Engraved and Condensed Light...

  "No wonder the Knights of the West Wind is the weakest organization in the Seven Kingdoms."

  Ningguang was speechless.

  "Hehe, don't worry about this. Let's talk about it when your realm stabilizes. Now let me choose your own god palace. A god palace with the same attributes will greatly help you improve your life level."

  Yan Lingji narrowed her eyes, waved her hand, and disappeared with the four daughters Ningguang and Qin.

  At this time, the temple of the king of the gods.

  After Chen Xian seriously tested and taught the practice of the holy king of angels and the twin sisters who were indifferent.

  The stature and dimensions of the two sisters are also compared in great detail!



  "It seems that the Holy King of Angels, you are the elder sister."

  Chen Xian said with satisfaction.



Chapter 341

  Just when Chen Xian was in the kingdom of God, he was entangled with the angel and holy king sisters.

  In the chat group, there was a wailing sound again!

  Bucky, who is still in prison: "Woooooooo! It's too much. Uncle Bucky just didn't develop the pirates of the new world into believers, and was beaten by the pirate queen who returned home from the kingdom of God. like!"

  'Bucky still in jail' uploaded a 'injured bed photo'!

  Bucky, who is still in prison: "Not only did he beat people, but he also sacrificed all my treasures to the kingdom of God to fill the treasure house of heaven and earth! Uncle Bucky is dead! I cried and cried jpg!"

  Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "Pfft - it's too miserable, it's really been beaten to pieces! Snicker jpg"

  They all call me Long Ma: "Laughing to death, this king, can you still treat your head and hands and feet separately? This ability is so interesting!"

  Ouyang is not crazy: "Huh! Seeing Uncle Bucky's tragic appearance, my mood of being robbed by Huang Rong is inexplicably much better, hahaha! Sad smile jpg"

  Xie En from Primitive Survival: "Ahem, this is because you still have reservations! Like Mi, even the machetes used for survival in the wilderness were sacrificed to my god's treasure house, but I spent 98 US dollars. A super-alloy machete made of a knife! Use it to chop down trees and dig holes~ Just now!"

  Don't call me Ethics Jun again: "You use that thing to go to the kingdom of God, and let the gods chop down trees and dig holes??? Cover your face jpg! How about you, Harry Potter? What kind of baby did you send?"

  Supporting Dumbledore: "Haha, I sacrificed the 2020 version of the broomstick to the treasure house of heaven and earth. When I think that my most precious gift is in the kingdom of my god, it's inexplicable glory! Sunshine smiles jpg!"

  Killing monsters with a knife: "That's a means of transportation. How can you escape Voldemort's pursuit without a broomstick?"

  Supporting Dumbledore: "Voldemort can't beat me for a long time, okay! Now he runs when he sees me, but he was stuck with a 'unlucky rune' by me. Currently, he has lost his legs and can only walk on his stomach."

  Tu Shan Yaya's stinky bitches don't get paid: "Hahaha! Isn't that the real 'Voldemort'? Hey - the place where Tu Shan Yaya beaten up is not good, who has a fire-type dog skin plaster to mail to me? a bit!"

  This young man Zhang Zifan: "Bai Yue, you were beaten too? Hehe, God's eyes are really open!"

  My Song Ming ultimately wants the whole world: "I'm miserable here too! It's really too cruel for Song Yan to marry the eldest miss. More than 80 nine-star souls will be used to fill the treasure house of heaven and earth, and they will be kept for my grandson. One! Sad jpg!"

  Tang San, who didn't want to travel again: "No, Song Ming, you have a grandson? So efficient! Shocking.jpg"

  My Song Ming ultimately wants the whole world: "Then what can I do, I have already reached the top of the world, and I don't have much pursuit! The only thought at present is to cultivate the "Sacred Book of God" given by my god to a false god realm."

  The old man worshipped the moon and no one was convinced: "Since you have this ambition, why is it interesting to marry a wife and have children and make grandchildren? The old man is puzzled."

  My Song Ming ultimately wants the whole world: "Stupid! Of course, it is to pass on the family business to those children and grandchildren, so that they can practice wholeheartedly, right?"

  The old man worships the moon and no one is convinced: "...It seems to make sense. Shouldn't the old man also find a wife or something? Thinking about jpg"

  I, Liu Chuang, will never be a hooligan again: "This is a good feeling, or else you should go with Shi Tai Jue!"

  It is called extinction "squinting + contempt + thick jpg! Besides this kind of foul language, the poor nun will let my disciples chop you up!"

  Han Tiaotiao: "Hahaha! Brother Liu Chuang, you are finished, my apprentice Zhou Zhiruo is my god's favorite concubine!"

  Dagu didn't want to be an Ultraman: "The apprentice is so beautiful, Liu Chuang is going to hit the street! Snicker jpg!"

  Ouyang is not crazy: "wait and see jpg!"

  I, Liu Chuang, will never be a hooligan again: "Damn it! I thought there was no one here. My boss is Leina, the light of the sun. Sister Na will definitely protect me! She has sharp eyes jpg"

  Feng Qingxue is super beautiful: "Pfft - so it's always useful to find the daughter of destiny to enter the kingdom of God? Haha, can I @My Mom Xiuning help fight!"

  Wu Geng, who wants a hand: "Bless my mother! @心月虎"

  Swear not to be the king of evil: "...the relationship between you is so hard, Mengxin is shivering jpg"

  They all call me Long Ma: "Speaking of Mengxin, how are the new arrivals doing? @The Palace of Tianquan Ningguang@易小川爱爱爱我的Tomato scrambled eggs @绫小路清龙 Here"

  I want the palace of Tianquan Ningguang: "Return to Big Sister! A few days ago, I had over a million believers. Tianquan Xingguang and Tianxing Keqing, as well as the two beauties of the West Wind Knights, have already gone to the kingdom of God. Serve my god! I will take down other countries as soon as possible, and there are a large group of women of destiny waiting for me to find, rub my hands jpg!"

· · · Flowers · · ·

  They all call me Long Ma: "Amazing! It's only been less than half a month!"

  Shane, the original survivalist: "Oh no! There are so many daughters of destiny on your side!"

  Ling Xiaolu Qinglong is here: "Everyone... To be honest, my world is full of everyday girls, I'm afraid I can only go to the kingdom of God to be a god's maid! I don't have the courage to chat with the big guys, I'm scared jpg!"

  Don't call me Ethics Jun again: "Really? Hahahaha! It's great, finally there is a world like me that only produces god maids! Good brothers show loyalty jpg! Feel free to ask me if you don't understand anything. It's useless to have a 'Time Acceleration Talisman', let's mail it to you together! With this kind of talisman, you can immediately speed up the timeline and let the god maids enter the kingdom of God!"

...... 0

  "Don't call me Ethics-kun again" emailed "Ayanokuji Kiyotaka here" with a "Time Acceleration Charm"!

  Ouyang is not crazy: "You are so generous! You are indeed a troubled brother!"

  Ayanokouji Kiyotaka is here: "Thank you so much! I will definitely draw this talisman as soon as possible and return it to Lun Ye-jun! Bow 90 degrees jpg!"



  a day later.

  "Well? These guys can still play like this?"

  In the Divine Kingdom space, Chen Xian, who was painting ink and wash paintings together with Ling Qingzhu, looked in surprise at the direction of the platform.

  "Are there any new godly sisters entering the kingdom of God? There are so many people these days."

  The peerless beauty Ling Qingzhu is like a nine-day fairy, elegantly strokes the ink painting, and then smiles and looks at Chen Xiandao.

  Chen Xian was able to take the initiative to come to her, and he was not in a hurry to ask her...

  This makes Aya Qingzhu more and more infatuated!

  "No, this time, the candidates for the goddess and servants of the daily department are here. Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu and the others are going to be too happy."

  Taking Ling Qingzhu into his arms, Chen Xian chuckled lightly.

  "Master God has not forgotten Qingzhu, Qingzhu is also very happy..."

  Ling Qingzhu's face was like a peach blossom, and she shyly gave a quick kiss.Down.

Chapter 342

  "Let's go, let's go and see what characters are."

  Chen Xian stopped Ling Qingzhu and disappeared in place in an instant.

  "I have seen the Lord God!"

  "It turns out that Lord God was at Sister Qingzhu's place early in the morning!"

  "Let's just say that Sister Qingzhu is much more beautiful than usual!"

  Gao Yao, Tian Tian, ​​and Chunye Sakura smiled and saluted.

  "I also heard from a long distance that the Lord God and Sister Qingzhu were painting ink paintings together, but they didn't even ask me to participate, so I will."

  Ying Huanhuan pinched her waist and pouted.

  "What is ink painting? Is it very valuable to draw it?"

  Ningguang wondered.

  "Please, this is the kingdom of God, Ningguang, can you stop talking about money all the time, it's very emotional."

  Ke Qing rubbed his forehead.

  Qin and Lisa snickered and covered their mouths. After a day and a night of precipitation, they are now close to the level of innate spirituality!I also know that in places such as Immortal Treasure Pavilion and Myriad Realms Library, all resources can be obtained for free, as long as the qualifications and cultivation base are there!In such a beautiful place, there is no such thing as "Mora" at all!

  And in the words of Yan Lingji, starting from the second floor of the Immortal Treasure Pavilion, the value of any artifact is almost worth a planet!The wealth of the entire Tivat continent combined cannot afford a 9-star fairy treasure, let alone an artifact!

  After knowing the value of these fairy treasures and artifacts, Ningguang was so excited that he didn't sleep all night!

  "Actually, in this kingdom of gods, the most valuable thing is the throne of the Lord of God."

  "Sister Ningguang can find a good opportunity to experience it."

  Yan Lingji smiled meaningfully.

  "The throne of the gods...I know!"

  "Tonight, I will go to see the Lord of God."

  Ningguang said seriously.

  Reina, who was on the side, covered her face, thinking that this girl is too foolish, just talk about money!Since the condensed light is not strong enough for the innate soul, I am afraid that I will have to lie down for several days before I get up after serving in the Temple of the God King...

  "Come on! Hey, the newcomer's breath is so weak this time, she is completely an ordinary girl!"

  Lian Bing looked at the teleportation beam trail that descended from the sky.

  "Does it come from a peaceful world like Shiyu of Kasumigaoka and the others?"

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