Chapter 29

I am very grateful to the readers who support me, and I also try my best to make the protagonist speak with force.

But the protagonist I wrote is a fusion of Pluto, he is not completely Pluto, he also has his own character.

But I will try. .

You don't have to read it about looking for trouble. I welcome suggestions, but if you are disgusting, you will be embarrassed. .

I also know why some people scold me. I think it is better to create works well than anything else.

I will try my best to update the code words for the readers who support me. I have seen all the flowers and comments, tickets and rewards you gave me, and I am very happy.

But human energy is limited, I will try my best to code words. .

Chapter 30

Say goodbye to the little deaf girl for the time being. .

Shen Xinglou set off from Zhongnan Mountain with a fire-resistant girl, and traveled all the way to the mountains and rivers, watching the magnificent and gorgeous mountains and rivers.

For Shen Xinglou, although he has witnessed the vast universe and countless star fields, the scenery of the earth star has always had an inexplicable attraction to him.

Soon, the two came to Xiangyang City. .

Xiangyang City is also the place guarded by Guo Jing. It is located in the Qinling Mountains, in the middle reaches of the Han River. It has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times.

Because of this, Guo Jing was able to guard for so many years without any problems. .

Above the Han River, a grass boat is slowly drifting along the river.

Shen Xinglou stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the magnificent mountains and rivers and the pleasant scenery. Occasionally the breeze was blowing, and he was full of comfort.

The fire-proof girl knelt down in the middle of the boat and looked at Shen Xing Lou with a cute face: "Pluto, the scenery is really beautiful, but you've watched it for half an hour, and you don't care about your family~~"

Shen Xinglou turned around.

Looking at the cute and pouting fire girl, she smiled and touched the fire girl's head.

Slowly said: "Little girl, this deity has been out of breath for [-] years, of course you have to take a look at this beautiful scenery~"

When I reach the heights, I find that I am always alone, no one to speak to me, the lonely winter makes me tremble, what do I want to do in the heights. "

It's okay, it's okay, I don't understand what I told you, forgive me~ little girl. .

Afterwards, Shen Xinglou stood with his hands behind his back, turning his head to look at the distant scenery.

The fire-proof girl was touched by Shen Xinglou, and her face was slightly hot.

Listening to Shen Xinglou's words and lonely back, for some unknown reason, she felt some inexplicable sadness and sympathy.

"Although Pluto is a supreme powerhouse at the taboo level, who can understand his loneliness~"

Thinking of this, the fire-proof girl looked at the back of Shen Xinglou standing with his hands behind his back.

The absolute supreme demeanor of this elegance makes her crazy~

"If you can, Pluto will be my eternal Lord Ash~"


After a period of time.

Shen Xinglou lay down on the hull of the boat, with his hands behind his head, looking at the blue sky.

Slowly said: "Little girl, you said that this chat group is connected to the heavens and the world. What kind of magnificent scenery will there be in the boundless world of the three thousand great thousand worlds~~"

I heard Shen Xinglou's question.

The fire-proof girl was a little silent, sitting quietly beside Shen Xinglou, not knowing how to answer.

She didn't know how to answer Shen Xinglou, nor why she entered the chat skirt. .

She lives in a world full of despair, where the first fire is dying, and darkness is engulfing her.

If there is no chat skirt, she can't imagine that there are so many worlds besides her world.

Following the underworld boss to the world of divine carvings, she could feel that the world where the little deaf female sister lives is also real. .

And it's much better than her world full of despair. . .

Others, she really doesn't know anything.

In the end, the fire-proof girl said, "Then Pluto, what is your understanding and pursuit~~"

Shen Xinglou said with a smile: "When the seal is broken, avenge the revenge of the seal, take back everything that belongs to you, unify the seven parallel universes, and become the true "Emperor"."

As for the chat group, I hope that in the future, skirtmen from different dimensions of the universe will have a gorgeous world and magnificent scenery, as well as the supreme powerhouse, who can learn from me and pursue a higher realm~

A puzzled and worried expression appeared on the delicate face of the fire-resistant girl.

Gently said: "Pluto is great, this... this is too dangerous~"

Shen Xinglou did not answer immediately.

Instead, he slowly looked up to the sky.

His eyes were deep, as if he was staring at the end of the universe.

long silence.

Shen Xinglou's tone was calm but contained an inexplicable confidence and unparalleled domineering.

Slowly said: ".Since I am tired of pursuing, I have learned to find it; since a headwind hit, I have been able to resist the wind from all directions and drive a boat."

Girl, the world you see now is unreal and incomplete because you open your eyes to see the world. From now on, you have to learn to close your eyes to see the world.

The fire-proof girl was shocked by Shen Xinglou's unparalleled words. .

He murmured: "Is this the Pluto boss~ You can shatter the star field and destroy the supreme existence of the universe at the click of a finger."

But what Hades taught greatly... Although it is very philosophical, but...

The fire-proof girl said with a cute face: "Pluto, I have never opened my eyes to see the world~~"




The scene was a little awkward.

Shen Xinglou coughed.

"Cough, the deity is that everything has two sides, little girl, you have to observe the world from many aspects, not just look at the surface."

Just like when I see you~~A woman looks down without her feet, she is already stunning in the world~


The fire girl nodded thoughtfully.

Then froze for a moment.

As if thinking of something.

His face was slightly red.

"Hmph, Hades, how good are you~ But people like it~"

Shen Xinglou was a little puzzled, this sentence was just a sentence he thought was very poetic in his previous life.

How can you be better or worse? ?


After a while of silence, Shen Xinglou seemed to suddenly think of something.

With a surprised expression.

Also understand what it means.

A little embarrassing.

"Cough, the weather is a little cold, girl, put on more clothes."

PS: Thank you, everyone, the code word is indeed a bit slow, try to make up for it. .

Chapter 31

Just now.

A huge boat appeared in front of the two of them. It was ten times larger than the straw boat of Shen Xinglou and the Fire-proof Girl, blocking the way.

From the big boat came out a gorgeously dressed, graceful and incomparably beautiful woman.

She looked at the gradually approaching grass boat.

Running the internal force, he shouted loudly: "I dare to ask the boatman in front of you if you can borrow it, Huang Rong on the Peach Blossom Island~ Thank you!"


on a grass boat. .

Shen Xinglou frowned slightly.

He murmured, "Huang Rong?"

Shen Xinglou naturally knew about this well-known figure in the heavens and the world. .

As the Legend of Condor Heroes, he runs through the characters of the Condor Shooting Trilogy.

Huang Rong in the Divine Eagle Era was no longer a quirky little girl. .

But a beautiful middle-aged woman. .

However, Shen Xinglou did not intend to give up his place.

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