Qiyana tugged at the sleeves of the Lightning Buds in a low voice.

  "Big idiot, don't say this in front of so many people! They are all gods, can you hear me!"

· · · Flowers · · ·

  Raiden Yayi also couldn't hide her shyness.

  "Don't think nonsense, we are here to learn, okay? After we become strong, we have to go back and eliminate the source of the collapse."

  Ji Ziqiang pretended to be calm.

  In her opinion, as long as the source of the collapse can be completely eradicated, their hometowns can be given permanent peace, and children of the Lord can be negotiated...

  "People are only 16 years old, so they don't want to have babies!"

  Kiana stomped her feet in embarrassment.

  "If you can win the favor, let's talk about it. With so many beautiful sisters in front, we are afraid that it will not be easy for us to approach the Lord God."

  Leidian Yayi looked at the stalwart and handsome man in the sky with complicated eyes.

  Such a lord who stands proudly in the heavens, surrounded by countless angels and beauties, can he like himself as much as he likes Dongfang Huaizhu?


  Thinking of his current state of being insignificant, Leidian Yayi felt a little unsure of himself.

  "You are Kiana, Jizi and Raiden Mei, right?"

  "In the "Introduction Process for Newcomers to Gods" written by Queen Keisha, newcomers to Gods have the opportunity to go to the Temple of God to ask for instructions on their practice on the first night. This is to prevent choosing the wrong direction of practice at the beginning. A little sister wants to ask some important questions or doubts, so don't miss the opportunity tonight."

  Yato God Tohka came over and reminded.

  "You are...the elf team!"

  "Thank you, Sister Tohka for reminding me!"

  Kiana said excitedly.

  If there is such an opportunity to get close to the Lord of God, maybe we can find a way to eliminate the source of the collapse tonight!

  "You know me? It seems that you have already played well in the divine system. Not bad, worthy of being sisters from the tech universe."

  Hearing Qiyana revealing her identity, Yatoshen Tohka's eyes lit up.

  The divine system is a law communication system reasonably developed by the angel group Yan, Kaisha, Hexi, and Liang Bing. As long as the newcomer arrives in the kingdom of God, it will be automatically bound.

  In this kind of divine system, some information exchanges, brief introductions of divine characters, divine private message contact, and even who is going to serve the Lord at night and go to bed, are all arranged clearly and never crash... Next.

Chapter 411

  "Lord Tohka, you elves... can you also give birth to a child for the Lord of God?"

  Kiana blinked and asked playfully.

  Yato God Tohka staggered!

  "Cough! This question, you can ask Yu Xiaomeijiu when you have time. She has more opportunities to accompany the Lord God. The night I just came was the Wanjie Food Festival, so I was gluttonous."

  Yato God Tohka responded embarrassedly.

  Kiana and Raiden Mei were stunned!

  It turned out that he almost missed the newcomer because of the food. Tohka Yatoshen is really a super foodie!

  "Master Huaizhu has successfully merged! The spiritual pressure is so strong! Ah, ah, ah, I can't stand still!"

  The Four Elements in the distance exclaimed, and the person was already sitting directly on the ground.

  "Is this the power of the lower gods! It is more than ten times stronger than the ninth-order true gods!"

  Dongfang Huaizhu, who looked at the six-thirds of the five rivers and looked at the sky, exclaimed in surprise.

  "Such power..."

  The new goddess of death, Hela, looked up at Dongfang Huaizhu with a pale face. If it wasn't for the help of Lian Bing, she would have been killed directly by the spiritual pressure that Dongfang Huaizhu escaped from!

  This is still an unintentional move by Dongfang Huaizhu!

  "The law is really the way of the true God. Even if our technological universe wants to break his head, we can't imagine that someone can be so powerful!"

  Firth exclaimed.

  "No wonder we are called false gods by Xiao Ahua. Compared with Lord Huaizhu, we are not even false gods."

  Diana spreads her hands.

  "Little Ahua, is the traveler from your plane, one of the agents of the God of Fortune?"

  Lian Bing looked at Hela and the three with a little interest.

  As the goddess of death in the Marvel universe, Hela has a very similar character to her, so it is rare for Liang Bing to take the initiative to help Hela choose the palace of the gods and the practice method.

  "Yes, Sister Liang Bing, we didn't know the fact that the little guy turned out to be a transmigrator after the two adults Yan and Tu Shan Yaya went to the realm. That guy was still thinking about going back and bringing him home after we cultivated into true gods. ."

  Diana said seriously.

  "Hehe, I'm afraid this is deceiving you. As the missionary agent of the Lord of God, there are many opportunities to get rewards from the Space-Time Escape Talisman. He said this to want you to come to the Kingdom of God as soon as possible, and to get the Lord of God as soon as possible. reward."

  Cool Bingle Road.

  Diana's three girls cover their faces!

  "When I become a god, I will make him look good when I go back!"

  Hela coldly squeezed her fist and said.

  At this moment, Keisha and Medusa, who had been observing the fusion of Eastern Huaizhu and the gods, suddenly rose into the sky!Countless laws of the lotus are disillusioned and disillusioned, and there are endless choices around the two women!The vortex of spiritual power in the sky appeared, and soon it reached the point where it covered the sky and the sun, and the image of the galaxy appeared on the sunny day!

  "No way! Medusa and Lord Keisha have also begun to break through?"

  Tu Shan Rongrong said in shock.

  "As expected of the three giants of our kingdom of God, I haven't been able to cross that threshold for so long, but they took advantage of the opportunity of Dongfang Huaizhu to make it happen."

  Tu Shan Honghong looked at the three figures in the sky with a calm and complex tone.

  "It's elder sister, you are too upright. The Lord of God often preaches to them in private on weekdays. Sister, you can't go to the Palace of God King once a month."

  Tu Shan Rongrong complained.

  "I was there a few days ago, okay?"

  Tu Shan blushed and said.

  "I went, but I was only bullied and didn't ask for it!"

  "Lord God, there are so many divine weapons, magic weapons and supreme secrets, sister, you are embarrassed to ask for it, and consider me, sister."

  Tu Shan said with anger.

  "In short, today is a great day for our kingdom of God! From now on, we finally have a powerful person who can take a shot!"

  Lu Linxuan next to him waved his fist.

  "Yeah, the lower-ranking gods and gods, even some gods and schools in the Shenhe star region can be mentors! This is a matter of fighting for face with the Lord of God!"

  Song Yan was also excited.

  "Girl Song Yan, don't keep looking at other people. In the past, Lord God liked to go to your place very much. Why hasn't there been any movement recently."

  "Does the technology need to be improved?"

  Shi Jindao leaned over and smiled wickedly.

  "Ahhhhh! Shi Jindao, you bastard, and I won't give you points in the future for these shameful things!"

  Song Yan covered her face in embarrassment.

  "It turns out that you even borrowed Song Yan's points. I said why you always run to the combat laboratory."

  The slender Qi, wearing a gorgeous mask, said in a cold voice...

  Aggressive but good-natured, she couldn't be like Shi Jindao, she could have the cheek to borrow point cards from so many people.

  "Look at the sky! The Lord God has helped!"

  "True Dragon Throne!!!"

  "That is the throne of the Three Thousand Law True Dragon, the strongest throne in the universe!"

  Shi Jindao's eyes lit up, looking at the sky with incomparable envy.

  At this time, Chen Xian obviously knew that Medusa and Kaisha could be promoted together by taking advantage of Dongfang Huaizhu's breakthrough opportunity, so he chose three divine positions with very suitable attributes for the three girls early!

  The throne of Huaizhu in the east is reincarnated, and Medusa's throne is the strongest with the law of Shura. The throne of God chosen for Akai is the attribute of wisdom and involves the comprehensiveness of the law, so the brain of an angel king like Keisha can be used. Endure such a complex divine position!

  In the future, Kaisha will surely evolve into the Wisdom God King!

  "My concubine thanked God Lord for the gift!"

  Seeing that the throne of God floating out of Chen Xian's hand was more perfect than the one he had chosen from the Immortal Treasure Pavilion, Kaisha bowed in surprise.

  "I am also very proud of you being able to integrate the gods so quickly. Of course, I will help you choose the best one first."

  Chen Xian laughed.

  "Sister, in the evening, you have to thank the Lord God well. It's not sincere to be grateful just verbally."

  Apocalypse King Liang Bing coaxed.


  Keisha's noble and elegant face could not hide her shame.

  "Congratulations to Queen Keisha for being promoted to the next god and honoring the heavens!"

  Yan and Lingxi and others shouted.

  "We also congratulate Queen Medusa!"

  "Congratulations to Queen Medusa for being promoted to the next god and honoring the heavens!"

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