The crowd exclaimed.

  Yuan Lang also re-examined Man Xiaoman in amazement. Obviously, this subordinate is a little different from what she reported.

  "Is there a powerful weapon..."

  "If that's the case, then prepare a small boat to set off."

  Jing Xin took a look at Xiaoman's Baodao Dao.

  In her opinion, being able to possess such a weapon should not be too weak.

  "I'm going, I'm going too! I really can't leave me this time!"

  Manji said anxiously.

  "Master Captain, please take care of this child. When the matter is over, please hand him over to His Royal Highness Lili Ai, Princess Shuguo."

  Man Xiaoman took Manji's collar and sent it to Yuanlang.

  "From today onwards, you will be the hero of the creatures in the world. Of course, this requirement is no problem."

  Yuanlang nodded seriously.



  an hour later.

  "Ahhhh! Manji, you little bastard, how did you get up!"

  As he approached the shore, Man Xiaoman collapsed as he looked at the head leaking from the back of the boat.

  Originally, there was no Kuiba on this eddy current island, but now, it really does!

  "This bear boy!"

  Sharon cursed.

  "It's bullshit!"

  The mirror heart is also frowning and speechless.

  "I said that I want to become the greatest monster, of course I can't be left behind!"

  Manji laughed.

  At this moment, two figures appeared in the shoal of Eddy Island, and they attacked them with the mechanism pulse technique from a distance.

  "No! It's Kuiba's twelve demon generals!"

  "That's the vice-chairman Kiska's Qi Hengsan and the fog demon You Mikuang! They're both general-level six-meridian masters!"

  Sharon exclaimed.

  Then the boat under his feet was blown up by the opponent's pulse technique!

  "A master of 6 meridians, you can't be too careless!"

  "Manji, you are with the Goddess Mirror Heart. As a great demon, do you know that you must protect the destiny!"

  "If the Mirror Heart Goddess is in fatal danger, tell the Mirror Heart Goddess that 'everything is good for you' mantra!"

  Man Xiaoman gave Manji a wink in a hurry.

  "'Everything goes well with mantras'??? Oh, I got it! Don't worry, my lord!"

  Manji scratched his head, then suddenly understood.

  A few days ago, I worshipped God with Man Xiaoman, and at that time my pulse gate was opened by the blessing of the gods!Therefore, as soon as Man Xiaoman said "everything goes well with mantras", Manji understood.

  "When is this all, you guys are still playing dumb riddles! The other party is a madman of the general's combat power!"

  Sharon has already drawn his sword and fought You Mikuang.

  "Oh? So I'm already so famous? Has the Holy Alliance already used me as a negative teaching material to promote it in the whole army?"

  "Since that's the case, I'm welcome!"

  Netherworld madly laughed.

  "Netherworld madman, come and deal with that god, leave these two juniors to me! It's easy for me to take care of them with my pulse array! There's no need to use Kuiba's pulse technique."

  Qiheng three shouted.

  "Damn it, I was really locked in the pulse array!"

  "No more patience, if you don't let the mirror heart suffer a little bit, the other party will not try that method of worshiping God!"

  Man Xiaoman is holding the Ba Gang Blade, and he can't even open the pulse gate to assist in Qi Heng San's pulse array.


  "Damn, he's moving too fast!"

  The mirror outside the formation was anxious and said that the opponent is a ghost and is not suitable for using light potential, and the one-on-one pulse attack is not her good at all.

  "If it really doesn't work, just worship God, that method really works!"

  Manji, who was knocked away by the Nether, shouted.

  "Bastard, I am the main god of the gods, who do you want me to worship?"

  Hearing Manji's words, Jing's heart was not light.

· · · Flowers · · ·

  "Ahahahaha! You two little bastards, are you here to laugh at me? There are so many powerful people in the Holy Alliance, but they just sent little guys like you to die!"

  "Bai Luoti, Fenghe, Ying Song, Huan Zejin, Guangxiu! You fought so many times for the Holy Alliance back then, you were simply blind!"

  Netherworld laughed wildly and burst into tears.

  "This guy seems to be a friendly monster too..."

  "I know how to do it!"

  Manji suddenly rushed in front of Jingxin, and under the puzzled eyes of Jingxin and Netherworld, he worshipped God!

  "Praise my God, you are the incarnation of light above the mist, you are the lucky ruler above all living beings! Your loyal believer Manji..."


  Stunned by the Mirror Heart and Nethermania, the divine light of the sky descends!The celestial goddess on the side of Manji, Kuibashi's master mirror heart, is shrouded in it.

  "What! That...that's..."

  For the first time in her life, Jingxin was illuminated by the divine light of luck. Its special life genes and pure destiny immediately attracted a strong response from the divine light of luck!

  The beautiful image of the kingdom of God appeared at the end of time, the kind of supreme and beautiful, which directly made Jingxin stunned!

  Compared with such a supreme kingdom of gods, her hometown, the icy world of gods, is almost like a barbaric planet!

  "Oh? A planet with good aptitude, it's very suitable for power transmission."

  At the end of time and space, Chen Xian's more interested voice resounded in Jing Xin's heart, just as the extreme temperament Chen Xian showed a hint of truth, Jing Xin was completely stunned!The girl's heart was hit in an instant, and she knelt down in a daze.

  "... Lord God!"

  Mirror Heart subconsciously called out.



  "Lord God, do you feel that there are new sisters coming to the kingdom of God?"

  The Huoyu Side Hall of the Palace of Gods and Kings.

  Chi Tong, the beautiful girl lying beside Chen Xian, asked quietly after feeling Chen Xian's spiritual thoughts fluctuate.

  Not far away, the younger sister Hei Tong had already passed out and had no response.

  "Yes, as expected of my elder sister, Chi Tong, you are excellent in terms of cultivation and technique."

  Chen Xianle said.

  As soon as these words came out, Chi Tong covered his face.



Chapter 391

  "Sister Chitong is okay, I have been with the Lord God until the evening and haven't come out yet, but the food festival is about to start."

  Ying Huanhuan pouted.

  In order to cope with today's food festival, she specially learned the craft from Huang Rong.

  "This is called desperate, Chi Tong and Hei Tong did not prepare the entries at all, giving us those who can't cook a little chance."

  Kuchiki Rukia laughed.

  As a god of death in the past, she never wanted to eat this aspect, and naturally she couldn't cook.

  Uno Hanaritsu and Shifengin Yoichi are similar, they are completely blind to cooking, so their group put their last hope of winning face on Orihime Inoue!

  "O Orihime, how are you preparing? Can our team avoid the annihilation of the entire army, but we're counting on you."

  Inoue Orihime, who became more and more hydrated and pleasant to practice in the kingdom of God, squinted at Sifengyuan on June [-]th.

  In fact, Orihime Inoue came to the Kingdom of God very early, but like Princess Shirahing, she belongs to the most shy group of gods. Even if she admires and likes Chen Xian, she will never dare to take the initiative to say it or talk to Liang Bing and Yan Lingji. Do it like that.

  On the contrary, it is this kind of activity that can cook delicious food for the Lord of God, which can make Inoue Orihime devote wholeheartedly to it, a real "love dessert"!

  "Don't worry, Sister Yeyi! My love dessert will never lose."

  Inoue Orihime waved his fist.

  "Silly girl, look at sister Chitong's courage. If you want men to care about you, desserts and love are not enough."

  Ye Yi looked at Inoue Orihime sincerely.

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