PS:【Chapter 21 is revised for the second time. I don’t know where so many problems come from… If there are any other problems, just say them here. It’s hard to revise the previous chapters after a long time.

Dukao left disappointed.

He didn’t dare to try. He didn’t dare to anger Bai Yu before he figured out the other party’s identity.

If Bai Yu said, if he lost control, the consequences would be something Dukao couldn’t bear.

In the evening, the puppet Bai Yu came back for a stroll. He had a good harvest in the afternoon. He met Zhao Xin and successfully gained a younger brother.

He is not interested in men, but he will not be around women all day.

He thinks it’s interesting to make things difficult for Dukao.

Just think about it, if the Xiongbing Company is formed later and Dukao is giving orders, he calls everyone away with a phone call, what kind of expression will the other party have.

Just thinking about it, Bai Yu is very happy.

Protecting the earth is something that the earthlings have to do themselves. You, an alien, can stay where you want. If you really want to protect it, you should have cultivated those super-god genes since childhood. What’s the point of cramming at the last minute? Being beaten like a dog.

Even if the Tianhe battle was won in the end, whose responsibility would be for the casualties? And why celebrate?

If the power of the galaxy had been cultivated a thousand years ago, there would be no Taotie now.

Although he came a little late, his methods are definitely more efficient than those aliens like Dukao.

Potential is squeezed out.

How can you be called a warrior without being baptized in blood?

Personally training a group of younger brothers and then defending this planet, just thinking about it makes me feel full of accomplishment.

After all, he is invincible.

If he kills the enemy with a slap, it would be like crushing an ant a few times, which is meaningless.

The reason why playing games with cheats is fun is that within the same framework, you can suppress others without any scruples, but after a long time, you will feel like you are playing against a robot, and gradually lose interest in the whole game.

The greatest pleasure of being invincible is not to completely suppress the opponent, but within certain rules, others can only endure if they are unhappy, but you can directly overturn the table if you are unhappy, or even directly attack the player, and stage a real-life PK

“Big brother, big brother!”

“What’s wrong with you?

Looking at the puppet Bai Yu with dilated pupils and lifeless eyes, Rui Mengmeng kept shouting in worry.

“Ah~~ What’s wrong, Mengmeng?”

After a long time, Bai Yu came back to his senses and looked at Rui Mengmeng.

“Brother, you scared me to death. I thought……”

“You looked like you were dead.”

“Forehead~~~I was distracted just now.”

Bai Yu was a little embarrassed.

I haven’t seen Bai Yu for two days. Today, Kasumigaoka Utaha came to visit.

Then, they were so close that he lost his focus and lost contact with the puppet.

While Bai Yu was conquering, the puppet Bai Yu was comforting Rui Mengmeng.

“I’m fine, Mengmeng”

“If you see me like this in the future, you don’t have to worry too much. This doll sometimes short-circuits.”

“Just like sometimes the cell phone has no signal, you know.”

“So if you see me for a long time without any movement, you don’t have to worry about it.”


Rui Mengmeng nodded, not quite understanding.

Qiangwei was thinking on the side.

She understood the words puppet and short circuit, but it was a little hard to understand when combined with the puppet Baiyu. After thinking carefully for a while, she had a bold guess.

The guy in front of her is not a human!

Thinking of the touch of the shoulder when she massaged the puppet Baiyu before, there was nothing wrong at first touch, but when she applied force, she found that the hardness under the skin was very strange. It didn’t look like muscle, but more like metal.

This made him more certain of the idea in his mind.

The puppet Baiyu was a spy sent by some advanced civilization, or perhaps a scout of Taotie. After all, she knew that they were the only ones who liked to transform life into mechanical bodies.

Confirming this idea made her a little anxious.

She wanted to pass the message back to Dukao, but not now. She didn’t dare to do so while the puppet Baiyu was still there.

After comforting Rui Mengmeng, Bai Yu directly disconnected the link and asked Rui Mengmeng to look at the puppet. The battle on Bai Yu’s side was still going on. He had to concentrate on dealing with the enemy in front of him. That was it for Chao Shen today.

“Haha, Xiao Liangpi, how dare you be so rampant today!”

“See how I deal with you”


Kasumigaoka Utaha was startled by Bai Yu’s sudden seriousness.

Feeling unable to resist, Kasumigaoka Utaha quickly turned to Kanae for help. Kanae was only busy playing in the wild and had no intention of helping to share the firepower.

Fortunately, with Thor, the strongest auxiliary, there was no need for Kasumigaoka Utaha to return to the crystal so quickly.

The game was played one after another until the early morning when Bai Yu fell asleep contentedly.

The next day, early in the morning, there was a sudden violent knock on the door, which woke Bai Yu up from his sweet dream.

Bai Yu turned over dissatisfied and hugged Kanae.

After a while, the knocking stopped, but the bedroom door was pushed open with a bang.

“Bai Yu!”

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