Guanyin Temple! ! !

  "God, you can really deal with this monster! You saved my life, what do you want me to do?"

  Tang Guanyin Temple swallowed and said.

  The power alone can suppress such a terrifying monster, the opponent's strength is absolutely beyond imagination, ah, Guanyin Temple still has this vision!

  "It's very simple, join my lucky god sect, my god will give you the power to really deal with this kind of monster, even Shouyuan! Think about it?"

  Ichigo Kurosaki looked at Kannonji and smiled.

  The other party is a public figure, with millions of fans, and the program ratings are very high. It is the best choice to develop him into the vice leader of Lucky God Cult!

  "Join a sect? Can you get power and life essence?"

  "How could such a good thing happen! Are you lying to me?"

  Guanyin Temple's eyes are obviously unbelievable!

  At this time, he was far away from the audience under the stage, and everyone could not hear the conversation between the two, so he had time to think and choose!

  "Don't believe it? You recite a spell with me. After the spell is finished, no matter if you can get the blessing of the gods or not, how about I help you kill this virtual for free?"

  Kurosaki Ichigo narrowed his eyes.

  "Uh... This seems to be a trade that only makes money and doesn't lose!"

  Guanyin Temple considered for a moment and nodded seriously.

  "Then look carefully, you can't go wrong with your posture and spell, or you'll be disrespectful to my god!"

  "Praise my god, you are the incarnation of light above the mist, you are the lucky ruler above all living beings..."

  "This! Really????"

  Watching the beam of light from the sky breaking through the sky and shining on the head of Kurosaki Ichigo, Kannon Temple's eyes flashed with unconcealed frenzy!

  This kind of celestial phenomenon can even be seen by ordinary people. With this trick, those audiences and fans will trust him even more crazy!

  So Guanyin Temple made a choice without hesitation!

  "Praise my God, you are the incarnation of light above the mist, you are the lucky ruler above all living beings! Your loyal believer Tang Guanyin Temple..."

  With the chanting of Tang Guanyin Temple, the magical beam of hope and luck dispels the dark clouds hanging over his head!

  Even the monster that had just injured him was turned to ashes by the afterglow of the divine light!

  Tang Guanyin Temple was completely stunned!

  Excited tears flowed down his face, he actually got the blessing of the gods!

  "...Praise my God!"

  Tang Guanyin Temple took the initiative to worship the East.

  "Very good, Guanyin Temple, you will be the deputy leader of our Lucky God Cult, the real messenger of the gods!"

  "From now on, everyone will be like-minded people!"

  When Kurosaki Ichigo saw Tang Kannonji's enrollment, he excitedly made a victory gesture to Rukia and Inoue Orihime in the distance!


  "Master is amazing! He can even summon light!"

  "Master Guanyin Temple, you are indeed the messenger of the gods!"

  "Did you kill the monster!"

  "You are indeed the chosen one!"

  The audience under the stage [-] meters away screamed with excitement when they saw such an amazing celestial phenomenon caused by the supernatural master they admired!

  "Oh hahaha!"

  "That's right, I (the king's) is the real messenger of the gods!"

  "Follow me to believe in gods, and I will teach you a formula for self-protection when encountering monsters! Be sure to read it out sincerely!"

  Guanyin Temple, the deputy leader, stood on the high platform and laughed loudly.



  "That's right. In just a short period of time, the fans of the "Death" plane have skyrocketed from a few thousand to 90?"

  Feeling the huge power of belief increased by the Kingdom of God in his palm, Chen Xian got up and stretched.

  "Master God, are you not sleeping..."

  Lu Linxuan hid in the quilt and asked Qi shyly.

  Last night, she originally wanted to ask some questions about her cultivation, but she was caught by Chen Xian's scorching eyes, and she couldn't hold back the girl's heart, so she took the initiative.

  "I'm not going to sleep, but I can make up for you, Lin Xuan."

  The number of believers continued to skyrocket, and Chen Xian was in a good mood.



Chapter 145

  "It really works, wah ha ha ha ha! I got a thousand years of life from my god! And my spiritual power is much stronger than before!"

  Guanyin Temple looked at the light around him and said excitedly.

  "Because you have done an excellent job. The number of believers in a short period of time has exceeded 90, and you have made great contributions!"

  Kurosaki Ichigo grinned in praise.

  But he is not happy, because as the first source promoter, he gets nine times the lifespan of Guanyin Temple...

  "The vice-chief is great!"

  "If this continues, the gate of the kingdom of God will soon be built!"

  Rukia and Inoue Orihime praised them without hesitation.

  They are the true believers of Chen Xian, the backbone of the Lucky God Cult. It is definitely a great virtue to be able to let Lucky God Light help more ordinary people!

  As for the gate of the kingdom of God after it is built, it will depend on the destiny of God whether it can be honored or not.

  "Ichigo, it's my greatest luck to meet you! My previous practice was considered abduction, which was wrong."

  "And I still hurt a lot of earthbound spirits, I must atone for this, and repent to my god!"

  Guanyin Temple's eyes were red, and he knelt on the ground facing east to worship.


  From the sky 460 in the distance, the sound of the array transmission came.

  A short-haired man in a costume of the god of death flashed out of the space passage!

  "The god of death? Another god of death?"

  Kurosaki Ichigo said with bright eyes.

  In addition to the human world, he also has the ambition to develop believers in the circle of death!According to the rules of the chat group, all people in the world must develop into members of the Lucky God Cult to be considered complete.

  Rukia frowned, she didn't know this short-haired death god.

  "Ah, what a coincidence! Just came out, I met the rumored little princess of the Kuchiki family. Let me introduce myself. My name is Saito Keijirou. I was ordered to take you back. Your time in the human world has greatly exceeded. The mission limit is exceeded, do you know my little princess?"

  Saito Keijirou took off his hat and gave Kuchiki Rukia a symbolic bow.

  It seems polite, but the smile in the other party's eyes is extremely awkward.

  "Saito Keijirou? I don't know, you go back, my affairs are not yours."

  Rukia snorted coldly.

  The captain and vice-captain of the [-]th Team of the Guardians of the Soul Society knew each other, and the other party was obviously not one of them, so such a small person, Rukia, didn't even mean to take care of them.

  What's more, the contemptuous look in the other party's eyes and the attitude of grabbing her at every turn made Rukia very angry!

  "Did you hear that, Rukia said don't worry about it, you can go! Ugly-looking boy!"

  Tang Guanyin Temple stood in front of Rukia and shouted while pinching her waist.

  As the deputy leader of the Lucky God Cult, he definitely wants to protect key members like Rukia and Inoue Orihime!

  Seeing Tang Guanyin Temple's actions, Ichigo Kurosaki nodded with satisfaction. Now, thanks to the blessings and rewards of 90 followers, his strength has skyrocketed to the point where he is afraid of himself, and he can still summon Holy beast of the kingdom of God!

  It can be said that the gods of death in the entire Soul World can't threaten him together, and such terrifying force naturally greatly improved Kurosaki Ichigo's courage and courage.

  "What! You old boy, who are you calling an ugly boy? You know how old this uncle is, but if you don't give me some color, I think the uncle has a good temper!"

  Saito Keijirou was scolded by Guanyin Temple in anger, and the sword of the battle spirit was directly unsheathed and looked at Guanyin Temple with one knife!

  "Go away! Don't waste time, let your boss come over and talk about things!"

  When Kurosaki Ichigo saw the opponent draw his sword, he narrowed his eyes and appeared in front of Saito Keijirou, kicking him [-] meters away.


  "You! Your speed!"

  Saito Keijirou, who was spouting blood, widened his eyes and looked at Kurosaki Ichigo in disbelief. He was killed without even seeing the other party's shadow.

Kicked away? ? ?

  This kind of speed and strength, even his deputy team can't do it!

  "The difference is too big to see."

  Rukia shook her head.

  "Ichigo Kurosaki is amazing!"

  Inoue Orihime, who was watching the battle from a distance, was shocked and said that the Kurosaki Ichigo ten days ago was far from being so powerful.

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