Such a legend has already subverted the three views of countless gods!

  In just ten days, the entire universe does not know how many rookies of the pseudo-god level are trying to walk the road of "extreme true god"!

  Unfortunately, so far, no one has succeeded!

  There is no other reason, the ultimate divine way is too harsh, and each small realm is divided into [-] thresholds, not to mention the terrifying resources consumed in the process, just these [-] thresholds for each small realm, if there is one place that does not go To the limit is to lose all efforts!

  Such a harsh cultivation method is simply the greatest torture in the world for those who practice the divine way!

  This is not something that can be solved by cultivating talent alone, but more importantly, luck! ! !If there is such a bad luck once, if there is a small mistake in cultivation, it will never be possible for Chen Xian to set foot on the "extreme true god" way!

  Therefore, the more invincible power the supreme god supports, the more curious Chen Xian's identity is!

  "Is he Chen Xian! This divine aura really isn't the supreme god!"

  "Invincible! I haven't even arrived at the upper gods, but I can kill them with one move. How can we call ourselves geniuses?"

  "There is no true god in front of the limit, we can't even be considered gods! It's the number one super freak in the universe!"

  "Let's see how Emperor Destruction negotiates, it's best to fight, everyone knows it!"

  "The general of Shengtian Longting is also there. It is enough to let Chen Xian end up fighting the Supreme God. Tiansheng Linglong has found such a young and invincible existence to be a man. It is true that Tiandao is helping Shengtian Longting!"

  The surrounding gods whispered in a whisper...

  Chen Xian was a little surprised by such a scene. He thought that everyone would continue to be as condescending as before, relying on the high level of realm.

  "Hey, it seems to have hit the spot, and finally let these old people who only look at the realm have a lot of insight."

  Chen Xian sneered in his heart.

  However, he didn't answer the words of the supreme god who destroyed the gods, but came to Tiansheng Linglong and Tiansheng general very freely and freely.

  "I've been lazy these past few days, and I've made you work hard."

  Chen Xian looked at the two and smiled.

  "Damn you, be polite to others."

  Tiansheng's exquisite and boundless face showed a gentle and shy expression, this kind of tenderness will only be shown to Chen Xian!

  Everyone! ! !

  Especially the rookie who came to help from Shengtian Longting, how many times his heart was broken when he saw the first princess Kamigawa so attached to Chen Xian!

  Obviously they are already together!

  "You kid, you took down the princess so quickly..."

  "And it's still the first cut and then the replay, raw rice and cooked rice! If you hadn't won two super-grade ore veins for Shengtian Dragon Court this time, otherwise His Majesty the Terror God Emperor would have jumped out of the Dragon Burial Abyss in anger!"

  Tiansheng Yilong smiled bitterly.

  "You bastard! Do you think you can ignore this seat if you have the support of Shengtian Longting!"

  "Kneel down and explain to me!"

  The supreme god who destroyed the realm of the gods, the emperor, saw Chen Xian ignoring himself so much, and the divine might was furious!

  Sky robbery cloud fantasy life!

  The endless coercion is like the way of heaven, covering Chen Xian with the power to crush time.

  "So powerful! I'm afraid it's the fifth-order supreme god!!!"

  "It is one step higher than General Jin of Shengtian Longting!"

  "Chen Xian is in danger!"

  Everyone was horrified!

  Tian Sheng's exquisite and pretty face was sullen, and he found that he couldn't even raise the courage to act in front of the emperor!

  General Tiansheng was about to help, but he was stunned, because Chen Xian seemed to be completely unaffected under that kind of pressure, and his expression was the same!

  "Blind old dog! You should kneel down and explain to me."

  "I agreed with Mie Wuyan on the arena rules, life and death destiny, how dare you come to tell me? I don't know if my brother has been upgraded again?"

  Chen Xian sneered, and slapped him without looking back.

  A seemingly random slap is actually accompanied by three thousand golden lotus flowers!With the power beyond cognition, ignoring all the obstacles of laws, he swiped heavily on the cheek of Emperor Mie Huangtian, and swiped it directly out of countless time and space...

  Senseless!Everyone present was stunned!

  Everyone looked at Chen Xian with the eyes of monsters, thousands of gods, cold sweat like rain! ! ! .

Chapter 377

  "You!!! You can even fly the 5th-order Supreme God?"

  Tiansheng Yilong's eyes widened, and then he couldn't help swallowing his throat!

  That's the Emperor Destroyer!

  An existence that is one rank higher than his own realm, a supreme figure of the fifth rank of the supreme god, isn't he good!

  Just like that, Chen Xian slapped him and flew away...

  This is even more shocking than Chen Xian's instant killing of the half-step supreme god Mie Wuyan before! ! !

  "I know that you will be pleasantly surprised after you cultivate the throne of the true dragon of the Three Thousand Laws. I didn't expect the surprise to be like this..."

  Tian Sheng Linglong took Chen Xian's hand affectionately and looked left and right, shyly said with a smile, this is the hand of the highest god, it is the hand of his own man!

  Such a scene has never happened in millions of years!

  And Chen Xian is still only the godhead of the median god!

  In this way, entering the battlefield of Tiandao with yourself, and competing for the Tiandao hegemony of the belief planet, isn't it destructive? ? ?

  Just scare the competitors of the same generation to death! ! !


  "No 14 enemies! Such a character actually appeared in the Shenhe Star Region!"

  "It's over, it's over! How can I compete for resources with the Shenhe Star Region in the future!"

  "No wonder even Princess Linglong, who was born with Dao fetus, is willing to commit herself!"

  "You can only make friends, you can't mess with it..."

  "You must gain the favor of Chen Xian at all costs, or my galaxy will be in danger in the future!"

  "Little friend Chen Xian! Little friend Chen Xian is as powerful as a prison! I have a peerless princess in the galaxy..."

  "Cough! Princess Linglong, that's not what I meant, don't do it!"

  The gods of the major galaxies came back to their senses one after another, and they came forward to greet each other with [-] enthusiasm.

  Although they are older than Chen Xian, I don't know how many, but in the gods of the river where strength is respected, interests come first!



  That night, General Tiansheng left early and returned to the Holy Dragon Court!

  This time he came mainly to prove Chen Xian's strength with his own eyes. Now Chen Xian has crushed the fifth-order supreme god with the realm of the median limit true god!General Tiansheng knows that this is about to change the sky!

  If the emperor does not go out, absolutely no one in the universe would dare to provoke Chen Xian. Their Shengtian Longting will use the relationship between Tiansheng Linglong and Chen Xian to enter a period of unscrupulous development!

  The sun and the moon are changing, just now!

  General Tiansheng knows the big things, and Tiansheng Linglong is more able to foresee the unprecedented prosperity that is coming!

  Tomorrow is the opening of the Tiandao battlefield!It is also the time when Shengtian Longting really takes off!

  Bright night.

  Princess Linglong is happy in body and mind, showing her best side in front of Chen Xian...



  Time flies, only the true God is immortal.

  Just when Chen Xianyu shocked Huanyu and enjoyed endless glory.

  In the Divine Kingdom space, all the women are ingenious and performing their respective duties, preparing for a "Ten Thousand Worlds Food Festival" waiting for their Lord God to return victoriously!

  "When the Lord of God comes back, it will definitely be super unexpected!"

  Xiao Wu yearned for the way while picking out the best quality fruit to dry and making dried fruit.

  She knew that as long as she was gentle and well-behaved, she would definitely make the Lord God pay more attention to herself!The last time I served the Lord of God was a very beautiful memory...

  "So the sisters should start preparing ingredients from all walks of life now!"

  "The ingredients in my kingdom are actually excellent. The Endless Magic Sea is rich in all kinds of exotic fish and seafood recently!"

  Huang Rong's eyes flashed.

  She has become a true god, she has endless years and immortal youth, so much time is enough for Huang Rong to study her favorite gourmet dishes.

  "My God, the seafood there is full of supplements. We must not let the Lord God eat too much, otherwise we will suffer the same as last time."

  Cheng Yaojia waved his hands in a panic.

  That seaside dinner, she and Huang Rong couldn't handle it together!

  "So exaggerated?"

  "My junior sister and I can't ask for anything."

  Li Mochou snickered.

  "Senior sister! Who can't ask for anything from you! Every serious person all day long, deserves to be kicked by Feng Qingxue."

  The little dragon girl blushed and said angrily.

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