No Mouth Tucao Emperor - Qimu Nanxiong: "It's really powerful, Ultraman, so it really exists~~"

Brother Control-Uchiha Itachi: "There is another newcomer Dave, I feel quite stupid~~"

The real gentleman of Huashan-Yue Buqun: "..., I can't say that I'm stupid, I can only say that I'm crazy."

Bingqing Yujie-Little Deaf Girl: "..."

The legendary Thor-Rey: "Let's not talk about this, the newcomer's experience is very interesting, but Aatrox's experience is relatively bleak in comparison, I hope we and the big guys in the group can help Aatrox more …”

The female general of the Empire - Esdes: "Yes, the experience of Aatrox's predecessors is legendary, but the fate is a bit...' ‖."

Qingqing Prairie - Happy Young Master: "Listen to Sister Esdes, it's really the case."

Bingqing Yujie-Little Deaf Girl: "In contrast, I feel that the king of Ultra is a born king, invincible all the way~~"

The Evil King's True Eye Messenger-Little Bird Tour Liuhua: "Kukuku, indeed, it feels friendly, but powerful. It may be my psychological problem. I feel that the predecessors of the King of Ultra are the same as Doraemon!!!"

Nobita Nobita: "Strongly agree!"


Plants vs. Zombies.

After taking care of a giant zombie, Dave breathed a sigh of relief after looking at the information in the chat group. It seemed that the big guy in the skirt was still very friendly, but he couldn't say nothing. .

Looking at the group mall and group files, Dave intends to contribute something.

the other side. .

Rune Continent.

Ancient Shurima.

A majestic and ancient empire.

At the top of the [-]-meter mountain, a stalwart figure against the background of the sun was trembling constantly.

He is Aatrox. He has completely read his own experience. He can't believe that, as a noble warrior of the gods, the strongest ascender in ancient Shurima, he would actually be reduced to that level, like a monster , life is better than death.

At the same time, he was extremely angry.

I sacrificed so much in order to fight against the Void, and I just want to get the respect I deserve. There is nothing wrong with being treated like this, and those Protoss who regard themselves as very hateful are even more hateful than the Void.

Sealing himself into the blade, he turned the noble and holy man into an ugly and dirty darkspawn.

For a long time, Aatrox's eyes were fiery and deep.

He is very fortunate that he joined the chat group of the heavens, this stalwart and mysterious place.

There is a place that is older and more mysterious than Rune Continent, and there are the most top-notch supreme beings here, even more stalwart than the creation gods he knows.

Even the demigods, celestial spirits, and the void in the legends of the Rune Continent world are incomparable to the supreme beings. .

There is even an existence that the entire Rune Continent world cannot match.

He still has hope, his time is still very long, because he has just obtained the complete Sun Bloodline, and according to the fate line uploaded by the group owner, he still needs a long time.

During this period, he had the opportunity to change himself, and looking at the information in the chat group, he found that everyone in the group was very friendly and even cared about him very much. .

This warmed his heart and moved him very much. He knew that the concern of the group members did not come from the fact that he was a noble warrior of the gods, because every existence in the chat group did not need to cling to him, so the welcome to him came from Sincere. .

Feeling sorry for him is also sincere, and he also read the information and experiences of several big men in the skirt, just like their realm, their experiences are myths, legends, and gods. .

Especially the experience of Pluto's boss made him feel that his grievances and experiences were nothing at all.

There are still long years in the future. With the Zhutian chat group, he believes that everything about himself will be rewritten.

Ultraman world. .

The King of Ultra, who stayed in the endless starry sky, looked at the information of the chat group members.


He murmured: "¨〃It seems that everyone in the chat group is just like the people of the Land of Light, their hearts are full of light, and they are trustworthy partners!"

"And the overall strength level of everyone in the skirt is very powerful, and there are many top bosses."

"The Abandoned Heaven Emperor is probably more terrifying than the legendary giant Noah Ultraman who has guarded the universe since ancient times..."

"As for the group master and senior Hades, they have reached the limit that I can understand. I hope I can learn something (Li Haohao) from them and get along well with everyone in the group."

in the chat group.

Waibi Babu - Crazy Dave: "Wobbi, hello everyone, I'm Dave, I'm very happy to enter such a stalwart place in the Zhutian chat group to meet all the big guys~"

Noble Celestial Warrior - Aatrox: "I didn't expect that I, Aatrox, would become the terminator of the world, the hateful protoss, and the people I saved would treat me like this, they are more hateful than the Void , and...Thank you for your concern for me, I will never forget Aatrox in my life!"

Mysterious Four Ao - King of Ultra: "I thought that the infinite dimensional universe was the limit. I thought that Noah, Rejiedo and the others were the culmination of everything. It seems that even if the will of the universe is just the starting point, the old man's name My name is Pete, and I am very fortunate to be able to meet everyone in the skirt."

"I also hope that the seniors in the skirt will give me guidance.".

Chapter 213

The omnipotent and omniscient group leader said: "Let me say here, although the King of Ultra is a six-star first-level on the surface, but the extreme explosion can reach the six-star peak or even the pseudo-seven-star, and it is the existence of the dimensional universe."

Be my son: "So it turns out, it seems that we have another big guy in our group~~"

Brother Control-Uchiha Itachi: "Anyway, welcome to the newcomers, I hope everyone can get along well..."

"In the group, there are the bosses of Hades and the bosses of the group who are beyond the level of the gods of creation, and the boss of Abandoned Heaven is also the supreme emperor of heaven, and recently there has been a faint breakthrough of the nine-star myth of the multi-dimensional universe. Boss."

On the other side, the super beast armed world.

Looking at the chat records of the chat group members, Shen Xinglou sighed slightly.

Now there are more and more members of the chat group.

Aatrox's experience is indeed very tragic. If he really encounters Protoss persecution in the future, he can help.

After all, Rune Continent is also an incomparably vast and stalwart world. In the future, when he fights in the heavens and the world, Rune Continent, a big world with rich resources, is indispensable. .

Moreover, the experience of Sword Demon is quite similar to his own. Although it is still much worse than his own, it is still desolate and miserable enough. .

The most terrifying thing is not the void and the protoss, but the human heart. They have forgotten the great achievements of Aatrox when he killed the void as a noble celestial warrior.

But these issues are all things in the future. What he needs to pay attention to now is the fourth parallel universe, the fate line about Ye Lingyun's upcoming war. .

In the original plot, Ye Lingyun betrayed himself and became a super beast warrior, although he finally returned to himself. .

However, Shen Xinglou believed that now, Ye Lingyun would never betray him. .

Because the super beast armed world and the grand world view of the heavens and the world have been displayed in front of him, if Ye Lingyun would betray him, apart from the supreme will of the super beast armed world, he couldn't think of any other reason.

Before the nebula body is achieved, it can also gather the power of all the cloud legion, and can have the power of the nebula body.

The nebula body that is understood now, even if it is the Lion King, is not an opponent, but for Shen Xinglou, it is meaningless.

What it needs is to continue to modify the fate line, truly unify the seven parallel universes, obtain the eternal mark, and become the master of the seven parallel universes.

Fulfill your long-cherished wish.

Take back your thoughts.

in the chat group.

A series of information made Shen Xinglou's mouth twitch slightly.

"Ding-----Crazy Bibab---Crazy Dave uploaded a first-level fantasy plant corn cannon and got 1 points..."

"Ding-----Crazy Bibabu---Crazy Dave uploaded the 5-star first-level horror plant destruction mushroom and got [-] points."

"Ding----The noble warrior of the gods-Aatrox uploaded the four-star peak bloodline of the sun and obtained 200 points..."

"Ding-----Noble god warrior-Aatrox uploaded a four-star peak holy skill---God's Awakening and got 300 points."

"Ding-------Noble Celestial Warrior-Aatrox uploaded a five-star first-level Celestial Skill-----God descended to earth to get 500 points!!!"

"Ding----Mysterious Four Ultra-The King of Ultras uploaded the five-star primary king skill King Flash and got 300 million points..."

"Ding-----Mysterious Four Ultra-The King of Ultra has uploaded a five-star peak world-destroying technique---The King Spark has won 800 million points."

"Ding-------Mysterious Four Ultra-The King of Ultra has uploaded a six-star entry-level ban skill-----Cosmic Prison gets 1500 million points!!!"

"Ding-------Mysterious Four Ultra-The King of Ultra has uploaded a six-star mid-level supernatural power-----The technique of heaven and earth mutation gets 2500 million points!!!! (The one who controls the climate of heaven and earth (cfaj ) ability, you can control the weather and stars with a single finger, and control the changes in the weather, rain, snow, and snow, and use it as a weapon.)”

"Ding-----Mysterious Four Ultra-The King of Ultra has uploaded the first-level supreme skill of the seven stars---the king's transformation will get 8000 million points. (It can be merged with the universe, and it can collapse and create the universe)"


The notification sound of the chat group came.

"Because there are too many group members now, even if the new group members have the willingness to provide them for free, they still need to purchase half of the original value of points. For the construction of the chat group, I hope everyone can understand.

After 24 hours, all of them will be included in the group mall, and the group members who join in the future need to purchase points. . "

The Queen of the Great Zhou Dynasty-Wu Lin bought...  

Imperial Shake S female general Esdes bought...  

God of Creation and Destruction - Abandoned Heaven purchased...

Mouthless Tucao Emperor - Qimu Nanxiong bought......

The legendary Thor - Rey bought the...  

The chat group fell into a temporary silence.



The Evil King's True Eye Messenger-Little Bird Swimming Liuhua: "Woo woo woo, I left tears of poverty!!!"

The female general of the empire - Esdes: "There are more and more members in the group, and there is no way to do it~~~ Sister Liuhua works hard, and you can get enough points~~"

God of Blind Stupidity - Pai Daxing: "Yeah, I uploaded the inside... er... inside... I forgot, hey..."

Brother Control-Uchiha Itachi: "Pie...Pie is always different..."

The ultimate martial arts-the supreme master Ling Donglai: "I feel that there are more and more bosses in the group, and this old man is simply not worthy of the title of supreme master!"


There was silence in the chat group.

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