Looking at the three people standing in a hurry, Chen Han couldn't help but wonder how this kind of intelligent person became a pirate, he originally thought that the fire bull belonged to the scum of pirates, but he didn't expect these guys to directly overturn Chen Han's previous opinion.

If Chen Han was an opponent with the same strength as these three guys, he would have already attacked them when they were standing, so they would have no way to put the formation out until they died, and Chen Han didn't have much hope for the power of the formation of these three guys, but it was idle anyway, just watching a free monkey show.

"It's not good, they want to set up a Heavenly Formation, hurry up and stop them!" The fire bull shouted at Chen Han, and at the same time, he also rushed towards the three gnomes, trying to interfere with their formation.

The body of the fire bull was pulled back by a powerful force in mid-air, and finally fell to Chen Han's side, and after landing, he took several steps back before barely stabilizing his body.

"Chen Han... It's over, they've already completed the formation, and the reason why the Wild Leopard Group wants to separate the three of them is because they're afraid that they will put out this formation, and now you actually let them successfully put it out, and no one can withstand it. "

Seeing that the three of them had already completed their standing positions, and also put on a strange posture, Huo Niu immediately said with a frustrated face, if he could beat Chen Han, I am afraid that he would have done it at this moment.

When the three people raised their hands at the same time, Chen Han did have a strange feeling, he saw that the light blue energy was connecting the palms of the three people, and then the bodies of the three people began to rotate rapidly, as the rotation speed accelerated, the energy generated by their rotation became larger and larger, and soon, directly above the rotation of the three people, a huge energy vortex appeared.

"Hah!" As the three of them shouted at the same time, a huge phantom suddenly appeared in the energy vortex, which looked like a projection of light, but Chen Han felt a powerful murderous aura from this phantom.

The phantom became more and more solid, and in the end, he actually turned into an extremely ugly-looking giant, and he raised his fist the size of a small house at Chen Han and smashed it down fiercely at the place where Chen Han was.

Chen Han snorted, and directly raised his palm to meet it, only to hear a loud bang, a huge earth pit appeared in Chen Han's location, and Chen Han's feet also sank deep into the ground, what shocked Chen Han the most was that he actually had a feeling of churning blood and qi, as if as long as the other party increased his strength a little more, he was about to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Compared with Chen Han, the dwarf and the fire bull were even more shocked than him, Chen Han and the giant slapped each other, and they were unscathed, which made the fire bull begin to doubt life. In his memory, even the four fierce generals under the Wild Leopard Seat couldn't take the punch of the Decepticon.

The giant was stunned for a moment, and he said angrily: "I didn't expect your kid to have a little ability, and then eat Lao Tzu and spray." "

The giant suddenly leaned back, then leaned forward, spurting white swords from his mouth.

During the fist fight, Chen Han had already realized the strength of this guy, and now when he saw the sharp sword flying towards him, he didn't dare to be sloppy in the slightest, and immediately put his hands together, forming a purple lightning wall in front of him.

The swords that were fired at it were struck by purple lightning and either fell to the ground or changed direction. When there were only a few swords left, Chen Han pushed hard, and they flew directly towards the giant.

The Decepticon saw the sword and did not dodge, but let those sharp swords pass through his body, to Chen Han's surprise, those sharp swords passed through the giant's body as if through the air, but the giant was not affected in the slightest, at that moment, he was just a ball of light and shadow, and the sword naturally had no way to hurt him.

Seeing that the sword still didn't hurt Chen Han, this time the Decepticon didn't even bother to speak, and directly spewed out a stream of green gas with a strong fishy smell from his mouth, and in the middle of these gases, there was also a huge fist wrapped around it, like a cannonball, attacking Chen Han.

Chen Han immediately made a protective wall in front of him, and although he blocked the gas, the smell still wafted over, and Chen Han suddenly felt a churning in his stomach, and he felt like he wanted to vomit.

Chen Han's fierce fist smashed on the ground, and an earthen wall suddenly rose on the ground, running towards the three dwarfs at a very fast speed, the giant snorted coldly, and suddenly there was a giant hammer in his hand, and he raised the hammer and smashed it directly towards the earthen wall.

As soon as he hammered down, the earthen wall immediately collapsed, but what he didn't expect was that Chen Han's head poked out of the earthen wall.

Through observation, Chen Han found that although his strength was very large, his movements were very clumsy, and if he was in close combat, he would definitely have no choice.

The giant was obviously aware of Chen Han's intentions, and he hurriedly retreated in a panic, but Chen Han's body was far more agile than him, and by the time the giant came to his senses, Chen Han was already standing on his head.

He was very angry and wanted to pull Chen Han off his head, but every time he reached out to grab Chen Han, Chen Han was very flexible and dodged, but Chen Han didn't catch it, and Dao scratched his scalp a lot.

"Boy, what kind of hero are you hiding on my head." Seeing that there was no way to catch Chen Han, the Decepticon immediately used the agitation method.

"Hehe, I'm not a hero on your head, you're a hero under my crotch?" Chen Han teased with a wicked smile.

When the Decepticon heard this, he was immediately so angry that he grabbed again, but his speed was not on the same order of magnitude as Chen Han at all, and the more force he used, the more serious his injuries would be.

"Chen Han, can you come down and fight with me in open fire."

As long as Chen Han stayed on the head of the Decepticon, he had no choice at all, so the Decepticon almost begged Chen Han to get off his head with a crying voice.

"It's useless, I'm going down, I can come up at any time if I want to." Chen Han sat on the head of the Decepticon Giant, stilting Erlang's legs very leisurely, and kicked the giant's eyes with his foot, so frightened that the giant quickly closed his eyes.

When Chen Han kicked him in the eye for the first time, he grabbed Chen Han's foot at a very fast speed, but he didn't expect Chen Han's foot to be as slippery as a loach, not only did he not find Chen Han's foot, but he almost blinded his eye.

Suddenly, the giant heard a pop above his head, and his body couldn't help but stir up, and quickly asked.

"Boy, what are you doing here?"

"I broke my stomach from eating before, and I really want to go to the toilet now, what should I do?" Chen Han asked sheepishly.

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