In a world full of savagery, where the status of humanity has not yet fully emerged from the various beasts, they are dressed in leaves and hides, and fight every day for their own survival, or for the survival of their race.

In fact, a few years ago, they were completely inferior in the fight with the wolves, whether it was a heads-up or a team battle, they were not the opponents of the wolves, and in a life-and-death turf battle, they were driven by the wolves to a small mountain.

The wolves had surrounded them to death, and from time to time they carried out some suicide attacks on them, and when the food was getting scarce and the humans were about to be wiped out by the wolves, suddenly a group of immortals came out of the sky, and they sat on mounts that could float around in the air at will, and wherever they pointed their fingers, there would be a violent explosion.

The wolves were quickly driven away by the gods, who not only helped them drive away the wolves, but also taught them to make some handy weapons. With these weapons, they gradually stood out from the beasts and slowly climbed to the top of the food chain, and now even Panlong will choose to avoid them when he sees them.

This group of immortals lived on the top of a very steep mountain, and the first geographical name given by the barbarians was the place where the group of immortals lived, the Immortal Mountain. Every month they would go to the foot of the fairy mountain to worship, this group of immortals rarely interfered with their lives, only occasionally they would ask them to ask for some boys and girls, every time they received such a task, they would show great enthusiasm.

The immortals in the mouth of this group of barbarians are none other than those pirates of the Wild Leopard Group, this barbarian world is their headquarters, and the Immortal Mountain is their general altar, they will hold meetings here from time to time, of course, on the Immortal Mountain, they will also place all kinds of treasures, they are not worried that those barbarians will possess or destroy their treasures, with their intelligence and strength, they simply can't do it.

The human life in this world is very hard, every winter, they will freeze to death or starve to death, of course, if their sincerity can move the gods, they can live a comfortable winter, but this kind of thing is becoming more and more difficult to encounter.

But the outside world has entered a cold winter, the earth is white, people only use tight snuggling to resist the cold, but the fairy mountain is a different scene, there is a fairy cave on the fairy mountain, the hole is very narrow, go a few hundred meters inside, it will suddenly open up, it is completely a very modern metropolis.

In those luxurious buildings, in the middle position, is a building with the appearance of a wild leopard, at his head is the conference room of the wild leopard group, different from the laughter and laughter of weekdays, the conference room at this moment seems very quiet, so quiet that people feel Xiao Killing.

Sitting in the middle was a young woman in a veil, all eyes on her, as if waiting for her to make a very important decision.

"As more and more forces enter the universe and space, the situation here is becoming more and more chaotic, the formation of a provisional government is the general trend, no one can stop it, but as for the establishment of the provisional government, whether we are the object of their clearance, I think the head of the house does not have to worry too much, no matter how black things are, they can be whitewashed, and when it comes to robbery in the future, use some more hidden means."

The woman's words were very soft, but they gave people an unmistakable majesty, as if she was muttering to herself, but her voice spread through every corner of the conference room.

"You can't say that, now we are so free, we can do whatever we want, even if we meet the time hunters, we just fight with them, we can fight if we can, and if we can't fight, we will run, after the establishment of some bullshit government, when they do it with us in the future, they will become famous." A one-eyed dragon slapped the table and said angrily.

"Brother Long, you think too much, the teacher is famous and is a fart, hard fists are the last word, no matter who he represents, as long as he dares to stand in my way, I can't fucking kill him." The other guy with his shirt open and black chest hair said with a look of disdain.

"It's not as simple as you think, they're just throwing stones to ask for directions right now, once we compromise, they'll immediately get an inch, and another day they'll come up with a cosmic space-time law, or even a prison or something, and lock up all the people they can't get used to."

An old man in a white robe said weakly, with a magnifying glass hanging on his chest, and whoever spoke, he pointed it at the other party, as if the other party was a thousand-year-old antique.

"The magic doctor is right, we just can't compromise, and I don't know which bastard it is, if you're full, you have nothing to do with the provisional government, find a way to find him, and get rid of him directly. With your tracking ability, it shouldn't be difficult to find out which guy's whereabouts. "

The wonderful hand has become a crippled hand now, but no one knows, in this situation before, he would always express his opinion, but since he suffered a loss in the hands of Chen Han, he is obviously much more low-key, and no one knows about the things he planted in Chen Han's hands, if he knows that after he becomes a crippled hand, I don't know how many people will beat him.

"What are you bothering about this, Brother Leopard will naturally find a way, as long as Brother Leopard needs it, I will naturally find out the person behind the scenes, but Brother Leopard also said that this is the trend of the times, if you pull this, someone will jump out tomorrow to do this, I think the wisest way is for Brother Leopard to come forward to form this provisional government."

"No, no, how can Brother Leopard do this, he formed this government, who will be the boss of jackals, tigers and leopards?" A white-bearded old man waved his hand again and again.

"The four of them can be the boss, when something happens, they just need to discuss it." Miaoshou said disappreciatively.

"If the four of them really could discuss it, they wouldn't have been separated at the beginning, and the reason why they are so united now is that there is no direct conflict of interest between each other, and once they stay together, the world will be chaotic." The Demon Doctor still spoke weakly, as if he were a terminally ill patient.

"Okay, this matter will naturally have a result when Brother Leopard comes back, so don't forget the topic of today's discussion."

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