“Then I will… stand on Ayanokouji’s side”

“Are you serious?”

“Well, Ryuen Sho is too cruel”

“I’m afraid that when he becomes the leader, he will first use those of us who have not taken sides to establish our authority.”

After hearing this, several people were silent.

After hearing this, Bai Yu also understood the general situation.

“Isn’t this a coincidence?”

“The two gangs are fighting to the death, and I just need to watch from the sidelines.”

“It seems that tonight will be a sleepless night.”

Bai Yu left, he planned to watch the show later.

After going around his own camp and Kasumigaoka Utaha’s camp, it soon got dark.

Bai Yu slowly came to the practical training camp.

Because it was still early, everyone was in good spirits. Several bonfires far away were full of people, and the people here were clearly divided into three groups.

But Bai Yu found the fourth group of people, who were hiding on the hillside in the distance and observing here.

It was not known whether they were invaders or foreign aid called by the other party.

“It’s really getting more and more interesting.”

Bai Yu found a bonfire and squeezed in.

He put his arm around the girl next to him and listened to their conversation quietly.

“What’s wrong with you, Ibuki!”

When Ryuen Sho pointed her out, Ibuki Mio twisted her waist uncomfortably and said,”Nothing, it seems like a bug bit me.”

Seeing this, Bai Yu smiled evilly and grabbed the stunted one that was different from Sakayanagi Arisu.

The strange feeling made Ibuki Mio tremble subconsciously.

“Ibuki! What are you doing? If you have any questions, just tell me. Are you trying to express your dissatisfaction with me?”

Ibuki Mio’s actions once again attracted Ryuen Sho’s angry glares.

“You guys talk, I’m not feeling well and need to rest for a while.”

After saying that, Ibuki Mio got up and left.

“Damn you! If you weren’t such a good fighter, I would have dealt with you long ago for being such a hypocritical guy.”

Looking at Ibuki Mio’s back, Ryuen Sho’s face was full of venom.

Bai Yu also got up and left in boredom. After the girl left, the conversation was meaningless.

Coming to Class D, he noticed a small group whispering, and Bai Yu immediately went over.

“Long Yuan will probably take action tonight”

“Ayanokouji, what’s your plan?

Ayanokouji:”Take action in advance and take down Ryuen Sho first.”

“It’s a good suggestion, but whoever plays as a striker will be surrounded by many people all the time.”

Ayanokouji:”I am enough, I will leave the rest to you.”

Are you serious?”

Well, since you are so confident, I will leave it to you.”


Bai Yu felt a little bored.

If he were to say, what are you waiting for? Just pick up a torch and charge in.

A big fight is so interesting.

But he didn’t mean to intervene.

Seeing that the battle would last for a while, Bai Yu chose a small shed made of dead branches and leaves and crawled in.

Ibuki Mio lay flat on her back and looked at the roof, her mind full of scenes that might happen later.

To be honest, she didn’t want to do it, but in order to survive and to continue to have a foothold here in the future, she had to do it.


Suddenly she felt the same feeling again, and she sat up reflexively.

Then she looked around hurriedly, but found nothing.

There was still a heavy feeling in her body, as if it was going to crush her.

After resisting for a moment, she fell down again powerlessly, and then she couldn’t sit up no matter how hard she tried.

At this moment, she was very frightened and thought there was something unclean on the island.

Her face gradually turned pale.

After waiting for a while, she found that except for the strange feeling in her chest, there seemed to be nothing else.

But this did not make her feel at ease, but even more frightened.

“Did I meet a pervert?”

She wanted to dispel that feeling, so she did it herself.

But this not only did not make the feeling go away, but made it even worse.

Seeing this, Bai Yu, who was lying on the side, also smiled.

“It’s really interesting, this little thing is playing by itself.”

Now he has let go, but the other party is still playing by himself.

The time of playing always passes quickly. I don’t know when the bonfire outside was extinguished unconsciously, as if it was in line with the saying that it was a dark and windy night…

Looking at Ibuki Mio who was still immersed in her own fun, Bai Yu walked out of the shed.

After waiting for a while, there was movement outside.

Bai Yu saw clearly that it was someone from Ayanokouji’s side.

The other party was moving towards Ryuen Sho.

But Bai Yu knew even more clearly that Ryuen Sho was also ready to fight at any time.

The two sides fought as soon as they met.

The sound of the fight was like a war horn, and countless people responded.

Soon the whole camp turned into a melee.

After watching for a while, Bai Yu felt a little bored.

There is really nothing to see when a group of ordinary people fight. Women are okay, they can even tear each other’s clothes in a fight, but men are not so good to see.

The strength of the two sides is not equal. Ayanokouji has more people, but most of them are weaklings.

Although Ryuen Sho’s side is not as many in number, each of them is brave and fierce, otherwise they would not choose to stand on Ryuen Sho’s side.

Although the battle is not one-sided, Ryuen Sho’s side also has a great advantage.

If it weren’t for Ayanokouji, Gaoyuan Temple and others holding on, they would not last more than 10 minutes.

“Here you are”

“Looks like they are invaders.”

Bai Yu looked towards the hillside and saw the fourth wave of troops approaching quickly.

“Then let’s see who will be the winner in the end.”

The fourth wave of people joined and changed the battlefield situation. They instantly controlled the whole place with an overwhelming advantage.

Except for a few who were able to fight, the rest were basically pinned to the ground in an instant. Those who dared to resist were killed directly.

Soon the bloody smell that filled the whole place instantly made some people who still wanted to resist sober up, and they lay down obediently and dared not move.

At this time, only Ryuen Sho and a few confidants and Ayanokouji and others were still struggling to hold on.

But they were at their wits’ end, and they could not win.

Because this group of people were basically adults, the sailors on the cruise ship.

Seeing the end, Bai Yu sighed.

“This is the end”

“I thought the protagonist would explode or something.”

Looking at a group of people being tied up by vines, several bonfires were lit again, and the girls who were hiding were also driven out.

Bai Yu knew that it was almost time for him to appear.

“”Hey, long time no see, pretty girl.”

Bai Yu suddenly appeared among the girls, and Horikita Suzune was startled.

She subconsciously called out.

Such a voice suddenly appeared in the quiet environment, and immediately attracted the attention of the sailor boss who was still talking.

When he turned around, he saw Bai Yu standing out from the crowd. His face immediately became ugly and he yelled at the people next to him:”What’s wrong with you! Don’t you see there is a man over there?”

“Go catch him now!”


The two people next to him responded and immediately rushed towards Bai Yu.

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