"My God! I only got 2 points after working hard for 400 days, not enough sweat money?"

  Grandmaster complained.

  Is this task score also related to mood?A few days ago, I was defeated by Luna PK very badly, and I was in a bad mood for 3 days, although I got some yin and yang insights from that fight.

  But after all, it's not the real Yin-Yang technique, and it's not as fast as before with the Lord God.

  And now, this divine acquisition actually requires roasted potatoes and roasted fish, Da Siming is even more beautiful and patient!

  Shao Siming was speechless, thinking that there are a lot of potato noodles that you have crushed in the past few days. It is strange that the activity score is good.

  "Da Siming, you have broken the record for the worst rating for baked potatoes. With a C-level rating, the Aijia is going to despise you."

  The Pirate Empress spread her hands.

  Yan Lingji and others also snickered.

  Da Siming was ashamed, and once again put the account to Chen Xian!It's better to be directly arched by that guy, it simply affects the performance of his own potato farming!

  "If you want me to say that it is the 600 students of the Shaoji Mingjiao, they don't like to talk. Take a look at Inoue Orihime and Yoichi from my group. They have a proper A grade. My apprentice is still better."

  Tsunade said proudly.

  "Sakura is really good!"

  Yeichi laughed, and Inoue Orihime nodded with a blushing face.

  Farming or something is also a physical test for Orihime Inoue, her body always leans forward involuntarily, and sometimes she needs Haruno Sakura to help hold it up...

  "Haha, thank you master for the compliment!"

  Haruno Sakura said cautiously.

  "Ahem, Tsunade-sama, in fact, when Sakura was just grilling, she was rated D by Yan."

  Ino whispered beside Tsunade.

  "Shao Siming, the fish grilled by the law of flame is really fragrant, and it is the most refreshing and appetizing."

  Chen Xian ate the grilled fish handed over by Shao Siming, and tasted it with a smile.

  "Thank you Lord God for your praise, it is Xiaoyi's blessing to be able to satisfy you."

  Shao Si Ming blushed and bowed.

  "Our young master is so dedicated to grilling fish for you, Lord God can't treat others badly."

  Da Shiming laughed wickedly.

  "Of course! Come on, it's time for your lunch break."

  Chen Xianle said, and after speaking, he disappeared in place with Shao Siming.

  "My Lord God..."

  The girls covered their faces, as if imagining the picture of Shao Siming accepting the super prize.


Chapter 359

  "Okay, Shao Siming has also learned to shout."

  Outside the Hall of Gods and Kings, Hua Mulan listened and teased while she was choosing a fishing rod.

  "People are good at speaking, but they don't talk much like Xiaolongnu. Of course, such a delicate and quiet little girl, Lord God, will be more liked."

  "It's not like us, who are self-destructing with loud noises all day long."

  Toba came to Ye Tan's hand.

  "Who told you two to scream so loudly when you practice swordsmanship? It's not ladylike at all."

  Dancing with the wind appeared beside the two of them, smiling and teasing.

  "This is military power! Do you understand, we were born in the military, and we all shout when we practice swords!"

  Mulan protested with a fist.

  "I used to shout when I was studying at the Kendo Martial Arts Academy."

  Toba Lai Ye Duzui said.

  "Haha, that's why you say it when you practice swordsmanship, it's not as good as other people's Shao Siming. It's better to make the Lord God like it now."

  Dancing with the wind smirked.

  "Elegant, isn't it... I understand, that's why several sisters in your group are more favored!"

  "Last time, the Holy King of Angels and Ignorant were like this."

  "Sisters Xinyuehu and Xinyuekui are also gentle. I get goosebumps when I hear it."

  Mulan shivered.

  Xinyuehu, who came to choose fishing gear from a distance, instantly blushed with embarrassment, took the fishing tackle from the department store, turned around and ran away.

  "Not good! My beloved crystal fishing rod was snatched by Xinyuehu!"

  Looking at the empty shelves, Hua Mulan wailed.

  In the godly activity just launched by God Lord Chen Xian, there are also competitions for fishing results.

  "Who keeps you busy making fun of Shao Siming and them."

  Toba came to the leaves and danced with the wind and laughed.


  The bell rang for the entry of the gods, causing the girls to be slightly surprised.

  "There is actually a god entering at noon, let's go and have a look. It is estimated that the Lord of God will not be willing to leave the commander's life to receive the formation platform at this moment 々¨."

  Dancing with the wind and smiling.

  "It's the same whether you go or not. Anyway, everyone is familiar with the road, and Sister Huaizhu must have been there. I might as well go to other places to find a suitable fishing rod."

  Mulan stretched lazily.

  "It's up to you, anyway, I've always been very lively to join in the fun of new people entering the door."

  "Maybe some interesting guys will come."

  Toba Raiha touched his chin.

  "As long as you don't have the best quality like Heavenly Defilement King Liangbing, one is enough to make a fuss."

  Dancing with the wind and squinting, he said that the figure had already dissipated.

  "Yeah! Sister Huaizhu's aura is already at the peak of the true god! Is it about to forge the god position???"

  On the platform of receiving and guiding the formation, I felt the terrifying fluctuations of the laws around Dongfang Huaizhu, and exclaimed exclaimed by dancing with the wind.

  "Don't make a fuss! If I was slow, I thought Sister Huaizhu was pregnant!"

  "Even Queen Medusa has already cultivated to the ninth level of True God. It's normal for Sister Huaizhu to go to the next level after so many days of retreat."

  Yanling Ji Jiao smiled.

  "God! Yan Lingji, what the hell are you talking about! If you don't hit you for a few days, you'll be alive, right?"

  Dongfang Huaizhu blushed instantly.

  "That's right, if you want to get pregnant, it's better for Sister Yanling Ji to get pregnant first. Sister Huaizhu hasn't had as much time by the Lord's side as you have."

  Wang Quan Zui'er snickered.

  She and Dongfang Huaizhu are from their hometowns, with similar temperaments, and their friendship like sisters will naturally help.

  "Sister Zui'er said that to me, but I'm embarrassed."

  Yan Lingji blushed.

  "Cough cough, don't discuss the inappropriate words of such a girl. Didn't you see that the new girl was also present."

  Shui Yunji slowly descended from the air.

  "Sister Empress, it's okay for us, we're used to it."

  Lisa, who has been promoted to the librarian of the Myriad Realms, chuckled lightly.

  "You're used to it, I haven't."

  "Besides, I must despise your cooking skills!"

  Qin looked sad and angry.

  It's only been a few days. Ever since I got what I wanted by using Yan Lingji's method, I immediately forgot about myself, the head of the West Wind Knights. There was no cooperation at all in the morning's godly cooking competition. The barbecue that is made is not less than the high score of the commander.

  You must know that they are from the mainland of "Yuan Shen", so they should be the best at cooking in the wild.

  "This is because I dislike other people's poor cooking skills. It's so bad. People used to go out to restaurants, and they rarely cook by themselves."

  "Speaking of which, I really seem to be eating another bunch of Mond's candied carrots!"

  Lisa Dead Pig is not afraid of boiling water.

  Anyway, my body has already been given to the Lord God, and I don't care about other things accordingly... No matter how bad the cooking skills are, the punishment will be punished if you love it, and the big deal will be cleaned up by the Lord God.

  "...Lisa, be more serious. The cooking competition between groups must also be taken seriously. After all, it is related to the monthly total score evaluation of the group."

  "If you always have to be last, you don't care. As the team leader, I can't hold my face."

  Tianquan star condensed light and stepped on auspicious clouds, and went to the road.

  Since he and the Lord of God have become husband and wife, Ningguang's realm and law perception far surpasses Lisa, Qin and Keqing. Now Ningguang is already a 5th-order pseudo-god, and the strength is far from the strongest god in the "Original God" continent. Above "Tianli"!

  That is to say, Ningguang estimates that the development of the group is not in a hurry to the lower realm, otherwise the Tivat Continent at this moment has already been classified under the rule of Ningguang, and it has become a place of absolute faith for Chen Xian.

  "Women who have love are really different, and they are three-point beautiful after not seeing them for a few days. It's really enviable."

  Looking at Ningguang's gorgeous figure, Qin couldn't help but admire.

  "Is that kind of thing so helpful to practice..."

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