I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1024: Realm Kings and Powerhouses Gather! There are nearly 40 world kings...

Just then.

The **** queen next to Tang Bohu.

She smiled warmly at Wang Mang and said:

"Fellow Daoist, what are you doing when you come to our town?"

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang suddenly glanced in surprise, the queen of Bichi, the king of the world.

Especially when she saw her winking eyes like silk, she was even more puzzled when she looked at him secretly.

Because, Tang Bohu turned a blind eye and looked very happy instead. What's going on?

Could it be that this guy Tang Bohu was cheated?

Like to wear a hat for yourself?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly had a strange look on his face.

At this moment, Yu Huatian was looking at a pure and pure king-level existence beside him.

She also looked at Wang Mang with tenderness on her face, and asked softly:

"Fellow Daoist, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Hearing this, although Wang Mang felt something was wrong there, he still said:

"The thing is like this, I found a place of chance, with a sixth-order high-grade law spar vein."

"However, there is a terrifying barrier, and I cannot break the barrier with my own strength."

"Therefore, this seat invites fellow Taoists to break open the barrier together and share the sixth-order high-grade law crystal veins!"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the eyes of the seven king-level combat powers present all lit up, and their eyes became hot.

Sixth-order high-grade law spar veins!

A sixth-order high-grade law spar vein.

Just top 100 sixth-order low-grade law crystals.

If it is a normal small-scale vein.

For example, there are veins of hundreds of millions of law spars.

What hundreds of millions of high-grade law spar veins.

The value is simply inestimable!

Even if there are only hundreds of millions of sixth-level top-grade law spars, it is equivalent to tens of billions of sixth-level low-level law spars!

Therefore, everyone present was inevitably moved.

Even Tang Bohu and Yu Huatian, who hated and hated Wang Mang so much, couldn't help but widen their eyes with greed.

Such a sum of resources is simply enough to cultivate to the late stage of the Realm King, right?

Because of this, they were naturally moved.

Because their strength has not even reached the realm king in the true sense!

Now they are left behind by Wang Mang, and the resentment towards Wang in their hearts is like the water of the Yellow River.

At this time, the leading young man asked calmly:

"What level has the mineral lode roughly reached? How many law crystals are there?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang couldn't help giving this man a lot of eyes.

Because, this guy's strength is very strong, and he has definitely reached the middle stage of the king of the world.

Therefore, Wang Mang uttered the answer that he had already made up and recited:

"According to my guess, which of the sixth-order high-grade law spar veins can be mined to reach the law spar, at least there are more than one billion!"

After listening to Wang Mang's words, the audience was even more silent.

But Wang Mang could hear the slightly rapid breathing of all the realm kings present.

Obviously, all the king-level existences present at the scene were already moved.

At this moment, the young man in the middle stage of the king of the world who was asked earlier.

He couldn't help swallowing, and asked in a trembling voice to confirm:

"Doesn't this mean that there are at least hundreds of billions of sixth-order law crystals?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded immediately, and said in a deep voice with great certainty:

"That's right! If converted into sixth-order low-grade law crystals, there are hundreds of billions of them!"

At this time, Queen Bichi didn't have the heart to hook up with Wang Mang anymore, and couldn't help asking: "Where is the address?"

Wang Mang didn't write any ink, and said directly: "Magic Mountain Range, Five Fingers Peak."

Hearing this, Queen Bichi couldn't help being moved: "What are you waiting for? Let's go now?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded and said: "If you can find the way, you can go first."

"As for Daoist me, I still need to find some allies to smash the enchantment on the crystal vein of the sixth-order high-grade law together."

"This enchantment is not as simple as you imagined. I am afraid that the enchantment arranged by the master-level existence is nothing more than that."

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the young man in the lead immediately laughed lightly and said, "Fellow Daoist, there is no need to find allies anymore."

"Our clan even has late-stage King Realm powerhouses. Let's go together first. I'll report the news to the ancestors right now."

After finishing speaking, the young man's figure flickered, and he flew away at a terrifying speed.

"Let's go!" The rest of the realm kings also looked at Wang Mang.

Seeing this, Wang Mang agreed after pondering for a while.

Because, he has already spread the news.

Coupled with the powerhouse here, it should be enough, right?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang chuckled and said, "In that case, let's set off together!"

Seeing that Wang Mang agreed to lead the way, the rest of the realm kings also laughed.

Even Tang Bohu and Yu Huatian were very moved. If possible, they would of course want to share a piece of the pie.

After all, they really didn't get any benefit from coming to this magical heaven.

Wang Mang snatched away the only sixth-order low-grade law spar vein that was beneficial.

What's more, he ended up with such a miserable end, let alone how depressed he was.

Especially feeling Wang Mang's tyrannical and terrifying aura.

They knew that Wang Mang had already digested the law spar veins he obtained last time.

Although they didn't understand how Wang Mang did it, they didn't ask much.

Soon, the seven people, including Wang Mang, set off for the Magic Mountains together.

Wait until you come to the Magic Mountain Range, behind the Five Fingers Peak.

There have been many strong people gathered around here.

Even after Wang Mang took a few preliminary glances.

He was surprised to find that there were as many as thirty king-level existences present.

In addition to Wang Mang's seven people, there are 37 king-level combat powers gathered here!

In addition, another realm king who is about to come, and the existence of another realm king in the later stage.

The combat power of the king of the world has reached as many as 40!

It is worth mentioning that.

Among the world kings and powerhouses present.

There are also two kings of the late stage.

These two realm kings existed later.

They are respectively, a tiger-headed half-orc king and a late-stage powerhouse.

The other one is, the lion-headed half-orc robbed me of the late-stage powerhouse.

The existence of the two world kings in the later stage has the most terrifying aura. Even the black and white old devils are far worse than the aura in front of them.

And ~www.readwn.com~ these realm kings are actually bombarding the barrier.

As for why they bombarded the enchantment so actively?

Because, someone has already seen that under the coffin imprisoned by countless iron chains, there is indeed a vein of sixth-order high-grade law spar.

Because of this, the world kings and powerhouses who came here are always reluctant to leave.

In the past, it was just a rumor spread by Wang Mang, but when they discovered it for themselves, they knew it was not a rumor.

Therefore, no one wants to miss out on a valuable sixth-tier high-grade law spar vein.

For the king of the realm, this is simply an unimaginable wealth, who is willing to give up?

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