Hearing Fuxi's question, everyone in the palace looked at Daozu Hongjun eagerly. .

Waiting for Hongjun to tell, Building Foundation Avenue!


Seeing this, Chi Mengli's mouth twitched slightly. .

good guy. .

This is really a super low-profile prehistoric world.

In this ultra-low-profile prehistoric world, there are simply no Earth Immortals, Heaven Immortals, Daluojin Immortals, etc. in the Prehistoric World.

The innate gods here are just the pinnacle of physical training. .

And the great perfection of qi training is already a quasi-sacred state, and it can be said that there are very few in the ultra-low-end prehistoric world. .

The normal prehistoric versions of the Six Saints such as Nuwa and Fuxi have reached the state of great perfection in qi training, and they are already ceiling-level existences in the super low-end prehistoric world. .

The Taoist ancestor Hongjun has reached the supreme realm of god transformation, and is the Taoist ancestor of the ultra-low-level prehistoric world.

The innate war between gods and demons broke out decades ago.

The Taoist ancestor Hongjun in the early stage of Jindan, Yang Mei in the middle of Jindan, and countless quasi-sages who were at the peak of foundation-building fought against the demon Luohu at the peak of Jindan. .

The battle was extremely bloody.

The top of a mountain was flattened with the jade plate of fortune that was supremely killed.

Countless base-building peaks have fallen. .

Daoist Yang Mei disappeared. .

After this battle, Daozu Hongjun was recognized by heaven and earth, and achieved a realm of spiritual transformation that has never been seen before or since.

Therefore, he is regarded as the Taoist ancestor by the world. .

After reading about the Daozu Hongjun of this ultra-low-profile prehistoric world, Chi Mengli's mouth twitched slightly.

good guy. .

It is worthy of being an ultra-low profile prehistoric world.

To be honest, even if I am myself today, I can still be a Taoist-level figure in this ultra-low-profile prehistoric world~~

In any case, this ultra-low-profile Daozu Hongjun from the prehistoric world joined the chat group as a group friend, and he couldn't always struggle with these.

Stop ranting.

The last new group member, Orochi. .

Chi Mengli was all too familiar. .

Speaking of Orochi, I have to tell the background story of the King of Fighters world. .

in the King of Fighters world. .

The legendary three artifacts are "Grass Zhijian", "Bachi Qionggou Jade", and "Baja Mirror".

1800 years ago, the hot-tempered Sugo Naruto (Susanoo), who dominated Haiyuan, was exiled to the world by his sister Amaterasu (the highest god) because of the change of Amaniwato.

Susanoo saw chopsticks flowing down the river, and determined that there must be people living upstream, so he went upstream to look for it.

As a result, an old couple was found crying in front of a girl (Qidaoji), Susanoo went forward to inquire about the reason, and learned that there is an orochi orochi, a body and eight heads, and it eats one girl every year. Now it is here. There was only one girl left, but she had to be sent as a sacrifice.

Susanoo, who had fallen in love with Chidadahime, was determined to get rid of the big snake. He turned Chidadahime into a comb and carried it on his head. Then he opened eight entrances on the fence and set up eight stands, each stand. There was a container full of spirits on it.

Soon the serpent appeared, it stretched its eight heads in and drank the strong drink, and soon became drunk. At this time, Susanoo pulled out his long sword and chopped the serpent into several pieces.

.Susanoo found a sword in the tail of the big snake, which was one of the three divine weapons, the "Grass Child Sword".Susanoo also used the three sacred weapons to seal the serpent so that it could not be reincarnated.

Later, the descendants of Susanoo were divided into three families: "Kaozhi", "Bachiqiong", and "Yagata", and they jointly guarded the three artifacts.

The ultimate goal of the serpent is to conquer the world.As early as 1800 years ago, the serpent was about to conquer the world. He held a ceremony and required his wife Inada Hime as a sacrifice. As long as the ceremony was over, the world would belong to the serpent.

However, his wife Inada Hime happened to be rescued by Susanoo.

For 800 years, the serpent has been sealed, but he has not forgotten the ceremony.

In 97 King of Fighters, Orochi was released from the seal and found his wife Inada Hime, who wanted to continue the ritual 1800 years ago.Who is his wife Inada Hime?He is Kusakikyo's lover - Snow.

Snow is the reincarnation of his wife Inada Hime.Therefore, Xue became the key figure for the Orochi family to conquer the world. In 97, Orochi targeted her, and finally Orochi's conspiracy was shattered.

The Orochi family is different from humans. Their lives are infinite and they are immortal, so they can't die at all. The only way is to use three artifacts to seal their power so that they can no longer harm humans.

But with the passage of time and some special factors (hatred of Kusanagi and Yagami), the seal will continue to weaken until the seal is lifted.At that time, only after the three major families used three artifacts to seal the Orochi clan again.

Qiong Cangyue Yata (about Yashin-an's grandfather's grandfather) and Grass Pheasant Xuri were good brothers, and they worked together to kill the eight-headed snake.

Cang Yue and Xuri fell in love with a beautiful young lady named Qingcheng.

Qingcheng loves Cang Yue, Cang Yue also likes Qingcheng, but Caozhi also likes Qingcheng, Qingcheng's father asked Caozhi and Yataqiong to compete, and whoever wins can marry Qingcheng.

Before the competition.Yataqiong and Qingcheng were together, and Qingcheng said, "What I like is that you and I are just brothers and sisters to Xuri."

Cang Yue couldn't bear to attack her good brother Xuri, but Xuri liked Qingcheng too much, so she killed Cang Yue and said, "I must marry Miss Qingcheng." Qingcheng's father said in his heart, "My son-in-law is a grass. Pheasant Rising Sun."

Cang Yue was hit by the rising sun, and just before she fainted, she shouted: "The grass pheasant rising sun is no longer brothers, but an old enemy, an old enemy."

Cang Yue was in a coma for several days, and in a dream a voice said to him, "Do you want revenge? Come on.

Break my seal.I give you strength. "

The one who spoke to him was the serpent.

Cang Yue didn't want to do too much, but the big snake showed him another picture, Miss Qingcheng was slapped to the ground by the grass pheasant Xuri, she cried and said, "I love Cang Yue, I don't love you. , I only consider you my brother.

"Cang Yue was furious when she saw it, and was about to untie the seal of the big snake, when Rising Sun found him, Rising Sun tied him up, and Cang Yue lived alone for many years.

Until one day, the big snake told him that Miss Qingcheng was killed by the rising sun, and he became angry.

After breaking the chain, his blood dripped on the seal that sealed the serpent, the seal was undone, and the serpent gave him the power of darkness as promised.

Said that you will not be called Ba Geqiong from now on, your surname is Yashen, Yashen Cangyue. "The Eight Gods Cang Yue slashed blood on her chest with her fingers: "Okay, I swear with my blood that the surname of Yataqiong will never be used again. "

After Cang Yue rushed out, she found that Miss Qingcheng was not dead yet, she had many blisters on her face, and she was in great pain.Hope that the grass pheasant Xuri will kill her, but Xuri can't do it, and Qingcheng is very painful.Pheasant intends to free her.Eight

Qiong Cangyue rushed in, hugged Qingcheng, and said, "I like you. Cang Yue." After speaking, she died. "

Cang Yue was very sad, and Xuri said: "Qingcheng has always liked you, and I have never been sorry for her.

"You shouldn't open the seal of the serpent, let's seal it again."

Cang Yue said, "Okay, for Allure's sake, let's work together again. This is not an example."

He put on Yatagara Qionggou jade, turned the dark power into the ultimate power of justice, and joined forces with the sword of the grass pheasant and the mirror of Yatagara to seal the Orochi family again.

All in all, Orochi is the ceiling of the King of Fighters world, and BUG-level tasks are like gods.

Because of the setting, he has been sealed and never really awakened. His real body has never appeared. Orochi is the patron saint of the earth.

The clue can be seen from the six-star judgment given to him by the chat group. . . . . .

Chapter 262


In short, Chi Mengli is quite satisfied with these three new members. .

In today's era of big bosses in chat groups.

The quality of these three new members is generally good. .

Taking back his thoughts, Chi Mengli chose to invite three new members into the skirt. . .

"Ding! Searched - Myth Derivative World - Infatuated Girl - Bai Suzhen (Five Star Peak)"

"Ding! Searched for the super low-end prehistoric world---nuclear explosion saint---Daozu Hongjun (Samsung Elementary). .

"Ding!!! The King of Fighters Fighting World ----- Earth Will - Orochi (Six-Star Elementary)"

With the notification of the voices of three new members and skirts, the chat group immediately became lively. .

The gentle and lovely fireproof female sister: "Welcome to the newcomer!! Sahua.jpg"

The Great Demon King-Bird's Bullshit King: "Welcome to the newcomers, I haven't joined this dress for a long time, but everyone in the dress is still very friendly, I hope to get along in harmony~"

The Evil King's True Eye Messenger-Little Bird Tour Liuhua: "Welcome to the newcomer! Wow! The newcomer this time is very powerful, quite powerful, and there are people from the mythology derived world, but what does this ultra-low match prehistoric mean~~~~ ~~~”

The first dutiful son of the Three Kingdoms - Lu Bu: "Hahahahaha, the super low match of the Taoist ancestor Hongjun of Honghuang, I feel like I can't even beat the cloth!!"

Be my son: "Kula Lala, Lu Bu, don't laugh at the newcomers, this is the limit of the world, but you, you have been in the group for so long, except for calling your foster father, I didn't see how powerful you are~~ "

The first dutiful son of the Three Kingdoms - Lu Bu: "..."

Brother Control-Uchiha Itachi: "Stop talking about this, welcome to the new group members~~~ Everyone should get along well, and don't make any conflicts~~"

Qingqing Grassland - Happy Young Master: "Welcome to the new......"

"Ding----------warning, warning, it is difficult for the group members to revive""."

"Stimulate special tasks, Shenmu Zhantian!!!"

"Destroy the Heavenly Dao of the Great World of Shenmu, the reward is to be determined..."


The chat group was instantly fried.

The Evil King's Messenger of True Eyes - Little Bird Swimming Liuhua: "What happened, Mr. Chen?? @Silence Ten Thousand Years-Chen Difficult."

The female general of the empire - Esdes: "This task...I feel like no one can do it except the big king of Hades."

Mysterious Four Auras - King of Ultra: "Yeah, other than Senior Pluto, even Senior Abandoning Heaven Emperor cannot kill the Heavenly Dao of the Great World of Shenmu~~"

The Empress of the Great Zhou Dynasty - Wu Lin: "The big world of the [-]-star Kaiyuan Emperor level... is beyond the reach of Lin."

Silent for ten thousand years - Chen Nan: "I climbed out of the dirt bag, and I don't know about the rest."

The Great Demon King-Bird's Bullshit King: "Then don't welcome the newcomers yet. For this task, how about sleeping??"

The real gentleman of Huashan-Yue Buqun: "To tell the truth, it is not suitable for anyone to go in the skirt except for the king of Hades~~"

"The great world of the [-]-star Kaiyuan Emperor, the Heavenly Dao started with [-]-star, this level is not within our reach."

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