"Do you really don't understand or fake don't understand, don't you see, I don't have any wild leopard group in my eyes at all, let alone a ghost eye, even if the wild leopard is standing in front of me, as long as he dares to provoke me, I will also break his legs."

After Chen Han said this, the scene became very quiet, even the fourth child didn't know how to pick it up, in their cognition, there was no possibility for anyone to challenge the Wild Leopard Group.

In Aunt Mei's eyes, Chen Han is a complete madman, but this madman can now decide her life and death in minutes, so she decided to put all other thoughts behind her and find a way to complete self-preservation first.

"Chen Han, no matter what you plan to do in the future, please let us go first, if you have anything you want to say to the senior management of our group, I can convey it to you, and even if you want to communicate with them face-to-face, I will try my best to match."

In Mei Gu's view, Chen Han is the kind of young man who is unwilling to take the ordinary road with unique skills, as the power of the Wild Leopard Group grows bigger and bigger, the threshold for joining is getting higher and higher, under normal circumstances, it is impossible for a little-known young man like Chen Han to be qualified to join the group, even if he is lucky enough to join, he has to start from the lowest level of errands.

But Chen Han will inevitably be valued by the top management if he joins the Wild Leopard Group by going against the Wild Leopard Group first, fully demonstrating his ability, and then joining the Wild Leopard Group, if it weren't for this reason, Mei Gu really can't figure out why Chen Han is so arrogant to the people of the Wild Leopard Group.

"Communicate with them, I don't have this leisure, if you didn't provoke me before, I wouldn't have ignored them, but now that they have provoked me, you have to pay for your actions, don't you want to listen to my request, now I will say the request."

Mei Gu heard that Chen Han was going to say what he wanted, and immediately showed a relieved smile on her face, with the strength that Chen Han is showing now, if she asks to be a captain, although there is no such precedent before, she will support it.

"Okay, you say, I will do everything possible to meet your request, and if I have the opportunity to go on a mission with you in the future, I will definitely be honored." Mei Gu looked at Chen Han with tender eyes, and at this moment Chen Han only needed to blow at her, and she could be pushed.

Chen Han knew that Aunt Mei had misunderstood what he meant, and he didn't bother to explain, but said word by word.

"I have two brothers who are seriously injured and need regeneration pills to live, within twenty-four hours, bring two regeneration pills to me, otherwise, that guy will become a bloodless corpse. It is not yet certain whether the murderer who injured my brother is from your Wild Leopard Group, and if so, the murderer must cut off his arms and kneel to beg forgiveness from the two victims. "

Mei Gu didn't expect Chen Han's request to be so absurd, she was stunned for a moment, and then said categorically: "Chen Han, you probably don't know the temper of the demon doctor and the difficulty of refining the Regeneration Pill, except for the Wild Leopard Boss, no one can get the Regeneration Pill from him." "

"Yes, you probably don't know my temper, since I said such a thing, it will definitely come true, I'm telling you my decision, not discussing the possibility with you, if his life is not worth two regeneration pills, I will continue to increase the stakes, his own life, it should be worth it."

Mei Gu is now completely speechless to Chen Han, it is the first time she has seen someone who dares to threaten the magic doctor, even if it is Lord Wild Leopard, she is polite when talking to the magic doctor.

Mei Gu felt that she didn't need to communicate too much with a madman, anyway, in order to get out, no matter what Chen Han said, she should come down first, it's a pity, such a good skin is actually draped on the body of a madman.

"Okay, Chen Han, I will definitely convey your words as they are, now we can go."

"Don't worry, the Rebirth Pill must be sent by Ghost Eye personally, because I suspect that he is the murderer who injured my two brothers, or the old rule, you can leave, but everyone else except you has to stay, either join our Qicheng Empire, or be refined by me."

"Boy, you're too crazy, think about back then, when grandpa was roaming the rivers and lakes..." A big man couldn't stand Chen Han's eyes anymore, so he took out a weapon with a very strange shape from behind his back and said to Chen Han viciously.

The rest of the pirates had long held their breath in their hearts, and now when they saw someone taking the lead, they also escaped with their weapons one after another, surrounding Chen Han.

"Brothers, we are always the only ones who decide the life and death of others, when it is our turn to live by looking at other people's faces, for the dignity of the wild leopard, let's fight with him."

After Dahan finished speaking, he took the lead in rushing towards Chen Han. Dozens of people instantly pounced on Chen Han like a swarm of bees, and the thick murderous aura coming from these people couldn't help but make Chen Han's brows furrow, it was impossible for people who didn't kill people often to have such a strong murderous aura on their bodies.

When Dahan was only five steps away from Chen Han, several purple lightning bolts suddenly appeared in front of him, his body was originally soaring into the air, after being struck by purple lightning, he stopped in the air for several seconds, and when he fell to the ground, it had turned into a cloud of black charcoal.

The situation of the other people is very similar to this big man, when they saw the person in front of them being directly turned into ashes, the people behind turned around and wanted to run, but how could their speed compete with lightning, in just a few minutes, dozens of lives that were still alive just now had turned into a large pile of black ash.

Everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them, especially the few people who betrayed the Wild Leopard Group, and at this moment they suddenly felt how wise their previous rebellion was.

Just when they were secretly rejoicing, Chen Han suddenly waved at them, so frightened that they almost peed their pants on the spot, and thought that Chen Han was going to turn them into ashes, and when they understood that Chen Han was letting them use these ashes as fertilizer to raise flowers, they suddenly felt that they had picked up a rotten life.

Compared with the previous transformation of the people of the Wild Leopard Group into slaves, this time Chen Han's methods are obviously much more cruel, Mei Gu is now so scared that she doesn't even dare to come out, she is like a puppet, looking at Chen Han stupidly, even if Chen Han asks her to commit suicide at this moment, she will do it.

"Okay, there's nothing for you here, hurry up, otherwise this kid will die unjustly." Chen Han pointed to the boxer brother who was buried with only one head left, and said indifferently.

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