With the two key pieces of information of primordial and backward, Huo Niu suddenly felt much more confident, and he quickly found dozens of primordial worlds, but there was no way to confirm whether they were the headquarters of the Wild Leopard Group.

He repeatedly watched the images of these dozens of worlds, and suddenly he enlarged one of the images with an excited face, but he still couldn't see it very clearly, and the reason why he couldn't see clearly was because his energy was not enough, which caused the size of the Eye of the Universe to be too small, and the image couldn't see the details clearly.

He thought about using Chen Han's power, but he was afraid that if he didn't, he would not be punished by Chen Han, and after thinking about it again, he still decided to gamble, if not, he could only resign himself to fate.

"Hanshen, I've found the headquarters of the Wild Leopard Group. The fire bull shouted at Chen Han with the eye of the universe, he tried to get himself excited, but when he thought of the uncertain future, he couldn't cheer up.

Chen Han glanced at it, and from the eyes of the fire cow, he couldn't see the slightest excitement after completing the task, so he asked with a puzzled face.


"Should... It should be true, you have strong energy, you can magnify the eye of the universe and then look at it, and now it is too small in my hand to be 100% sure. "

Chen Han took the Eye of the Universe with a puzzled face, as soon as he used his internal force, the Eye of the Universe swelled rapidly with a roar, the speed was so fast that even Chen Han himself was startled, and the fire bull was even more frightened, he thought that the Eye of the Universe was about to explode, so frightened that he even crawled and rolled backwards.

When the Eye of the Universe stopped expanding, the Fire Bull was completely dumbfounded, it was the size of half a room, which made him wonder very much, how could Chen Han have such a powerful energy, when Chen Han made the Eye of the Universe become so big, the Fire Bull felt incredible, Chen Han, who didn't want to come back from the new world, had such a strong energy.

"Cold... Han God, what have you experienced in the new world, how can your energy become so powerful?" Huo Niu was shocked and a little incoherent, if the sect leader was like Chen Han, his ability suddenly skyrocketed, he would become vulnerable in front of the sect leader in the future.

"My energy is so powerful, it's just that I will increase my energy as needed on different occasions, your energy was too weak before, I only need to show that to deal with you. "

Chen Han couldn't tell the fire bull about the invincible system in his body, so he used the words to scare the fire bull into a daze.

"Is it the Meitang Five Heroes who made you show such powerful energy?"

"They are also worthy, it seems that there is a vice president of the wildfire union, this person is quite powerful, I wanted to capture him alive, but he escaped. "

"Wildfire Guild, I haven't heard of it, the vice president of a small guild is so powerful?"

With the energy of the fire bull, he dared to say that the Wildfire Union was a small guild, which could only show his ignorance, Chen Han did not refute it directly, but said it lightly.

"This union seems to be dedicated to hunting those hunters, and it seems to be a sworn enemy of the hunters' union, and it seems to have an absolute upper hand now. "

When the fire bull heard this, his jaw was about to dislocate in surprise, he didn't expect that such a union still existed, he knew that there was such a union, and he would not have retreated when he was in the prime of life, he wanted to wash his hands in a golden basin, in addition to thinking that the things he earned were enough for him to live the second half of his life, he also thought that the space-time hunter was too annoying, and chased him to the end of his life.

He knew that there was such a union to rely on, so why was he so afraid of those hunters, it was a big deal to ask for help from this union, and he instantly found his own feeling in the wildfire union.

"Hmph, don't get too happy, as far as I know, this wildfire union is not trying to stand up for you pirates, they just want to create panic in this universe by hunting hunters, so that everyone can reach a consensus and form a temporary government in what they call it. Huo Niu's mood had just begun to grow, and he was splashed with a basin of cold water by Chen Han, and he said with a look of surprise.

"The establishment of a provisional government, what do these people think, the universe is so big, can he manage it with a government, if a person violates the laws they have made, there are too many places to hide, how can they bring this person to justice?"

Chen Han immediately thought of the history of the world where he was originally located, now a powerful tribe was formed in the Central Plains, and then the power slowly extended, at the beginning there must be many places that could not be ruled, so they were collectively called the Wild Lands, once their means of domination increased, the scope of their management became wider and wider, and finally achieved the goal of ruling the entire universe and space.

Chen Han didn't know that in this cosmic space-time, in the end it was the Central Plains, and he had no intention of participating in any provisional government, anyway, it was impossible to expect him to accept the rule, but he would not seize the power of this temporary government, just to provide protection for these people in the Qicheng Empire, he felt very troublesome, not to mention the various creatures in the entire universe and space.

"Okay, I won't discuss with you about these haves and nots, you quickly find out the headquarters of the Wild Leopard Empire for me, before I leave here, the Wild Leopard Group is their biggest threat, and I must eliminate them. Chen Han said very naturally.

"Hanshen, do you want to wipe out the entire Wild Leopard Group?"

If it weren't for the fact that the Eye of the Universe in front of him had become so huge, Huo Niu would definitely think that Chen Han was dreaming of an idiot. But with Chen Han's current ability, he didn't know if he could be the enemy of the entire Wild Leopard Group, he only knew that the strength of the two forces was far beyond his imagination, and he couldn't judge who was stronger.

"It doesn't have to be eliminated, if they are willing to become vassals of the Qicheng Empire and defend the safety of the Empire to the death, I can consider keeping them behind and becoming a protective line for the Qicheng Empire. Chen Han said with a serious face.

Huoniu didn't know how to take this next, anyway, what Chen Han said was something he didn't dare to dream of, of course, he didn't dare to say to his face that Chen Han was delusional, after all, one thing was certain, that is, Chen Han wanted to kill him, but it was only a matter of minutes.

"Chill God, let's take a look at the world I've found. "

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