I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1039: Successfully broke through the realm! The strength has skyrocketed! Realm King 7th He

at the same time.

the other end.

When Wang Mang evolved.

But the Holy Land of Demon Refining is not peaceful.

There is no other reason.

A battle broke out in the Holy Land of Alchemy.

Within the sphere of influence of the Holy Land of Alchemy.

The ancestors of the holy land of refining demons have encountered the ancestor-level powerhouses of the Universal Alliance one after another.

Not only that, but the number of these kings and ancestors of the Universal Alliance is extremely large.

As for why they are so unscrupulous, invading the sphere of influence of the Holy Land of Demon Refining?

This is because, within the sphere of influence of the Holy Land of Demon Refining, they do have plans.

Because, they found a pulse seeker, who was within the sphere of influence of the Holy Land of Demon Refining.

Found the news about the sixth-order high-grade law spar veins!

The so-called big mine refers to the number of sixth-order law crystals that can be mined!

Below one billion are all small mines!

5 billion to 10 billion is a big mine!

This is also the reason why they have always insisted on invading the Holy Land of Demon Refining.

Moreover, according to the information obtained by this pulse-seeking master.

This is very likely to be a sixth-order high-grade law spar vein, and it is also a big mine!

What is this concept?

It is equal to 500 billion sixth-order low-grade law crystals!

It can be said that this is an unimaginable resource!

More than 10 billion is the so-called super big mine!

But even the big mine is amazing.

5 billion sixth-order top-grade law crystals!

Now, it is already sitting near the Holy Land of Demon Refining.

They are also expressing their opinion to the Holy Land of Demon Refining!

They are bound to gain the sphere of influence of the Holy Land of Demon Refining.

Such a terrifying resource, even the master cannot ignore it.

Therefore, of course they will not give up easily.

Not only that, but there are two strong masters.

But they didn't do that, once they fought to the death with the master of refinement, the news would be known to everyone.

At that time, the rest of Genting World's masters will swarm like sharks smelling blood.

In addition, the reason why they didn't do anything now was because they were waiting for another master to appear.

If the master of refining demons is smart, he will take the initiative to leave.

One-on-one among them may not be able to defeat the master of refining demons.

But if they shot together, it would be very easy to suppress the Demon Refining Master.

Even the powerful ancestors of these realm kings are no exception.

After all, there are already two masters!

There is only one master of their holy land of refining demons.

Yes, this time the Universal Alliance, in order to take down the Holy Land of Demon Refining, has assembled three masters.

The purpose is to completely take down the Holy Land of Demon Refining in the shortest possible time, and even suppress the master of Demon Refining in an instant!

This also made people panic in today's Holy Land of Demon Refining.

Then, the Holy Land of Demon Refining naturally existed in name only.

Although, Genting World can only have ten holy places.

However, as long as there is a force to defeat the Holy Land, it can be replaced.

They were obviously also afraid that the master of refining demons would not be able to bear the pressure.

In the end, they would even directly abandon the Holy Land of Demon Refining and leave.

After all, once the master of refining demons leaves.

But as soon as common interests emerge.

Then the Four Seas Alliance will become unprecedentedly united!

Similarly, once it becomes an unprecedentedly united Four Seas Alliance, its power is also terrifying!

Therefore, in Yunding Great World, even the Holy Land is not an unstoppable existence.

As for the Universal Alliance, although it is a force assembled by scattered cultivators.

On weekdays, it may not be united.

But there are actually six masters in the Universal Alliance.

It can be said that the Four Seas Alliance is among the forces.

They are indeed very terrifying and powerful.

Because, in the Four Seas Alliance, there are as many as six masters who are attached to.

One can imagine how powerful the Four Seas Alliance is.

Because, in the entire Genting Great World, there are only thirty masters.

That is, the Dark Patriarch and the Bright Patriarch.

At this moment, they and another ancestor, the king of the world, are inspecting whether there is a treasure in the sphere of influence.

But the three of them were indeed patrolling, but they were all discouraged in their hearts.

at the same time.

What Wang Mang didn't know was even more.

At this moment, his two backers.

Although they are all the ancestors of the king of the world.

But the ancestors of the king of the realm are also human beings!

They also worry about their own safety.

There is no way!

The terrifying aura of the two masters unscrupulously swept across the entire sphere of influence of the Holy Land of Demon Refining.

Of course they panic too!

Now there are two black and white old devils.

They were all thinking about whether to escape from the Holy Land of Demon Refining now.

It is obviously abnormal for the two rulers to surround and not attack.

Moreover, it can become the existence of the ancestor of the king of the world.

Could they be fools?

This is obviously impossible!

There are only two possibilities.

Thinking of this, the dark patriarch couldn't help but transmit a voice:

"Old devil Guangming, when are we leaving?"

In this case there are only two possibilities.

First, the Universal Alliance is still in the situation!

Second, the Universal Alliance is confirming certain things.

"Old Ancestor, I also feel that the Four Seas Alliance is going to attack the Demon Sage."

Soon, after a discussion between the two, they already had the intention to retreat.

Now, as long as they have the opportunity, they will flee as soon as possible.

"I have a hunch this time, I'm afraid the Holy Land of Demon Refining is about to end."

Hearing this, Patriarch Guangming was also a little moved, and said via voice transmission:

"Okay! Let's find a chance and leave quickly."

How could they have any scruples about Wang Mang!

Therefore, they can only hope that Wang Mang can ask for more blessings.

Unfortunately, in the following time.

As for Wang Mang, they have already thrown it out of the sky.

This is the case today.

They are all in danger.

The strange thing is that the master of refining demons has always chosen to remain silent.

They even turned a blind eye to the unscrupulous Universal Alliance.

at the same time.

None of them had a good chance of escaping.

This situation continued for a full two months.

In the past two months, the Universal Alliance has become more and more unscrupulous.

The breath devouring law around him has been condensed to the extreme!

Even Wang Mang exudes the terrifying aura of a world king and powerhouse in every gesture.

Compared with Wang Mang before evolution, this breath is more than a hundred times stronger!

At this moment, in the cave.

Wang Mang also slowly woke up from the retreat.

At this moment, Wang Mang's aura is different from before.

"The me now, I am afraid I can easily suppress the ancestor of the corpse demon, right?"

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help laughing.

After the four consecutive evolutions~www.readwn.com~he has already caught up with the ancestor of the king of the world.

After looking at himself for a long time, Wang Mang couldn't help but look happy:

"Is this the combat power of the realm king Seventh Heaven?"

"Sure enough, it's really powerful to the extreme!"

Wang Mang is completely ignored now!

If it is the Great Patriarch.

Wang Mang is still afraid of three points.

Even the ordinary ancestor of the king of the realm could no longer compete with him.

Only the ancestors of the later stage of the king of the realm are qualified to be equal to him.

As for the corpse demon patriarch?

This corpse demon patriarch was not compared by Wang Mang's bragging.

Wang Mang felt that raising his hand now would be enough to suppress it!

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