Until the contact seal how to unify the seven parallel universes. . . . .

that's it. .

It's been about a month. . . .

Chapter 46

this day. .

in the chat group. . .

Nobita Nobi: "Long time no see, everyone, the group leader is right, there is magic in my world, and I am in the magic world now. "

"Ding-----Nobita Nobita uploaded the fireball technique.."

"Ding----Nobita Nobita uploaded the blessing of the wind"

"Ding-----Nobita Nobita uploaded a miniaturization technique."



Nobita Nobita: "Great, I didn't expect to get 5000 points.."

Nobita Nobita: "@Gentle and lovely fire girl sister, Nei, fire girl sister, what do you think of the magic I uploaded"

The Evil King's Messenger of True Eyes - Little Bird Touring Liuhua: "Hey, Nobita, have you really come to the magical world?"

Bingqing Yujie-Little Deaf Girl: "The group leader is right, but these magics... tsk tsk, so weak..."

Be my son: "Kula La La La, magic, I'm so angry~~"

The gentle and lovely fireproof female sister: "Shocked.jpg, Nobita actually went to the magic world, but these magics are too basic~~"

Brother Control-Uchiha Itachi: "It's like the basic ninjutsu you just entered the ninja school to learn~"

Empire-Shake S female general Esdes: "Ah, everyone should encourage Daxiong-kun. After all, Daxiong-kun was just an ordinary person before~~"

The monster revives the world.

Chi Mengli looked at the magic uploaded by Nobita and pondered a little.

Muttered: "It seems that there is indeed magic in the world of Doraemon, remember which theatrical version seemed to have these."

"Because of joining the chat group, Nobita is estimated to have entered the magical world ahead of schedule."


Super beast armed world.

Shen Xinglou frowned slightly when he saw a lot of magic uploaded by Nobita.

"Oh? Did Nobita use the Ruoguo phone booth to enter the magic world? Interesting~ I haven't seen what the real magic world looks like."

County Master Zhao Min: "Brother Daxiong, can you start a live broadcast? Let's also see what the magical world looks like."

Bingqing Yujie-Little Dragon Girl: "I'm also curious, is the so-called magic as magical as Brother Itachi's ninjutsu~"

The gentle and lovely fire-proof female sister: "Cough, magic is similar to the fairy method from the world of Xianxia, ​​like the master of the group. There are strong and weak, and it also comes from the laws between heaven and earth, as well as personal power."

"Although it is very similar to the ninjutsu used by Itachi, there is still a difference in essence, but I also really want to see the magic of the world where Nobita lives. The world they live in is basically dark magic~~ woo woo ----"

Empire-Shake S female general Esdes: "My concubine also wants to see the so-called magic~"

Brother Control-Uchiha Itachi: "+1"

Be my son: "+1."

Almighty and omniscient group owner: "+1"

Super Beast Pluto: "+1..."

Nobita Nobita: "Since everyone wants to watch it, then I'll start straight..."

"There really is a demon king in this world, what should I do!! It's scary, and I even took my friend!!"

"Ah, ah, if the phone booth is also broken~~"

"Are you still there??? Help me..."


Be my son: "What's going on? What happened to Nobita?"

The gentle and lovely fireproof female sister: "It seems that Nobita has encountered an unexpected situation."

Brother-in-law-Uchiha Itachi: "Demon King? Nobita seems to have encountered a Demon King..."

The Evil King's True Eye Messenger-Little Bird Touring Liuhua: "Is the group leader there, Nobita is in danger!!"

Zhao Min, the county owner: "@Almighty and omniscient group owner is great, group owner is great, Nobita is in danger!!"

Bingqing Yujie-Little Deaf Girl: "@Almighty and omniscient group leader."

Empire-Shake S female general Esdes: "@Almighty and omniscient group leader."


The monster revives the world.

Chi Mengli saw that Aite's own group members were a little flustered.

She also didn't know what happened to Nobita.

very anxious.

Just now.

"Ding-----respected group owner, I feel your anxiety, and now I will answer your questions. Nobita Nobita is currently in the time period of the Great Adventure in the Demon World.."


Chi Mengli heard the sound of the system.

The pretty face was full of joy.

He breathed a long sigh of relief. .

She has seen the theatrical version of the Great Adventure in the Demon World.

No need to worry about Nobita's comfort.

Because Nobita and others in the theatrical version have no crisis, the Demon King is finally eliminated, and the crisis will not happen, except that the mother of the heroine in the theatrical version is killed by the plot.

Everything is fine.

thought here.

in the chat group.

The all-powerful and omniscient group owner said: "Cough, don't worry everyone, the deity has deduced it, Nobita and his partners will not encounter any crisis, and they will be saved safely in the end."

Nobita Nobita: "Since the group lords say so, then I can rest assured~~ Wait for me to collect a little more magic and upload it in the skirt~~"

The gentle and lovely fireproof female sister: "...Nobita, is your head missing a string? It's better to be careful in such a dangerous world~"

The Evil King's True Eye Messenger-Little Bird Touring Liuhua: "Kukuku, yes, Nobita, in another world you will not be protected by my evil king's true eyes~~"

Be my son: "Kula Lalala, a man's romance is an adventure, go ahead, boy, I believe in you~~"

Brother Control-Uchiha Itachi: "Old man with white beard, Nobita is weaker than ordinary people. Before you encourage, you should also look at the situation of people~~~"

Empire-Shake S female general Esdes: "Itachi is right..."

PS: Thanks for the reward, it was a great surprise when I woke up, I will definitely have more today. .

Chapter 47

Super beast armed world.

Fifth parallel universe.

Underworld - inside the coffin of Xuanming.

When Shen Xinglou saw the skirt information, the world that Nobita came to actually had a demon king, which made him a little interested. .

Because in his previous life, although he had seen Doraemon, it was impossible not to end an episode.

Obviously, this Demon King is a plot that Shen Xinglou has never seen before.

Shen Xinglou estimates that it is likely to be a theatrical version of the plot world.

Although Doraemon is a child, healing, and funny. .

But when it evolved into the real world, it was very scary.

Therefore, Shen Xinglou was very much looking forward to what the demon king in the magical world where Nobita was located would look like.


in the chat group.

The all-powerful and omniscient group leader said: "Although according to the deduction of the deity, Nobita will not have an accident, but everything has variables, which is impossible to say."

"Don't Nobita have 5000 points now, I suggest you exchange for the Chunyang Wuji Gong uploaded by Zhao Min and several offensive ninjutsu of Itachi."

"This way your safety is more guaranteed!"

Nobita Nobita: "Okay, thank the group leader!"

County Master Zhao Min: "Tsk tsk, I'm sour. I've only been in the group for so long, and I have a total of nearly 5000 points. Nobita has [-] points to buy so many good things not long after he came here!!"

Brother Control - Uchiha Itachi: "The gap in the world~"

Bingqing Yujie-Little Dragon Girl: "Yes, the upper limit of the low martial arts world is too low. Fortunately, the world I live in has changed, otherwise I would be as poor as Sister Zhao Min~~"

The gentle and lovely fireproof female sister: "What's the use, the world of others is also very powerful, and there are many treasures that can get points, but I have no strength, I can only watch drooling woohoo~~"

Empire-Shake S female general Esdes: "Eh? It's really sad..."

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