I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1013: A furious Tang Bohu? Join forces to seal the enchantment, and the killing begins...

After hearing Lu Shenguang's words.

The rest of the disciples of the world lord also talked dissatisfiedly:

"That's right! Although they are the honorary elders of our Shaking Heaven Holy Land, they can't control our inner disciples."

"That's right, they are just honorary elders, what qualifications do they have to represent Shaking Heaven Holy Land? Do you think they are ancestors?"

"Let them kill the disciples of the Holy Land of Demon Refining, but bring back the disciples of the Holy Land of Demon Refining, and share the benefits? It's crazy!"

"That's right, two against one, are they still afraid of the honorary elders of this Holy Land of Demon Refining?"

"Obviously you can eat alone, why do you want to share it with the Holy Land of Demon Refining? These two honorary elders have bags in their heads?"

Being ridiculed by Lu Shenguang, they can accept it.

Because Lu Shenguang is at the same level as them.

Tang Bohu and Yu Huatian's faces were not very good after hearing the abuse from the disciples of the world master.

Even Yuhuatian's zombie face doesn't look very good.

This made the two of them feel furious.

Even, Wang Mang had already seen the murderous intent in the eyes of the two of them.

A few words of ridicule will not be too embarrassing.

But the ridicule of these inner disciples who shook the heaven and the holy land.

"Fellow Daoist, I think we can work together to set up an enchantment, and we are ready to make a move."

After hearing this, Wang Mang couldn't help laughing.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang's heart suddenly moved, and he knew that there was a good show to watch next.

At this time, Tang Bohu suddenly sent a voice transmission:

"Fellow Daoist, this is your internal problem! This Lu Shenguang should be solved by you, right?"

"Besides, they look down on you so much, don't you want to continue to endure?"

He knew that these two guys couldn't bear it.

However, Wang Mang didn't have time to agree, instead he asked via voice transmission:

Tang Bohu, who was already very angry, was stunned after hearing Wang Mang's words.

Wang Mang's instigation was naturally clear to him at a glance.

"After all, you are also the existence of the king-level combat power! They don't take you seriously at all!"

Wang Mang's throwing the blame and sowing discord can be described as a naked conspiracy.

Obviously, they finally decided to attack Lu Shenguang!

Although, if they attack Lu Shenguang, they will have unimaginable troubles.

But the provocation of these world master disciples also made them very angry.

Therefore, after the two looked at each other, they already had murderous intentions.

"Lu Shenguang, what do you mean? Is this blatantly humiliating our honorary elders?"

Hearing this, Lu Shenguang snorted coldly and said:

However, they have run out of patience!

Thinking of this, Tang Bohu said angrily:

"Too much deceit!"

As soon as the words fell, Wang Mang saw it.

"This seat is to let you know that it is not your decision to shake the Holy Land."

Hearing this, Tang Bohu was furious and said:

Similarly, Lu Shenguang did not show any weakness, and his equipment was even more luxurious than Tang Bohu's.

With a sixth-tier top low-grade long sword in his hand, and wearing a sixth-tier low-grade top-grade divine armor, he greeted him with the sword.

Tang Bohu took out a sixth-rank low-grade divine armor and put it on his body, and he also had an extra sixth-rank low-grade top-level spear in his hand.

Afterwards, Tang Bohu was enraged and killed Lu Shenguang.

Similarly, Yuhuatian didn't help, instead he set up a barrier.

Obviously, Yu Huatian had the same idea as Tang Bohu, and wanted to kill Lu Shenguang here.

For a moment, the two fought fiercely together.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang did not help.

But with a few sticks of incense, the enchantment is as thick as a palm.

Moreover, as time goes by, the thickness of the enchantment is still increasing!

Seeing this, Wang Mang also set up a barrier!

Under the joint arrangement of the two of them, the formation of the enchantment was very fast.

The previous attack on Tang Bohu and Yuhuatian was just a conflict of interest with them.

Otherwise, they would not have provoked Yu Huatian and Tang Bohu at all.

Seeing this scene, whether it was the disciples of the Realm Master in the Holy Land of Demon Refining or the disciples in the Holy Land of Shaking Heaven, they all felt that something was wrong.

Obviously, they are not fools who can become world masters.

Moreover, Yuhuatian even set up an enchantment with Wang Mang.

This also made the atmosphere even more eerie.

But the situation in front of me is not right!

It was abnormal enough for Tang Bohu to attack Lu Shenguang.

"Yes! Is Tang Bohu really crazy? If Lu Shenguang is killed, the ancestor will never let him go!"

"I'm also confused right now? Could it be that the Great Elder of the Outer Sect of the Holy Land of Demon Refining has joined hands with you two honorary elders?"

For a moment, the disciples on both sides couldn't help frowning, and began to discuss in a low voice:

"What's going on here? Could it be that Tang Bohu, Yuhuatian, and Wang Mang from the Holy Land of Demon Alchemy have teamed up?"

"Yes, if they want to kill Lu Shenguang, why would they block the barrier?"

"Do you mean that they are not only as simple as joining forces, but also want to kill us all?"

"I think it's very possible in all likelihood. If this is the case, wouldn't Lu Shenguang be in danger?"

"Are you still worried about them? I think you should worry about us? I don't think things are that simple!"

Of course, some people's faces were cloudy and uncertain, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

But everyone's eyes became wary.

When someone uttered this guess, all the disciples present at the World Master level gasped.

At the same time, their expressions were constantly changing. Some were suspicious, some were shocked, and some were silent.

It is not easy for them to become world masters.

Otherwise, it will not become a world master level existence.

Seeing this scene, both Wang Mang and Yu Huatian were a little surprised.

Obviously, these world master-level inner disciples are not good at it.

He and Yuhuatian exchanged glances.

The next moment, the two had an unusual tacit understanding, and Wang Mang and Yu Huatian became violent one after another.

Of course, even though the plot was seen through.

Wang Mang didn't care either.

All the disciples of the world master who were so frightened in the Holy Land suddenly turned pale with fright.

The next moment, all the disciples of the world master ran away in fear.

I saw that Wang Mang directly took out the sixth-order low-grade top-level armor, put it on his body, and the big halberd in his hand appeared out of thin air, and he killed the disciples in Shaking Heaven Holy Land with murderous intent on his face.

Moreover, even if Wang Mang swung out the fierce halberd, the terrifying Law of Devouring halberd swept past.

Then there are five world masters.

Beheaded on the spot by Wang Mang's halberd!

But Wang Mang's halberd light is too terrifying!

Just in the blink of an eye!

These five fallen world masters were swallowed up by Wang Mang in an instant.

At the same time, the sound of the ~www.readwn.com~ system also sounded:

And all of them are two halves.

Then, Wang Mang opened his mouth, and the terrifying devouring power suddenly emerged.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully devoured the world lord and the sixth heaven powerhouse! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully devoured the world lord triple heaven powerhouse! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained three thousand rule points! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained six thousand rule points! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully devoured the world lord and the strong four-layered heaven! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained four thousand rule points! 】

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