Tiansheng Linglong transmitted his voice through the communication crystal yesterday, and a large number of people who destroyed God's Domain have arrived at the entrance of the Tiandao battlefield.

  With Chen Xian's current strength and the source of belief of hundreds of billions of believers, I am afraid that it is said that the god emperor who has not appeared for hundreds of millions of years can fight against Chen Xian.So Chen Xian didn't take the supreme god who destroyed God's Domain seriously at all, so he mentioned it casually, but unexpectedly, it made the girls worry.

  "Lord God, don't blame me for talking too much, it was revealed by Reina."

  Keisha blushed slightly.

  Especially when I recalled the absurdity of the day before yesterday, she and Liang Bing were in the Palace of the God King and the God Lord Chen Xian, and they were inexplicably ashamed not to look into Chen Xian's eyes.

...... 0 ......


  "Ah! Keisha, you bastard, just confess me!"

  Reina stomped her feet in embarrassment.

  Qiangwei and Qilin told her before the lower realm yesterday, but they also said that the Lord God did not want to spread the news to affect the cultivation of the girls.

  "Is there really any trouble? What realm is the other party?"

  The little dragon girl, who had been quiet and silent, walked up to Chen Xian in front of all the girls for the first time, and said with some concern.

  But that slightly sad face became more and more lovable, and Chen Xian remembered that he hadn't been to Xiaolongnu's palace for a week...

  "Don't worry, the universe, I am invincible."

  "You don't need to worry about these things in the future. When you cultivate your own throne of God, I will take you to walk around the Shenhe Star Region, saving you from worrying and worrying all day long."

  Looking at Feng Qingxue, Zhao Linger, Ling Qingzhu, Yan Lingji and others who were also worried, Chen Xian smiled and assured.


  "Great!!! This is the motivation for cultivation!"

  "You can tell the truth, and when we cultivate the throne of the gods, take us to the Shenhe Star Territory!"

  "I really want to see the place where the Lord of God grew up! Are the people there all gods from birth??"

  Yan Lingji and others were pleasantly surprised, and Gao Yao jumped up excitedly.

  As the steady and dignified Keisha and Luna on weekdays, they also have wonderful eyes and are full of yearning!Down.

Chapter 371

  "I want to go to the Shenhe Star Region to see. If the Lord God still allows us to do business or something, Ningguang will definitely bring unexpected surprises to the Lord God."

  Tianquan star condensed light and beautiful eyes flashed.

  "It's here again, you just want to make money like that. You are a real god now, do you know that? You are not afraid of embarrassing the Lord of God."

  Ke Qing was powerless to complain.

  "How can you embarrass the Lord God? I'm not slow to improve my realm strength. Do you want to compare the size of a 'slime' with me?"

  Ningguang squinted at Ke Qing's beautiful face and plain dimension, and smirked at the corner of his mouth.


  Ke Qing instantly understood the meaning of Ningguang, squeezed her fist and was about to fight, but was stopped by Qin and the others happily.

  "Your "Yuanshen" world is also a big heart. No one is worried about the safety of the Lord God's [-]. It shows that we are overhearted."

  Tu Shan Rongrong spread his hands.

  The two beautiful sisters Tu Shan Yaya and Tu Shan Honghong beside her have been looking at Chen Xian with the loving eyes of "worry", "take me out" and "can work hard for you"!

  Last month, Tu Shan Yaya and Tu Shan Honghong were especially favored by Chen Xian, and they were completely dead.

  "Sister Rongrong, don't worry! According to the existing materials in the Myriad Realms Library, so far I have not been able to find any evaluation of the power of my Lord's Ultimate True God, so it should be unprecedented."

  "So we are worried about the Lord of God, it is better to worry about the enemy of the Lord of God."

  Lisa believed herself.

  "That's right, Lisa, you have already read a lot of books in such a short time, have you begun to understand the classics of the Shenhe Star Region? The Lord God really didn't care about you in vain."

  Yan shook his wings and chuckled in approval.

  "Thank you Sister Yan for your praise!"

  Lisa's face was pretty red, and she wondered how even Angel Yan knew about her and the Lord God. Could it be that she accidentally shouted too loudly that day!

  Thinking of this, Lisa hid behind Qin in shame.

  "I'm embarrassed at this time. You are now the favored concubine of the Lord God, so be more confident?"

  Qin steals the road.

  "Sister Lisa..."

  "No wonder Sister Lisa is so much prettier than she was in the lower realms, so that's how it is!"

  "The nourishment of love is more gentle than the wind spirit of spring."

  Fischer and Claire coaxed.

  "Ah ah ah! You bastards, can't you help me change the subject, Lord God is still there!"

  Lisa covered her face.

  "What's so embarrassing about it, but someone changed the subject for you."

  "The newcomers here this time will make the Kingdom of God more interesting and lively."

  Looking at Lisa's black stockings and long legs, Chen Xian complimented him with an unforgettable admiration.

  "Is it so special? Is it worth the Lord God to say that?"

  Medusa chuckled, her eyes moved, she pushed Gu Xun'er, who had been hiding in the corner, to Chen Xian.

  "Sister Medusa!"

  Gu Xun'er said in amazement, the super-beautiful girl's appearance could not hide her shyness and longing.

  "The Lord God is going to go out to do business. I don't know how long it will take to come back. Xun'er, you must want to accompany you today."

  Medusa gave Gu Xun'er a look you know, full of smiles.

  "...Yes! Sister Medusa has a heart."

  Gu Xun'er's eyes are lustrous, and she owes Medusa a thousand blessings.

  "I was negligent. I really haven't been to Xun'er's palace for a few days. Don't be in a hurry to go out today. After meeting the newcomers in a while, Xun'er will go with me to the Seaview Shrine to 'see the seascape'."

  Chen Xian took Gu Xun'er into his arms and smiled as he felt Gu Xun'er's wonderful man and pleasant fragrance.


  Gu Xun'er shyly leaned her head in Chen Xian's arms, she really didn't dare to look at the envious eyes of the girls around her!

  In such a charming kingdom of God, this is a super rare favor!

  Gu Xun'er is really content, and she is single-minded, and will not eat anyone's vinegar in the future...


  "Look at how happy sister Xun'er has become."

  Sister Medusa is a little biased.

  The little doctor snickered.

  "You and Duanmurong have been fascinated with the cultivation and refining of the vegetation of the kingdom of God all day long. I am afraid that you will not serve well enough to let the Lord of God see our group clearly."

  Yun Yun spread her hands and said bluntly.

  "Ahhh! Sister Yunyun, don't expose me!"

  "It's all Duanmurong's fellow. He insisted on studying the 'Medicine and Medicine Special Chapter' of "Shinto Books", which made me dizzy and forget the years."

  The little doctor blushed.

  In this way, it seems that she is the one who came early, but rarely wants to accompany the Lord of God...

  "I despise your shameless behavior, Duanmurong will not bear it!"

  Being leaned on by the little doctor fairy, Duanmurong protested with a show of fists. …

  Luna and Concubine Yan were speechless.

  "That's fine, but I found the problem. When the Lord of God returns, the Moon God will definitely take Duanmu Rong to the Palace of the King of God, and let the Lord of the Lord punish him until he is satisfied..."

  The moon god owes Chen Xian a debt from afar.

  But that feeling and shyness actually made Chen Xian a little restless!

  "So...the kidneys are good!"

  Chen Xian smiled and nodded.

  Just when Gu Yuena's group was also thinking of something to say, the 8th channel of the sky finally pierced through the void and came!

  "I'm going! There are 8 people at once!"

  "No wonder the Lord God said that there was a lot of fun!"

  "This breath! Not human!!!"

  "Interesting, it's so much fun now!"

  Feeling the breath of life in the transmission beam, Yan Lingji, Gu Yuena and others exclaimed.

  "It's not a human breath, is it our demon clan?"

  Tu Shan Rongrong said in surprise.

  "It's not a monster, it's a very interesting life!"

  Tushan Yaya squinted and knew.

  "There are no such creatures in our super god universe. It should be the otherworldly elves recorded in the library of the world, right?"

  Yan looked at Chen Xian and said.

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