In other words, Pluto's daughter, Pluto, pursued Guigu and his troops in order to recapture his daughter.

Later, Xuan Yizi rescued Hades' daughter.

It was supposed to end.

But it was Ghost Valley again. He designed and manufactured the coffin of Xuanming that could seal Hades, destroying the Baboo family.

And put the blame on the underworld, so that the Snow Emperor was finally disappointed with the underworld and personally led the army to attack the underworld.

A real holy war broke out. .

in the fifth parallel universe.


The hometown of Hades, the ancestral land.

An epic picture that can sing and cry is about to be presented in front of the skirt members.

The Evil King's True Eye Messenger - Little Bird Touring Liuhua: "Pluto is so handsome! Damn Ghost Valley, what a beast!!!"

The gentle and lovely fireproof female sister: "En! It's abominable!"

Brother Control-Uchiha Itachi: Don't talk about it, let's continue watching..."

Bingqing Yujie-Little Deaf Girl: "Enen!"

County Master Zhao Min: "Okay..."

. . . . .

back to the screen.

Pluto has entrusted his daughter Tianyu to Xuan Yizi, and handed over the power lock left by his wife Phoenix to him. .

. . . . .

Hades was willing to be sealed by Ghost Valley with the coffin of Xuanming.

I just hope that the Snow Emperor can promise to let his people in the underworld go.


See here.

All the skirtmen felt a sadness.

Even Chi Mengli, who uploaded the video, felt sour in his heart, thinking that Hades is too great. .

The gentle and lovely girl who passed the fire: "Hey, hey, the king of Hades is so great, I feel so distressed!"

The Evil King's True Eye Messenger - Little Bird Touring Liuhua: "Me too, this Ghost Valley has the Snow Emperor, it's so annoying, I want to kill them!!"

Brother Control-Uchiha Itachi: "Although I think so, but we are not their opponents at all... Be rational, this has already happened..."

Bingqing Yujie-Little Deaf Girl: "..."

County Master Zhao Min: "..."

The skirt fell silent again.

Itachi is right. Judging from the combat power shown in the video just now, the world where the boss of Hades lives is too terrifying.

The soldiers and generals who are a little more powerful are comparable to or even stronger than Whitebeard. Even if they go, they are courting death.

Super beast world.

Fifth parallel universe.

Inside the coffin of Xuanming.

Shen Xinglou frowned while watching the video.

Feeling very depressed.

Because he is completely integrated with Pluto, although he became Pluto after Pluto was sealed.

But seeing this picture, he recalled the same scene as his own experience.

"Ghost Valley~I will kill it~"

Shen Xinglou said this in a calm tone. .

A terrifying black energy light wave shrouded his body.

This energy is constantly surging, exuding endless silence and darkness, and it is extremely depressed.

One after another, black holes of energy continued to emerge, turning into dark halos. .

The entire space of the coffin of Xuanming was constantly shattered and reorganized, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

It is like the collapse of the heavens and the ups and downs of the era.

hum -------


hum -------------

"Although Shen Xinglou's tone was flat, it was silent anger."

Energy fluctuations on the order of fifteen black holes continuously impacted the space of the coffin of Xuanming. .

There were even countless space cracks and runes of the avenues.

However, it was quickly suppressed by an extremely mysterious and ancient light. .

restored. . .

Chapter 12

The coffin of Xuanming is very magical.

It involves the oldest origin of the super beast universe.

Even Shen Xinglou, who has 15 black hole magnitudes of abnormal energy, can break through 20 black hole magnitudes with all his strength.


Shen Xinglou continued to watch the video in the skirt.


What followed was the most shocking and tragic moment.

All the skirt members held their breaths and dared not speak.


in the screen.

Facing the coercion of the Snow Emperor, Ghost Valley, and hundreds of millions of white-bearded soldiers.

Hades looked indifferent.

Casually walked into the coffin of Xuanming.

Only one voice was left echoing in the universe.

"Winning the king or defeating the bandit is a matter of one thought~"

I hope you, Snow Emperor, can keep your promise, don't step into my underworld, and don't hurt my underworld people.

This is the end of a generation of kings.

The Snow Emperor also respected Hades. .

But because of Guigu's push.

The Snow Emperor finally agreed to Guigu's decision because of his indecisive character.


Then Guigu and Fengyao, carrying hundreds of millions of soldiers from the White Tiger tribe, invaded the forbidden land that they should not have stepped into.

The gate of the underworld.

The moment you step in, it represents the demise of the ghost valley and the hundreds of millions of soldiers of the White Tiger tribe.

They touched Pluto's bottom line.

Pluto had arranged the Xuanming black hole before, although it was true that he was still "weak". .

But with the advantage of the underworld terrain.

The extreme explosion of Xuanming black holes can reach the order of ten black holes, and the abnormal energy level of each black hole is even more terrifying and immeasurable.

Even most of the fifth parallel universe will be affected by the terrifying energy of the mysterious black hole.

Even the Snow Emperor of this era has a nebula body, and his consciousness cannot escape.


The gentle and lovely fireproof female sister: "Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn Ghost Valley, Damn Fengyao, Damn White Tiger Soldier, Damn Snow Emperor!!"

Pluto brother is so wronged! !

The Evil King's True Eye Messenger - Little Bird You Liuhua: "I'm mad at me, I'm mad at me!! Woohoo, I didn't expect Brother Hades to have such a tragic experience!"

Brother Control-Uchiha Itachi: "I can't imagine, Pluto boss, a real man!!"

Bingqing Yujie-Little Deaf Girl: "People can't stand it anymore. Most Hades have given in so much. Will the abominable Ghost Valley step into the last pure land of the Underworld!!"

Be my son: "Kula Lalala, I was tracking Titch, but seeing this scene... Pluto boss, it's really admirable!"

The all-powerful and omniscient group owner said, "Don't worry, everyone, keep looking down!"

To be honest, Chi Mengli was also very angry when he saw this scene.

Although it is said that the scene is constructed by itself, the real plot, everything, is constructed by the chat skirt. .

It's just to provide a concept.

Looking back at the plot again, Chi Mengli was still very angry. .

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