"How...how could this be..."

  The leader of the bandit looked at Yi Xiaochuan angrily. He had been a bandit for more than ten years after escaping from the Qin army headquarters. He had never encountered such a strange thing in his life!

  Then he was powerless to complain, the knife directly pierced his heart and lungs, and soon died.

  Seeing the death of the bandit leader, Yi Xiaochuan was greatly relieved, because the jade pendant no longer glowed, and the divine power blessed by the lucky divine light just now had been used up after the explosion just now!

  Yi Xiaochuan knew that if he wanted to gain strength again, he had to develop believers as soon as possible!


  "Grandpa, this saved our family's life!"

  There, Duke Lu came back to his senses, and brought his two beautiful daughters to kneel and worship in front of Yi Xiaochuan.

  "It is absolutely impossible. Duke Lu's two daughters may have the characteristics of destiny, and I will have to rely on you in the future."

  Yi Xiaochuan quickly stopped the three of them from kneeling and worshipping.

  "Destiny trait? What's the explanation?"

  Lu Gong wondered.

  Lu Su and Lu Zhi also looked at Yi Xiaochuan suspiciously!

  "Hehe, you saw it just now, didn't you? Actually, it wasn't me who saved you, but the true God that I believe in saved you."

  "Otherwise, how could there be such luck as me?"

  Yi Xiaochuan said truthfully.

  "...Are you saying that the true God really exists, and he saved us through you?"

  Lu Gong was stunned.

  "Young master is really good at joking. If gods exist, why are there so many suffering people in this world?"

  Lu Su obviously disbelieved.

  "It's really not easy for people to believe. Why don't you do this? For the sake of saving the lives of the three of you. Would you three worship the god of luck with me?"

  "... This request is not too much, is it?"

  Yi Xiaochuan Road.

  Duke Lu, look at me, I look at you, and nod at the same time!

  Just kidding, no matter what, I was saved by the other party and saved the innocence of my two daughters!Not to mention worshipping gods as they are, even half of the family property should be divided!

  "Then recite the incantation with me, I believe you will be more grateful to me."

  Yi Xiaochuan smiled.

  "Praise my god, you are the incarnation of light above the mist, you are the lucky ruler above all living beings..."



  "Miracle! Miracle! The old troubles in my legs are gone! I feel ten years younger!"

  Duke Lu was ecstatic.

  "I seem to have seen something amazing! Infinitely beautiful, yet vague..."

  "How about you, sister!"

  Lu Zhi looked at the sky with great longing.

  However, Lu Su, who was next to him, didn't seem to be able to hear it.A stronger (Li Nuo's) holy light descended on Lu Su, making Lu Su look like a fairy!Hair flutters!

  "Blessed by divine power!"

  "This is the divine blessing mentioned in the chat group!"

  Yi Xiaochuan exclaimed.

  He didn't expect that Lu Su's Destiny attribute was so strong, that he could actually peep at the divine law and receive divine power empowerment!

  This kind of good fortune is simply a step to the sky, isn't it?

  "younger sister……"

  Lu Zhi pursed his lips, unable to hide his envy.

  "True God blesses, it is the true God who blesses Susu!"

  "Is my daughter immortal!"

  Duke Lu was even more excited and knelt on the ground, kowtow to the sky in the east!

  "My Lord God..."

  "Susu is definitely in the lower realm, working hard to spread the teachings for the Lord of God, and to attract believers! The Lord of God is boundless!"

  Feeling the benefits of being reborn, Lu Su shed tears and bowed. .

Chapter 345

  On the streets of Peixian County, Yi Xiaochuan and Lu Su and Lu Zhi acted separately to promote the religious beliefs with those looking for suffering in the streets!

  According to the missionary experience in the chat group, this kind of thing cannot be done with great fanfare at the beginning. One is that you are not good enough in strength and reputation, and you are easily regarded as a cult and suppressed by the government and other forces; the second is to win the trust of others and Not easy!

  Just like Duke Lu's family of three, if Yi Xiaochuan hadn't sacrificed his life to save him, the three of them wouldn't be foolish enough to kneel and recite such embarrassing prayers with him!

  Therefore, the big guy in the chat group summed up a very useful entry point. First, find those "sick" and troublesome people, preferably some influential people to publicize!

  Once such a person receives the blessings, it will be spread by word of mouth like a flock, and will soon become a prairie fire!

  "Now that Lu Su has been empowered by divine power, his strength is probably already at the top level of this world! Even if he gets into some trouble, it won't be a big problem."

  "Hey! Amazing, Sister Lu Su has already accepted ten followers? How fast!"

  Seeing a ray of lucky divine light descending on him, most of the energy poured into the tiger-shaped jade pendant, Yi Xiaochuan was pleasantly surprised.

  This is the benefit of being a communicator of Faith No. 0!

  As long as the number of believers grows, no matter who does the credit, it will eventually be counted on themselves...

  "In this way, I can have a decent amount of force for a while!"

  "Well, you can't lose to a girl, let's wait for Sister Lu Su to go to the kingdom of God and complain before my god."

  Yi Xiaochuan secretly tapped the small abacus.

  Only at this moment, a unkempt, ragged person in front of him was chased by several people.

  "Stop you thief!"

  "I kindly let you cook in a restaurant. Your tm steals meat every day. Where do you want to run when I meet you today!"

  The restaurant owner with a stick in his hand chased and cursed angrily.

  The man with neat legs had already caught up with the man in front and kicked him to the ground.

  "Damn it! That person is... Gao Yao?"

  After Yi Xiaochuan saw the face of the fallen man, his expression was stunned!

  Then rush over and stop in front of Gao Yao!

  "Fuck! Who are you kid, do you want to cover up this thief? Do you know what he did! He stole hundreds of pounds of meat from my house!"

  The shop owner frowned, looking at Yi Xiaochuan's unkind face.

  Yi Xiaochuan smiled bitterly in his heart. He didn't expect that even Gao Yao would follow him, and his habit of stealing meat as a chef had not changed.

  However, the two met in another world, and Gao Yao was the brother of his girlfriend in that world, so naturally he couldn't watch him be beaten to death, and now he was short of missionaries!

  "Cough cough! I'm very sorry, I'm the housekeeper of Lu Gong's family in the Lu residence of Pei County!"

  "This person has something to do with me. I'll give you the money for the meat he stole. Beating people is not good."

  Yi Xiaochuan laughed dryly.

  "Lord Lu's housekeeper? Disrespectful and disrespectful!"

  "I didn't expect this fellow to know someone of your identity. Let him be lucky! You give me ten taels of silver."

  The shop owner heard that he was the housekeeper of Duke Lu of Peixian County, and then looked at Yi Xiaochuan's decent clothes, so he changed his face and smiled and bowed.


  "I just steal a few pieces of meat for 10 taels!"

  Gao Yao, who was lying on the ground, wailed.

  Then he saw Yi Xiaochuan's face!

  "you you you!!!"

  "You're here too"?"

  Gao Yao was stunned, and his lips were uneasy!

  And then there is the ecstasy that cannot be concealed!

  With this little ability and the virtue of not being able to resist stealing meat, it is really difficult for a person to survive in this era!Now that I meet Yi Xiaochuan, who has passed through together, I finally have support!It's just like meeting relatives!

  "Let's not talk about that."

  "10 taels are 10 taels. My God is benevolent, and it was worth the money when people kindly took you in!"

  Yi Xiaochuan said with a smile, he took the money very calmly.

  Of course, the money on his body was donated by Duke Lu. After all, he saved someone's life, so Duke Lu naturally wouldn't be stingy.Besides, Yi Xiaochuan is now the leader of the Lucky God Cult!Daughter Lu Su is the vice priest!This relationship lies in the fact that the resources of the entire Lu Mansion are used for missionary purposes.

  "Hahaha! As expected of the housekeeper of the Lu Mansion, please say hello to Lord Lu Gong for me, and come to the 'Changing Restaurant' for dinner when you have time, I will treat you!"

  The store owner listened to Yi Xiaochuan's caring words, and his smile became a little more easy-going.

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