"You have made rapid progress. This has already made a great contribution to the order and stability of the kingdom of God and the promotion of laws, so there is no need to disturb yourself."

  Chen Xian fondly embraced Medusa's slender waist.

  "Yes, the Lord of God is still caring and caring for people."

  Medusa's alluring appearance showed a little shyness like that of a daughter.

  "The newcomer is here, Lord God wants to take care of Sister Medusa, you can stay at night, we won't disturb you!"

  Nalan Yanran snickered.

  "You little girl pretending to be a ghost, Yunyun, look at your precious apprentice, she is so pretty and exciting, it's not bad to let her want to accompany her."

  Medusa laughed.

  "No no! Nalan Yanran dare not argue with you..."

  Nalan Yanran retreated in panic.


  Without waiting for the girls to tease Nalan Yanran, several beams of teleportation beams crashed down!

  6 beautiful women gradually appeared in front of everyone!Time.

Chapter 394

  "Lianfeng! Hahaha, Sister Lianfeng, you are finally here!"

  "It's not a waste of time for us to find you in the lower realm!"

  Du Qiangwei and Qi Lin were pleasantly surprised when they saw the valiant and capable beauty in the uniform of a female commander who was first shown in front of everyone.

  "Yes! Lianfeng pays respects to the Lord God!"

  Lianfeng was obviously prepared, and gave Chen Xian a one-knee salute very generously and decently.

  "You don't need to be too polite. You are also a great help in the missionary work of Lucky God Sect in the lower realm. You are the hero behind the scenes."

  Chen Xian smiled and lifted Lianfeng up with his divine sense.

  "Not bad! It turned out to be a beauty from our super god universe, and the super god team has added a new member."

  Yan looked at Lian Fengdao, who was graceful and graceful.

  "I know that she has good aptitude and can pass the destiny formation."

  "Back then, this little girl was dying to save face, so she was too shy to try it."

  Lian Bing jumped into space from a distance.

  Recently, she has also been imitating Keisha, and has been in seclusion for several days in one breath, for fear that her realm will be dropped too much by Keisha, so very few newcomers in the kingdom of God have been trapped recently.

  "It's over, the King of Heavenly Defilement is out!"

  "Sister Liangbing! Have you prepared any food for the competition?"

  Zhi Xin and Zhao Linger waved at Lian Bing and said hello.

  "Haha, this king is the most beautiful dessert of Lord God, Lord God, don't you think so!"

  Lian Bing's devilish figure, recklessly squeezed into Chen Xian's arms and said coquettishly.

  The girls cover their faces!

  "You just stepped out of the gate, you bastard."

  Looking at Lian Bing, who was robbing her for favor as soon as she arrived, Kaisha rolled her eyes helplessly.With Liang Bing's beauty and shamelessness, it's really incomprehensible if she really doesn't care about her face.

  "It came out after smelling the aroma of the food festival. What kind of food did you make for the competition, Keisha?"

  Lian Bing grinned badly.

  "The food is for the Lord God, just drink cold water by yourself."

  Keisha looked disgusted.

  "Damn it! Sister was so ruthless and unrighteous once, Lord God, look at her, always bullying others!"

  Liang Bing pretended to be cute.

  Chen Xian laughed dryly. He knew Lian Bing's little devil's temper well, so he would be less troublesome if he didn't answer.

  Just as Keisha and Liangbing were bickering.

  The other five newcomers completely walked out of the transmission beam, and with stunning looks, they all knelt down in front of Chen Xian and the others!

  "The believers invite the moon, and Lianxing pays respects to the Lord God!"

  "The believers are paying tribute to the Lord God!"

  "Wang Yuyan pays respects to the Lord God!"

  "Faithful concubine Xuan, meet the Lord of God and all the sisters of the gods!"

  Concubine Xuan, Wang Yuyan and the others fell down one after another with trembling voices.

  After all, they have come to the kingdom of gods, and everything around them is so shocking and magical, just breathing a few times has already made the realm have signs of breakthrough!And the women around, the kind of good fortune and beauty, let them understand that this is the goddess of the kingdom of God!And some have wings, which are not like the world!

  Especially the gods of the gods in front of them, the stalwart body and gentle temperament, just looking at them, makes their hearts tremble...

  "Get up, your world is very interesting and lucky."

  "I will taste the delicacies of the kingdom of God before choosing my own palace of the gods. The food here will be of great help for you to step into the divine way as soon as possible."

  Chen Xian looked at Wang Yuyan, Concubine Xuan, Yaoyue and others, and said with satisfaction.

  These five beauties are not only beautiful, but also extremely intelligent. Before their arrival, they developed the 9% realm of the Comprehensive Martial Plane into a place of faith for the Lucky God Cult.This is also the reason why Yaoyue and others have been delayed until now even though they have reached the conditions for entering the kingdom of God early.


  "Respect the Lord God's orders!"

  Yueyue five people were surprised.

  The way of the gods, the way of the gods, this is the main pursuit of Yaoyuelai to the kingdom of God!

  The two women, Wei and Shi Fei, are stronger, and at the same time put cultivation first, and now they have come to the right place!What's more, Lord God is so handsome and has such a good temper...

  "What a beautiful young lady! Why are they dressed so immortal!"

  Yu Xiaomeijiu couldn't hide her surprise as she looked at Wang Yuyan and Yaoyue's humanity.

  "Sister Lisa didn't lie to us, the ancient country of the East is really rich in beauties!"

  Wuhe Qinli exclaimed.

  "And they are so lucky to have a food festival as soon as they come!"

  Yato God Tohka looked at the newcomer, then looked at the inexhaustible food in the distance and licked the corner of his mouth.

  "Tohka... Be sure to pay attention to the amount of food you eat later! Lord God is watching you!"

  Four Elements secretly reminded.

  The girls...

  "I know, I know, people will be very gentle and ladylike tonight."

  Yato God Tohka blushed.

  "Then, the Wanjie Food Festival will begin, Kaisha, you will be in charge of the tasting process."

  Chen Xian ordered.

  "Things that make brains are really thrown away to others."

  "Sisters, don't expect Queen Keisha to practice favoritism. After all, the first place is a 6-star artifact reward."

  Keisha spread her hands.

  "Yes, yes, we all know that Sister Kaisha is fair and fair!"

  "Anyway, it would be great if the Lord of God could eat the delicious food made by people's hearts!"

  Huang Rong, Concubine Yan and others are in line with the Tao.

  In the following time, hundreds of gods and goddesses in the kingdom of God presented their carefully crafted wine and food to Chen Xian!Among them are Oriental Huaizhu's Peach Blossom Wine, "Candied Carrot Fried Pork" prepared by Chef Xiangling from "Yuanshen" World, "Honey Grapefruit Tea" by Xiao Longnv, "Passion Fruit Cake" by Yu Xiaomeijiu, "Passion Fruit Cake" by Huang Rong Nine Heavens Immortal Bird Beggar Chicken", Tokisaki Kurumi's "Cod Sashimi", Sunlight Reina's "Original Flint BBQ" and so on.

  A series of unheard and unseen delicacies from all walks of life directly made the newly arrived Yaoyue, Shifeixuan and others look silly!

  "Ahhh! It's so delicious, this! This is cake??? Why have I never eaten such a delicious dessert before!"

  After tasting Yu Xiao Meijiu's cake, her eyes lit up.

  "This is food for you that will take thousands of years to make, and of course you can't eat it."

  Lian Bing joked while drinking.

  婠婠! ! !

  "Lord God, it's good to invite Yueyue to dance and help you drink."

  With the encouragement of Lian Xing, the master of Yihua Palace, Yaoyue, came to Chen Xian's side with a blushing face.

  "Of course it's good, how can such a good wine be without beautiful women singing and dancing."

  "Dance well, there are lots of rewards tonight!"

  Looking at the charming Yaoyue, Chen Xian couldn't hide his liking.


  Yueyue understands its meaning, and her face is even more shy! .

Chapter 395

  "Haha, this reward is really heavy enough, your sister is blessed."

  Hearing Yaoyue's voice from Fenghuating from a distance, Huang Rong's mouth had a wicked smile.

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