I saw a quaint and illusory clothes exuding a deadly silence formed in the void.

Instantly draped over the fire-resistant girl.

The fire-proof girl feels a warm current pouring into her body instantly, very comfortable~

And she could feel a very terrifying force protecting her in the dark.

"Pluto, what is this?"

The little deaf girl and everyone in your skirt looked at Shen Xinglou curiously, and were also very puzzled.


Shen Xinglou said in a flat tone, "This is Xuanming's Clothes. It is constructed with the supernatural energy of the deity and the supreme belief that belongs to the king. It possesses a supernatural energy of the magnitude of a black hole, which can absorb all attacks, including the attacks of the soul's mental state."

Even if the planet is destroyed, the clothes of Xuanming are safe and sound.

Brother Control-Uchiha Itachi: "Isn't this thing more fragrant than Susanoo? As expected of the boss of Hades, random shots are so terrifying~"

County Master Zhao Min: "It's sour, sour, why don't I have such good things!"

The gentle and lovely fireproof female sister: "Slightly slightly, who told you not to accept the mission with Hades??"

Be my son: "Kulala Lala, this Xuanming Clothes is a reward for the courage of a fireproof girl!"

The all-powerful and omniscient group owner said: "Ahem, in order to let everyone more intuitively know how terrifying the clothes of Xuanming made by the big boss of Hades, I set a data for everyone~"


The monster revives the world.

Chi Mengli used the authority of the group owner to see the data of the clothes of Xuanming made by Shen Xinglou at will, and it was sour.

She didn't argue with any immortal king of silence at all. If she really had the ability, would she still chat with these sand sculpture group friends. .

It was not because he was afraid that he would be pushed to perform the task, that he had revealed himself. .

Fortunately, there is a Pluto boss in the skirt, otherwise it will be troublesome. .

. . . . .

So she's been diving all the time.

Just now, she used the authority of the group owner to see the data of the clothes of Xuanming made at random by Shen Xinglou.

Everyone is stupid and sour. In order to make other skirt friends feel sour together, she uploaded a screenshot of the data of Xuanming's clothes.

"Magic Treasure: Clothes of Xuanming (Four-Star Elementary)"

God-level body protection treasure

Function: It can defend against the explosion of the planet.

Body Protection: Dark God Ring----When threatened, countless fist-sized black holes will appear all over the body, and the power is enough to resist the blow of the gods and absorb the energy of the attacker.

Absolute dimension, in the vicinity of countless miniature black holes constructed by the Cloak of Profound Underworld, time and dimension are temporarily invalid, and while absorbing energy, even if it exceeds the speed of light, it cannot escape.


Brother Control-Uchiha Itachi: "...The boss is the boss, and the magic weapon made at will is the treasure of the divine body level. Even the immortals of the Six Paths may not be able to break through the defense of the clothes of Xuanming."

County Master Zhao Min: "There is nothing to say, I am not worthy of acid, the fire lady got it from her own courage!!"

Be my son: "Kula Lala, the clothes of Xuanming, even if all the superpowers in the entire pirate world gather together, they will not cause any harm to it!"

As expected of the King of Pluto.

Bingqing Yujie-Little Deaf Girl: "Do you know what it's like to have this dress by your side? The fire-proof girl is too happy~~".

Chapter 22

The gentle and lovely fireproof female sister: "This is the praise of Pluto for me as a warrior!!"

The all-powerful and omniscient group owner said: "Cough, now that the Daoist Pluto and the fire-proof girl are here, the little deaf girl can feel at ease."

The deity suggests that the little deaf girl first exchange the 500 points for the Enlightenment Experience Card. .

It is impossible for the Pluto Taoist friend to be by your side all the time. In the future, the world of divine carving will depend on you.

Shen Xinglou saw the group leader's speech.


To the little deaf woman: "The group leader is right. The real power comes from your own strength and belief. At this stage, you need to improve."

The fire-proof girl on the side nodded heavily and said: "En, Pluto is right, if there is a real superpower in my world, then the darkness will not come~~"

Inside the chat skirt.

Brother Control-Uchiha Itachi: "I feel that every word of the boss of Hades contains philosophy, which is worth my deep thinking~"

The Evil King's True Eye Messenger-Little Bird Tour Liuhua: "Kukuku, although I don't understand it, I will use notes to record every word that Hades said~"

County Master Zhao Min: "The skirt time is eighteen a quarter, two minutes, and one second. The boss of Hades said that great power comes from his own strength and belief, which is thought-provoking, and may become the realm that a little girl is pursuing~"

Bingqing Yujie-Little Deaf Girl: "..."

Be my son: "Kula La La La, Zhao Min's little girl is really careful."

The all-powerful and omniscient group leader said: "Every word of Daoist Pluto contains a lot of richness. It even helps you a lot in your practice. Please cherish every word that Daoist said~"

The monster revives the world.

Chi Mengli looked excited at the skirt information.

"As expected of the Pluto boss, every word he said is so compelling."

With such a big guy, even in this world where the terrifying monster is reviving, Ben Mengmei has a place to stand. .


Sculptured world.

"Since the boss of Hades and the group leader said so, then the little girl will exchange the enlightenment experience card~~"

The deaf girl said.

Then the little deaf girl exchanged for the cheapest enlightenment experience card in the skirt mall, spending 500 points.

Shen Xinglou smiled and said, "Don't worry, you can use the Dao Enlightenment Experience Card with peace of mind. With me and the fire girl, no one can hurt you~~"

The fire-proof girl took Shen Xinglou's arm and said with a serious face: "Enen, I and the king of Hades are very powerful~ An Xin and enlightenment, little deaf sister."

The little deaf girl was a little speechless, looking at the fire-proof girl with a confident look on her face.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Good guy, hugging a big guy and saying that you two are amazing, as expected of you, the fire girl. .

Inside the chat skirt.

The Evil King's True Eye Messenger-Little Bird Swimming Liuhua: "Damn, the fire-proof girl went too far, she even embraced the arm of Pluto's brother, with the clothes of Xuanming, you...you are still like this, you bad woman!! "

County Master Zhao Min: "Envy +1, bad woman +1."

Brother Control-Uchiha Itachi: "Oh~ woman, superficial~"

Be my son: "Kulla Lala, itachi boy, you're starting again.."

"Hurry up and let the little deaf girl use the enlightenment experience card to see if this item is very useful as the group owner said."

People are also very much looking forward to it.

Including Shen Xinglou. .

He is the first time to observe the props produced by the chat skirt.

Face the expectations of the crowd.

The little deaf girl also used the enlightenment experience card decisively. .

With the little deaf girl's thoughts moved slightly.

A card exuding a mysterious and simple light appeared in the void.

Then this card turned into a holy light and enveloped the little deaf girl.

The little deaf woman sat cross-legged directly on the spot.

Under the shroud of holy light, the figure of the little deaf woman, which was originally otherworldly, appeared even more hazy and illusory. .

Like a fairy in the dust, her aura is ethereal and graceful.

Everyone in the chat skirt was very shocked.

Is this the function of the Enlightenment Experience Card? .

The fire-proof girl at the scene was even more crazy.

"The little deaf female sister is too beautiful, like a fairy~"

Shen Xinglou saw something deeper.

The layer of holy light that enveloped the little deaf girl was a bit similar to the holy radiance energy of the Snow Emperor, and it was full of holy aura.

But the breath is more ethereal and mysterious, even if he uses the eyes of Xuanming, he can't see through this layer of delusion.

The so-called Eye of Xuanming is Shen Xinglou's endless space of eternal darkness and dead silence in the coffin of Xuanming. .

Using his own supreme belief and supernatural energy to bless his eyes, he can see through all falsehoods, and even sublime and even faintly see the long reincarnation of the past, present, and future that exists in the conceptual world.

The so-called long river of reincarnation.

It is the existence of a concept similar to the long river of time unique to the super beast armed world.

It is intangible and intangible.

It is because of its existence that all the powerhouses have the concept of eternal reincarnation every [-] years.

If there is no accident, the subsequent Xuanming Intuition will be found by the Lion King and the Xuanming Key will help him unlock the seal.

The reduction time given by the system should change the original timeline of the super beast world, and advance the time when the seven parallel universes overlap.

Let the lion king find the key of Xuanming earlier to save himself.

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