Hearing the explosion and the shaking of the ship, everyone panicked instantly.

“what happens!”

“What happened to the ship?”

The teachers tried their best to maintain order, and the students screamed and scattered in panic.

Various sounds mixed together to form a strange symphony, which Bai Yu listened to very well on the second floor.

“That’s right, panic, screaming, rioting”

“Wouldn’t this create a good atmosphere?”

After a while, the boat began to tilt, and everyone was getting closer and closer to the water.

Soon, everyone became soaked.

Fortunately, Bai Yu knew how to handle the situation. Except for the unlucky ones who were trampled to death or injured, there were basically no casualties. Only those who couldn’t swim had to suffer.

Bai Yu was always observing each target to make sure that they were all fine. Otherwise, he would not take any action.

This place is not far from the island. Even girls can swim over if they come slowly.

He was always observing the dangers in the sea, so there was no need to worry about any shark attacks.

After that, Bai Yu sank into the sea and swam to a cabin.

“Little white cat, I’m here to save you.”

In the cabin, Arisu Sakayanagi, who had taken a leave of absence from the exam due to poor health, had been staying here. When the explosion happened before, she went out to check, but she was scared when she saw the crowd running around like crazy and hid back.

But once she came back, she could never get out again.

The ship quickly fell into the water, and the terrifying water pressure outside the door prevented her from opening the door. Even if the window could be opened, she didn’t dare to.

With her physical condition, she knew that she couldn’t swim out at all and was dead.

Now she can only lie on the bed in despair and watch the water from the crack in the door gradually fill the room.

Until the room was completely filled with water and before she lost consciousness, she saw the door open.

A somewhat familiar face soon came into her eyes. She remembered that she had seen him several times on the deck before. Is he here to save me…

The last time she was conscious, she only felt that her lips seemed to be bitten

“This little white cat is really light”

“No wonder she’s so weak.”

After floating to the surface with Sakayanagi Arisu, Bai Yu didn’t forget to let her breathe again.

Holding her, Bai Yu didn’t dare to use force, so he could only let her half hang on his arm, because he was afraid that he would accidentally break her slender waist.

Looking around, there were still many confused people staying where they were, and those who had brains had already swam towards the island.

In his mental power, Bai Yu saw that Kasumigaoka Utaha and the others were almost approaching the island, so he didn’t stay and swam slowly towards the island with Sakayanagi Arisu on his back.

On the way, Sakayanagi Arisu She woke up, but she didn’t say anything. She just lay quietly on Bai Yu’s back and stared at his handsome profile.

She was very confused at this time. She didn’t even know him, so why did he save her?

She pursed her lips, recalling the feeling before she lost consciousness.

She knew what it was, and she knew that her first kiss was gone.

Perhaps it was because it was taken away for the first time, or because of the life-saving grace, which made her have a great liking for Bai Yu, and a strong curiosity.

Until she got to the island, Sakayanagi Arisu didn’t say a word.

It was Bai Yu who broke the silence first.

Little white cat , are you planning to stay here forever?”?”

“Little white cat?”

“Is he calling me?”

Bai Yu continued to walk forward. Although he said so, he did not let go of the other party.

“My name is Sakayanagi Arisu, not Little White Cat, but I can give you permission to call me that.”

Bai Yu:”……”


“I don’t need anyone’s permission to call me.”

Sakayanagi Arisu:”What a domineering guy.”

“What’s your name then?”

Bai Yu:”You can call me husband, or you can call me husband. I also have a nickname called dear.”

You can choose it yourself.”……”

“How can this be possible? Not only is it overbearing, it is also shameless.”

“Haha, that’s not the tone you use to talk to your savior.”

Bai Yu suddenly stopped and jumped.

Sakayanagi Arisu started rubbing against Bai Yu’s back.

“Well, the person is not big but the front is quite big. Is he so weak because all the nutrients went to the front?”

Bai Yu thought secretly.

This action made Arisu Sakayanagi blush extremely, but he endured it without saying a word.

After walking for a while, Arisu Sakayanagi suddenly asked:”Hey, bad guy, why did you save me? We don’t know each other.”

“I like you.”

Bai Yu didn’t try to hide it.


“What, don’t you have anything else to ask?”

Sakayanagi Arisu:”What?”

She was touched for a moment by Bai Yu’s invisible confession, but it was only for a moment.

She is a very rational person. She will only be grateful for the life-saving grace, but will never directly fall in love.

But curiosity will make her fall gradually.

Bai Yu:”Don’t you want to know why the cruise ship suddenly sank?”

Sakayanagi Arisu:”Do you know?”

Bai Yu:”Of course I know, because I did it.”

Sakayanagi Arisu:”Oh~~~~You are really amazing, so why did you do this?”

Bai Yu knew that the other party didn’t believe her and was just following her words, but it didn’t matter, she just wanted to find a topic to talk more.

“The purpose is naturally boring. Don’t you think it’s not immersive to play a deserted island survival game with a cruise ship parked in the distance that you can exit at any time?”

Sakayanagi Arisu thought for a while and said,”It makes sense. It’s really not immersive.”

“But we are just here to take the test, not to live on an isolated island.”

Bai Yu:”What’s the point of such a test? Flowers need to experience real wind and rain to grow. Artificial and measured watering is totally incomparable to real heavy rain.”

Sakayanagi Arisu:”Okay”

“So how did you manage to sink the cruise ship?”

She was very curious about how Bai Yu would answer this question.

“You will know in the future.”

The meaningless words made Sakayanagi Arisu a little confused for a while.

After walking for a while, Bai Yu stopped and slowly put Sakayanagi Arisu down.

In front of them was a clear river, so clear that the two could clearly see some small fish swimming happily at the bottom of the river.

“Take a bath first. If the sea water dries up, you will feel uncomfortable all over.”

���The proposal was a good one, but Bai Yu was a man here, so Sakayanagi Arisu found it hard to accept.

Although they had almost zero-distance contact just now, it was a completely different feeling to be completely free of restraints.

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