"Great! Then the new girls in our group have weapons to use, right? You don't have to go to Xianbao Pavilion to be bullied by those fairy swords and spirits!"

  "Can any treasure be sacrificed, ah ah ah! Can I get my Teigu too? I must inform that little bastard Tazmi to get my 'Romantic Fortress' up! Although it is not as powerful as Xianjian and Artifact, but it's a personal belonging with feelings!"

  Gao Yao, Maine and the others screamed excitedly.

  "Haha, I want my father to sacrifice the 'Wangquan Sword' in the lower realm! I can take a look at it when I get homesick!"

  Wang Quanzui smiled charmingly.

  "The Lord God is so considerate! I want to get the family's white jade abacus, and that's the family reward that I made for the first transaction back then 々¨."

  Mitel Yafei rubbed her hands excitedly.

  "No way, Sister Yafei! You've become a god and you still want to do business..."

  Huang Rong rubbed her forehead.

  "Ahaha! It's called feelings, do you understand? Besides, the Lord God mentioned to me last month that after we are promoted to high-level true gods, we can also go to the Shenhe Starfield to see the world and do business. God source spar. That kind of thing is very beneficial to us and the kingdom of God, and this business official is definitely me!"

  Mitel Yafei squinted.

  "Last month... No wonder Sister Ya Fei said that her appetite was not good. It turned out that she was fed by the Lord God."

  Zi Yan snickered.

  "Ahhh! Zi Yan, don't talk nonsense, you bastard!"

  Mitel Yafei covered her face and said.

  "Haha, if we really do business in the Shenhe Star Region in the future, our sister Tu Shan is no worse than sister Ya Fei."

  Tu Shan Rongrong narrowed his eyes.

  Yesterday, the Lord God took the initiative to go to the Frost Shrine and stayed with Tushan Yaya for a whole day. That kind of grace is not just talking about.If Tu Shan Honghong worked harder, maybe they could let the three Tu Shan sisters take over the financial power, which would be interesting.

  "What about the treasure house of heaven and earth, why is it involved in business again?"

  "Can't you business minds take some time to study and do something else, such as getting my Tianren 7 up for you to study and study."

  Angel Yan smiled.

  "Yan's proposal is a good one. With the belief resources of our kingdom of God and the evolutionary speed of heavenly materials, the source crystal is not in short supply. It's the right thing for you to improve your realm and knowledge reserves with peace of mind."

  Chen Xian dotingly pulls Yan over and hugs his slender waist.

  "My Lord God..."

  Being treated like this by Chen Xian in public, Yan Qingguo's pretty face turned red, and he bowed his head so ashamed that he didn't dare to see anyone.

  "Sister Yan is so happy!"

  "I know that Lord God likes Sister Yan."

  Zhixin and Yun also envied.

  "The newcomer is here soon, Lord God, please wait a moment if you want to spoil Yan."

  Medusa squinted and smiled.


  Two teleportation beams fell!

  Under the astonishing gazes of Gao Yao, Huang Rong and others, two beautiful women appeared in front of everyone!

  "The believer Zhou Zhiruo, I have met the Lord God and all the sisters of the gods!"

  "Zhao Min, a believer, has seen the Lord of God and all the sisters of the gods!"

  Zhou Zhiruo and Zhao Min knelt nervously.

  Even though they had been told by Shitai Shitai repeatedly when they came, not to mess around, but this time they met the real gods above the Nine Heavens!

  Especially when she saw Chen Xian's temperament and handsome face that killed the girl in seconds, Zhou Zhiruo had a kind of trance that fell into the clouds!Zhao Min was blushing as if on fire. Zhao Min knew that if there was a Prince Charming in the world, he could only be the godly man in front of him!

  "A quiet beauty is like a fairy, and a smart one is like a jade. They are all first-class beauties."

  "...Congratulations to the Lord of God for winning another beautiful woman."

  Yan Lingji looked at Zhou Zhiruo and Zhao Min and couldn't help but praise.

  "It's so beautiful! The clothes are also fairy! Why don't we see such classical beauties in our world!"

  Ishigaki Yali's eyes lit up.

  "Aliyi, don't you have an occupational disease again? You want to use other people's beauty as writing material?"

  Toba Raiha looked at Shigarari Ariyi's expression, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

  She also admires Shigari Yaliyi very much. Not only is her training speed fast, but her writing speed is also much faster than Shiyu of Kasumigaoka and the others!I really don't know where Shi Kariya Liyi got so much time and energy!

  "Yes, Toba Laiye, or you can try this kind of clothes too? I guarantee that the Lord God will like it, and then you will be able to compete for the favor of our group!"

  Ishigaki Yali whispered.

  Toba came to the leaves and stumbled!

  "Aliyi, can you learn something better! Don't get so close to Lord Liangbing, the king of heavenly filth recently!" (Li Wangzhao)

  Toba Raiye blushed and collapsed.

  The last time I asked the Lord God for fake swordsmanship, I bullied her for two hours...

  Even if Toba Laiye was killed, he wouldn't dare to look for guilt anymore, let alone play active cross-dressing? ? ?

  "Zhou Zhiruo, Zhao Min, she is indeed a rare beauty."

  "Hey, Zhou Zhiruo's life level is not low, it's actually close to the level of innate spirit?"

  Dongfang Huaizhu said in surprise.

  "Haha, it was Zhou Zhiruo who received my extra blessing when she prayed in the lower realm."

  "You two, get up, you are already in the body of God, and you don't need to kneel and worship in the future."

  Chen Xian's spiritual sense helped Zhou Zhiruo and Zhao Min up.

  "Yes! Thank God Lord for shaking!"

  Zhou Zhiruo said happily when she saw that she was still remembered by the God Lord.

  Zhao Min was shocked by the beauty and shape of the beauties around him, and there were wings in the distance... Really drunk...

Chapter 310

  "Huh? The formation is on again, is there someone coming?"

  "No wonder Lord God is so diligent here, there are so many girls today!"

  Boya Hancook, who was bored and wanted to leave in an instant, raised his head in surprise.

  "It's true, but why are you in such a hurry just now? You haven't reported to me how you've been cultivating in seclusion these days."

  Chen Xian looked at the Pirate Empress and said with more interest.

  Without waiting for Boyahan Cook to flee in panic, he already grabbed him and held him in his arms.

  "God, Lord God, forgive me, so many people are watching."

  Boyahan Cook covered his face and said.

  "Sit honestly for me first, and I'll take care of you later."

  Chen Xian summoned the throne of God surrounded by three thousand true dragons and sent Boyahan Cook to the top.

  "Such a strong law atmosphere!"

  Feeling the fluctuations of the laws on the throne of God, Boyahan Cook exclaimed.

  Originally thought that Chen Xian just wanted her, but never thought that he really gave her a good fortune?Surrounded by the laws of this extreme level, the obstacles to the laws that Boyahan Cook had not understood for a long time were dissolved and invisible again, and he would definitely be promoted again within a few days!

  "Sister Empress is so lucky! We didn't even have a chance to experience it."

  "Sister Hancock has already reached the pinnacle of false gods, and this is enough to condense the kingdom of gods in her palm and advance to the realm of true gods!"

  "The 19th true god level powerhouse!"

  Nami and Princess Shirahoshi cheered.

  "Look, let's see, now there is no member of our ninja team who has sat on the throne of God Lord. Master, don't think of a way."

  Haruno Sakura looked at the throne of God, surrounded by countless law lotus, the pirate queen envied.

  "The old lady doesn't go looking for abuse anyway, you let Terumi Mei's hoof fight for favor, anyway, the old lady Lai won't go."

  Chisate Tsuna said with a sigh of relief.

  "Damn! Tsunade, you little girl and liar, who are you calling a hoof, do you want to fight with me in the ring again!"

  Terumi Mei gritted her teeth.

  Tian Tian and Hinata Hinata snickered, their ninja team can fight, but no one is good at competing for pets and jealousy, okay?

  "That scorching lotus flower of law! Captain Ling'er, you are the divine pet of the Lord God! Help me fight for it, okay? Let me sit with you."

  Li Mochou went to the Immortal Sword Team with a cheeky face and said.

  "I'm going! Li Mochou, have you made a mistake? You want to sit up and let your little dragon girl figure out a way, isn't it? Xiaolong girl is also the goddess of the Lord God!"

  Lin Yueru pushed Li Mochou out.

  When the girls saw this, they all laughed.

  "I have a grudge with Junior Sister Xiaolongnv, she won't have anything to do with me if she gets pampered!"

  Li Mochou explained reluctantly.

  Zhao Linger...

  Looking at the throne of God in the sky, he smiled quietly.

  "Understood, Sister Mochou, I will help you fight for it."

  Zhao Linger smiled.

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