and immediately ran over, and when he found a group of people dancing hand in hand around the fire, he was so angry that he couldn't even speak.

"Who, who made you raise such a big fire." The fire bull roared angrily as he kicked the firewood.

"What do you mean, we're singing and dancing to get in your way." The fire bull had already been established by Chen Han as the public enemy of the Qicheng Empire, and now seeing that he had openly come to defeat everyone's happiness, Ying Xue immediately scolded loudly.

"You guys are such a bunch of fools, what's in the way of me, don't you know, there are pirates everywhere above us, they are looking for targets everywhere, you raise such a big, artificially created fire, doesn't it mean that you are telling them that there is a group of fools here who can't wait to become their prey, I don't care if you die for yourself, but you can't let me be implicated."

Listening to the words of the fire ox, the crowd that was singing and dancing just now immediately fell silent, and many people even began to secretly draw dry wood from the fire.

"What are you doing, Chen Han knows about our fire, since he didn't stop it, it means that he doesn't care about this matter, you were scared like this by a coward's words, isn't it a shame for our empire?" Yingxue retorted loudly.

When they heard this, yes, their protector did not speak, and a public enemy came here to make a fool of himself, and the man who had just drawn the wood out of the fire immediately felt very ashamed of his actions, and in order to make up for this shame, they immediately threw more dry wood into the fire.

Seeing that the fire ox was about to rush over to destroy the fire, a group of people surrounded him, and when he saw the commotion here, Chen Han walked over slowly, and when he saw Chen Han, both sides seemed to see a savior.

"Chen Han, hurry up and let them put out the fire, didn't I say it before, we are signaling to the pirates by doing this."

"Aren't you a pirate, I haven't seen how cruel you are, why are you so cowardly, it's the first time I've seen a person so afraid of his own kind." Chen Han looked at the fire bull and said with a mocking expression.

"Chen Han, you are really... Is...... It's so ignorant, this group of people will be finished sooner or later under your protection. The fire bull was so angry that he was a little incoherent.

"I don't know when we're going to be finished, but I know you're going to be finished soon, they've got a tracker on you, and once you leave us, they'll catch up with you soon, by the way, it's just that you're here, I'll inform you of a new decision that King Kai and I just discussed, and that's to let you leave this world."

When Huo Niu heard this, he was immediately dumbfounded, he stared at Chen Han for half a minute, and then laughed very bitterly.

"Chen Han, I exchanged the blood contract and treasures for your survival resources in this world, you haven't fully gained a foothold, you want to drive me away, right, you are not crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, you only see the bridge, and you want to drive me away."

"Then tell me why you provide us with these things, you are not a good person, right, we can conquer this world, we don't need you to be this peacemaker in the middle, your so-called treasures, in my opinion, are nothing more than that, when you leave, you can leave with them, I will not force you to stay." Chen said coldly.

"Chen Han, you can't be like this, do you know my current situation, isn't it equivalent to death if I leave this world?" There was clearly an element of pleading in the tone of the fire bull.

"Leaving this world is the same as sending you to death?" Chen Han asked rhetorically.

The fire bull hesitated for a moment, and then whispered: "To be precise, leaving you, I am equivalent to sending you to death, since you saved me, I will trouble you..." The fire bull's tone became very humble.

"That's right, none of us are stupid, why are you hiding it like this, I can provide you with protection, but there is no need, because you are not worthy of my actions, I only provide protection to the Inheritors now."

Huo Niu hesitated for a moment, and then whispered, "Chen Han, I can become a Qiinheritor." "

"If you want to become the Inheritor, I can't be the master of this matter, because I am not the Inheritor myself, and I must get the king's nod, and then all the subjects will vote in favor of more than two-thirds of the vote."

Hearing Chen Han say this, Huo Niu's face looked even more bitter, and the people around him looked at him with hostile eyes, obviously not agreeing to him becoming an enlightened inheritor, just when he was about to ask Chen Han to change to other conditions, Chen Han said slowly.

"If you're not sure that two-thirds of the people will pass, you can use bribery, and we allow this when the system is not particularly sound at the beginning."

Hearing Chen Han's words, the sect leaders on the side felt very cruel, isn't this tantamount to letting everyone exploit him, Huoniu will definitely do whatever it takes to bribe the election in order to sign up, and these people obviously know Huoniu's intentions, and they will inevitably increase the bargaining chips for bribery, and the final result is to completely squeeze Huoniu dry.

It was the first time for the sect leader to see a person who showed the dual identity of angel and demon so vividly, in the eyes of these enlightened people, Chen Han had become an angel who did not ask for anything in return, and in the eyes of the fire cow, Chen Han was a devil who ate people and did not spit out bones.

The key is that this devil also knows his vital point, and every time he attacks, he can't escape, and he secretly swears in his heart that once he can stand on his own, he will immediately stay away from Chen Han, the farther away the better, and it is best not to hear any information related to him in this life.

"Okay, Chen Han, I listen to you, but I still have to remind you..."

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