I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1026: The chain is broken! The coffin trembles! The Lord of Magic is coming soon...

It can be said that at the moment when the barrier was broken, all the kings of the realm went crazy.

After all, they have already paid too much in order to obtain the sixth-level top-grade law spar.

Even, so many world kings joined forces to bombard the barrier for more than a year.

Therefore, all these world kings and powerhouses are naturally crazy.

"Go away! Are you worthy of competing with me?"

"Presumptuous! Realm King Wuchongtian, who gave you the courage to rush in front of me."

"All of you, get out of here. If there is no king in the late stage, get out of here. Don't force the ancestor to take action!"

"Even if the king of the realm is in the late stage, do we have to give way to you? Don't think that the king of the realm will let us contribute in vain in the late stage!"

All of a sudden, there was a sound of angry shouting.

Afterwards, Wang Mang saw that the three most powerful realm kings existed in the later stage.

"Dream you! In the late stage of the Realm King, you just want us to retreat in the face of difficulties. If you have the ability, you will kill the nearly forty Realm Kings sitting here!"

"We join forces, even if we use our own means, we will not be afraid of your late stage kings!"

Obviously, you don't need to look at Wang Mang to know that these three late-stage Realm King powerhouses want all the mid-stage Realm King powerhouses present to quit.

To put it bluntly, they want to monopolize the benefits, not to mention, they also want to eat alone.

At this moment, it is a horizontal bar in front of all the kings and powerhouses of the realm.

These three realm kings are naturally the lion-headed man, the tiger-headed man, and the ancestor of the tentacle monster.

Just let them work in vain!

But this also angered all the king-level powerhouses present.

And expelled all the powerhouses in the middle and early stages of the king of the realm present.

As for the powerhouses in the early and mid-stage of the Realm King, they had no intention of dividing their interests with them at all.

To put it bluntly, there are too few strong players in the late stage of the king of the realm, and it is not enough to suppress the scene.

In addition, all the king-level existences present have been busy for a year.

There is no other reason, there are only three late stage kings present.

However, there are nearly forty kings present in the mid-to-early period!

Needless to say, as long as there is one who dares to act rashly, they will definitely attack it directly.

This also made a group of strong men in the middle and early stage of the king of the world, although they were furious, they did not act rashly.

Now it's time to divide up the benefits, but he was kicked away, and anyone would be furious.

Seeing this scene, the three realm kings who were late-stage powerhouses were very tacit at the moment, and stared at everyone present indifferently.

After hearing this old sound transmission, Wang Mang guessed that there should be a mid-stage king-level powerhouse who was about to make a move.

The next moment, Wang Mang saw that there were more than twenty mid-stage realm kings making moves.

At this time, Wang Mang heard a voice transmission: "Everyone, use all the means later."

"We don't believe it, the three of them can stop us from so many king-level existences."

While speaking, the war is about to break out!

Suddenly, the center of Wuzhi Peak turned into a battlefield!

These guys have a very tacit understanding, and seven or eight of them shot together to deal with a late existence of the king of the world.

Seeing this scene, the three late-stage powerhouses of the Realm King also roared furiously: "You are so brave!"

Wang Mang immediately retreated quickly.

Soon, the rest of the world kings who were still watching joined the battlefield.


The battle can be described as landslides and ground cracked, and the ground is shaken.

This also made Wang Mang guess that the strength of these three late-stage realm kings is definitely not as powerful as the realm king Bachongtian.

Otherwise, the battle situation would not be in a stalemate.

All of a sudden, the scuffle between the kings of the world can be said to be on the verge of breaking out!

But to Wang Mang's surprise, this battle did not show a crushing situation.

In terms of magic weapons, they are also very well prepared.

On the contrary, the existence of the three realm kings in the later stage does not have much advantage in weapons.

After careful observation, Wang Mang knew why.

Because these realm king powerhouses, especially the mid-stage realm king powerhouses, are not fuel-efficient lamps.

This is still in the case that the tentacle monster family and the late-stage powerhouses of the three realm kings, the realm kings of the same clan carried by them did not make a move.

Of course, Wang Mang did not act rashly.

Moreover, the existence of these realm kings in the mid-term has a lot of tricks, such as sneak attacks, etc., are endless.

This also caused them to be unable to suppress the scene at all, and it is already very good to be able to maintain the parity between the two sides.

Moreover, as the fighting time gets longer and longer.

Wang Mang discovered a comforting thing.

Because, he knows these guys, fighting is useless at all.

As long as the master of magic is out of trouble, these guys will be in vain.

The only thing that puzzled Wang Mang was that the magic master in the coffin hadn't moved yet.

Could it be that the Lord of Magic is still unable to break free from these iron chains?

Many iron chains imprisoning Zijin's coffin have been broken by the impact of the battle.

There used to be tens of thousands of iron chains, but now, most of them have been broken.

Logically speaking, the Lord of Magic should be out of trouble!

While Wang Mang was puzzled, the battle continued.

Although the material of these iron chains is very special, they have been broken so much during the battle of the king of the world.

In Wang Mang's view, this is not as scary as the barrier that seals here!

One can imagine the extent to which the battle has intensified.

Because, it has been a day since the battle between the two sides.

The fight between the two sides is getting hotter and hotter!

There are even realm kings and powerhouses who have fallen.

But what I have to say is that they are beginning to gain the upper hand in terms of numbers.

After all, in the middle period of the king of the realm, such as the existence of the sixth heaven of the king of the realm, there are really a lot of them.

Similarly, the existence of the three kings in the later period was also injured, and the injury was not serious.

It is a pity that even if the existence of the three late-stage kings is injured, it is still difficult for these strong mid- and early-stage kings to suppress the situation.

In a blink of an eye, another day passed.

The battle is still going on, and there is still no suppressed scene.

It is these existences ~www.readwn.com~ that withstood most of the pressure of the three kings in the later stage.

Coupled with the support of some weaker mid-stage Realm Kings and strong early-stage Realm Kings, it is not surprising that they can gain the upper hand.

It is worth mentioning that.

Wang Mang found that there were less than a hundred iron chains bound on the amethyst coffin.

This is also very normal, there is no way that a king-level powerhouse can decide the winner so easily.

Unless, like Wang Mang, he likes quick battles and quick decisions, it's almost as good as running away if he can't beat it.

This is all caused by the spread of the battle.

At this time, Wang Mang saw,

The amethyst coffin began to tremble violently.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was overjoyed.

Obviously, the Lord of Magic has come out!

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