"It's just that the breath is different, you ice beauty has really overtrained again."

  Chen Xian's figure appeared in Tushan Yaya's Frost Shrine.

  "I have seen the Lord God!"

  "Yaya worries you again."

  Tu Shan Yaya obviously did not expect that Chen Xian would take the initiative to see her, and her fair and beautiful face became a little flustered.

  "It makes me worry, it seems that you must be taught how to improve your realm in a relaxed and comfortable way."

  "The ninth volume of the Book of the Divine Dao, 'Shuangxiu Yanling', is very suitable for solving your current problems."

  Chen Xian provoked Tu Shan Yaya's soft and charming chin.

  Tushan Yaya closed her eyes in fascination and let it go.



  Different from the time and space of the kingdom of God, everywhere is beautiful.

  At this time, the world of "Eternal Dragon Slayer" is becoming precarious because of the Emei School's World Hero Post!

  "Have you heard that the Emei faction is going to take the lead in attacking the main altar of the Demon Sect!"

  "Who said no! The six major factions have all received hero posts, and even some famous people in the world also have a share! Such a prosperous martial arts world is the best chance for heroes from all walks of life to become famous!"

  "Hehe! Some of them are sent to Emei to send those beautiful disciples, especially Zhou Zhiruo, the leader of contemporary disciples, I heard that the beautiful ones are like angels!"

  "Kunlun, Huashan, Kongtong, all the major Shaolin factions agreed! It seems that the Wudang faction did not nod!"

  "That's why Shi Tai Jue is now taking someone to Wudang to find Zhang Sanfeng!"

  "Damn it! Master Mie Jue has a bad temper, so he won't fight!"

  "What are you kidding, Wudang Zhenren Zhang has a hundred years of skill, no one in this world is Zhang Sanfeng Zhang Zhenren's opponent!"


  "Zhang Sanfeng is in retreat again? He's so big!"

  "Is it because you are the number one martial arts expert that you are disdainful of my Emei heart?"

  On Wudang Mountain, Shitai Jue looked at Song Yuanqiao, the leader of the Seven Heroes of Wudang, and sneered.

  "How is this possible! Shi Tai, you are a highly respected senior!"

  Song Yuanqiao laughed.

  But Song Yuanqiao and the few Wudang disciples behind him were relaxed and laid-back, obviously that was what he meant.

  You must know that when their ancestor Zhang Sanfeng was famous all over the world, Shitai Mie was just a little girl with no name. Now Zhang Sanfeng has lived for nearly a hundred years, and his skills have reached the realm of extreme polarization!How could the number one person in the world come out to see him for the sake of an exterminating master.

  "Humph! Zhiruo, you used to have some connections with Wudang. Today's time is good, but you can ask your uncle Song for some unique martial arts, right?"

  Suicide said to Zhou Zhiruo, his beloved disciple behind him.

  "Yes! Master!"

  Zhou Zhiruo understood and stepped forward, her extremely beautiful appearance and pure and flawless temperament immediately attracted the Wudang disciples to exclaim!Eyes are so hot!

  "Zhou Zhiruo? You are so old!"

  Song Yuanqiao looked at Zhou Zhiruo in amazement.

  Especially Zhou Zhiruo's breathing state of harmony between man and nature made Song Yuanqiao terrified!But some people can't believe it. This state has only been seen in Master Zhang Sanfeng!

  But how could Zhou Zhiruo, a teenage girl, have such a man-made nature as Zhang Sanfeng!

  "I'm Zhou Zhiruo. Uncle Song has not seen him for many years. Please give Zhiruo some tips."

  Zhou Zhiruo, who had good thoughts about Wudang, was unwilling to use the sword, so he gave Song Yuanqiao a salute to the younger generation.

  "Okay! If it wasn't for my Wudang never accepting female disciples, you might have stayed in Wudang to practice martial arts and swords together with Qingshu."

  "Today, I will use Mianzhang to try what you have learned in Emei, and to fully understand the power of Mianzhang, it will also be beneficial for you to walk the rivers and lakes in the future."

  Song Yuanqiao said with the mentality of pointing to the younger generation.

  "Thank you Uncle Song for your kindness, but please don't be careless."

  Zhou Zhiruo laughed lightly, the jade palm lightened the stage, and the dantian infuriated, and a thunderous sound came from Zhou Zhiruo's dantian, and the entire Wudang hall suddenly roared!

  "This!!! How is this possible!"

  Song Yuanqiao was horrified, the original 2 success power was instantly mentioned by [-]%, and Zhou Zhiruo greeted him with the palm of his hand!


  Song Yuanqiao, the leader of the Seven Heroes of Wudang, was directly blown out of the hall by Zhou Zhiruo, and got out a hundred meters away! .

Chapter 304

  "How is this possible!"

  Mo Shenggu, the second warrior of Wudang, widened his eyes!

  "Father! Father, are you alright!"

  Song Qingshu rushed over to help Song Yuanqiao, the horror in his heart was beyond words!

  Originally, he was thinking of discussing with Zhou Zhiruo to increase his relationship, and then confessing to the other party and proposing a kiss!Well now, even your own father can't handle Zhou Zhiruo's move? ? ?

  Not only were the Wudang Sect people dumbfounded, but even the second-generation disciples Jinghui, Jingxuan and others who had never seen Zhou Zhiruo's shot were dumbfounded!

  You must know that it is Song Yuanqiao!Is the reputation and strength almost as good as their head!

  Doesn't this mean that Zhou Zhiruo's martial arts far surpassed those of their second-generation disciples and even their masters? ? ?

  "No wonder Shizun asked us to worship that god! Sister Zhiruo's blessing is too strong, why can't we have such a good fortune!"

  Jing Hui's eyes couldn't hide her envy and looked at Zhou Zhiruo!

  "Hehe, the head of the dignified Seven Heroes of Wudang, even my third-generation disciples of Emei can't catch a single move? It seems that the Seven Heroes of Wudang have a false reputation. In that case, it doesn't make much difference whether you participate in the siege of Guangmingding."

  Extinction laughed.

  "You! Pff—"

  "We will go, and we will never lose Wudang's reputation in front of fellow martial artists!"

  Song Yuanqiao vomited blood.

  This injury was not beaten by Zhou Zhiruo, but was too angry by Master Mie!

  Now that the master Zhang Sanfeng has not left the customs, he has already lost face. If he doesn't save some face, he will be killed by the Wudang steward!

  At the same time, there is still a mystery in Song Yuanqiao's heart that must be solved by going down the mountain, which is the source of Zhou Zhiruo's power!If Zhou Zhiruo cultivated it by himself, even if Song Yuanqiao was killed, he wouldn't believe it, and it would be impossible for him to cultivate to this level in his mother's womb!

  Even Song Yuanqiao can't guarantee that his master Zhang Sanfeng can beat Zhou Zhiruo...

  "It's going to change..."

  The two heroes of Wudang, Mo Shenggu, also closed their eyes in shock, and said that there was suffering!

  When Shi Tai came to the door this time, Wudang didn't even have a chance to refuse!



  "Oh? Did Shitai Shuie finally convince Wudang? Very well, the plan is going very smoothly. There will be no problem with Master Cheng Kun in Shaolin, and the six sects will besiege Guangming just around the corner."

  In the Ruyang Palace, Zhao Min, the princess of the maiden, squinted and smiled.

  "County Lord, in this way, we will use Yuanzhen's explosives. After all the martial arts in the Central Plains are blown up, the lord can drive straight in and take down the great Central Plains! You can be said to have contributed a lot, Lord!"

  Elder Xuanming bowed and praised.

  "This is my gift to my father!"

  "Let's go, let's go and have a look, there's nothing wrong with this."

  Zhao Min said happily.

  "Yes! Princess!"

  Second Elder Xuanming responded.

  At this time, the Guangmingding front station is a first-line canyon.

  "There are the giant wooden banners of the Ming Cult!"

  "This is the banner with the largest number of people in the Ming Cult. Let me, Emei, fight! Everyone, keep in mind the teachings of my god, our purpose is not to kill people, and to break into the Guangming Ding unified martial arts, so as to facilitate the promotion of my god's teachings! Do you understand?"

  Shi Tai looked at the disciples of Emei and said.

  "Disciple takes orders!"

  Zhou Zhiruo responded and left first with a group of second-generation disciples.

  "Junior Sister Zhiruo is now extremely skilled in martial arts, and it is absolutely safe to lead someone to fight the giant wooden flag."

  "However, the casualties of the other martial arts routes are a little heavy!"

  Jing Xuan was a little unbearable.

  "Hmph, this is what they asked for. Before I started, I provided you with a way to pray and worship my god, but none of them believed it!"

  "If you don't kill some people and receive some blood lessons, the other 5 factions will not believe in the existence of my god."

  Master Mie Xie said with a sneer.

  For a whole day, the first-line canyon shouted and killed!Finally, they worked together to kill tens of thousands of Ming Sect members!

  At the Mingjiao headquarters at this time, the acting leader, Yang Xiao, frowned!Being disturbed by one bad news after another!Over the past few years, in order to avenge his dead love Ji Xiaofu, he has constantly mobilized Mingjiao masters to fight with the Emei faction, and now he finally forced the extermination of the master to be too ruthless, and launched a heroic post to gather the entire martial arts to encircle and suppress Mingjiao Guangmingding!

  If the Ming Sect really collapsed because of this, Yang Xiao's pressure can be imagined!

  "What are you talking about! Zhou Zhiruo, a third-generation disciple of Emei, beat Taoist Iron Crown, Mr. Lengmian, and Monk Peng by one person?"

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