I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1041: Escape from the Holy Land of Alchemy! Wang Mang smiled, and came across the outer gat

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was not at all happy.

Because, just breaking through the realm, it was originally a great joy.

Now that he has to start running, no one will be happy.

to be honest.

Wang Mang came to Genting World not long ago.

All I know is that the Yunding Great World has two continents and ten holy places.

Now the Holy Land of Demon Refining is almost finished.

He doesn't know what to do?

Do you want to join a holy land and become an ancestor?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang became a little moved.

His strength, no matter which holy land he goes to.

There's nothing wrong with being an ancestor.

After I have an idea in my heart.

Only then did Wang Mang get up slowly.

Afterwards, Wang Mang blasted open the barrier.

Except for a relatively familiar breath of refining demon master.

The other two dominant auras are also very strong and obvious.

But after breaking the barrier, Wang Mang frowned immediately.

Because, the entire holy land of refining demons is raging with three dominant auras.

After feeling the atmosphere outside the Holy Land of Demon Refining, Wang Mang frowned and said in a heavy tone.

At this moment, Wang Mang suddenly felt that there was another tyrannical dominating aura outside the sky.

"Has it gotten to such a serious point?"

"It seems that I have to leave the Holy Land of Demon Refining as soon as possible!"

Not only that, Wang Mang even felt that there was a terrifying enchantment gathering in the sky.

This also caused Wang Mang's complexion to change instantly.

All of a sudden, Wang Mang felt the aura of dominance, which reached as many as four realms!

In addition to the master of refining demons, there are three other masters of breath!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang no longer hesitated, and immediately soared into the sky.

But just as Wang Mang soared into the sky, he felt a terrifying force of law bombarding the barrier.

Once above the Holy Land of Demon Refining, if this enchantment is blocked.

If he wants to escape, he can only consume a sixth-level high-grade teleportation talisman.

Hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly looked up at the sky behind the mountain.

I saw that the old man, the master of demon refining, stood proudly in the sky, and was bombarding the barrier!

At the same time, Wang Mang also heard an old sigh:

"Everyone in the Holy Land of Demon Refining, please leave!"

As for the person who spoke before.

I'm afraid it is the master of refining demons.

This also made the enchantment condensed in the sky not blocked immediately.

On the contrary, this caused the speed of the enchantment to be blocked to become extremely slow.

In the enchantment that dominates the strong, only the sixth-rank top-grade escape talisman and teleportation talisman can escape.

But how many people can own the sixth-tier top-grade escape talisman and teleportation talisman?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang didn't dare to delay, his speed soared instantly, straight to the sky.

Because I continued to delay, I wanted to run until I couldn't run.

This also made Wang Mang completely relieved.

at the same time.

Not many people have it, not even among the ancestors.

Soon, Wang Mang successfully flew out of the barrier.

This person is not someone else. After feeling the aura clearly, Wang Mang found out that it was the Great Patriarch.

At this moment, the Great Patriarch who stood proudly in the deep sky had a complex expression and did not leave for a long time.

Wang Mang felt it even more.

There was also a tyrannical and terrifying aura, which also flew away from the barrier.

The friendship with the master of refining demons is self-evident, otherwise he would not be a great patriarch.

at the same time.

After all, he had been in the Holy Land of Demon Refining for too long.

Even after the Alchemy Master established the Holy Land, he joined it.

This made him remain silent, and finally fled away under the gaze of the master of refining demons.

Because, he roughly understood the thoughts of the master of refining demons.

The master of refining demons in the back mountain obviously also saw the Great Patriarch in the deep sky.

They looked at each other from a distance, but the great patriarch saw determination in the eyes of the master of refining demons.

Then, he can't hold his head up in Genting World.

After all, people have taken over your territory and sphere of influence.

Obviously, the Holy Land of Demon Refining was so unscrupulously occupied by the Universal Alliance.

If Ruo, he left without temper like Wang Mang and others.

Even the master must be laughed at generously.

at the same time.

As a result, you didn't even dare to fart.

Once this kind of thing gets out.

It's not that Wang Mang doesn't want to leave.

The main reason is that Wang Mang wanted to see if he could meet three cheap apprentices.

Although Wang Mang escaped from the enchantment.

But he never went away.

After all, he can stay.

A great risk has been taken.

If you still can't meet now.

But he doesn't care so much.

Wang Mang suddenly saw it, and a figure flew out of the Holy Land of Demon Refining in embarrassment.

But when he saw this figure, Wang Mang was speechless immediately.

As a master, he also thinks he has a clear conscience.

Just then.

Afterwards, Wang Mang glanced again and saw that the barrier had been completely sealed off.

Wang Mang didn't wait any longer.

This person is not someone else.

It was the second elder of the outer sect who had opposed him in the past.

Now the Holy Land of Demon Refining is finished.

This guy was just unlucky enough to meet him.

He chased after the direction where the second elder of the outer door was fleeing.

This bastard, relying on his back to the ancestor of the corpse demon, dared to oppose him.

He also didn't expect that the famous holy land of refining demons would one day be destroyed.

Fortunately, he has established a relationship in advance, and now he only needs to continue to follow the corpse demon ancestor and join the new holy land.

Naturally, Wang Mang didn't mind killing him.

At this moment, Wang Youliang, who was flying across the sky, was filled with emotion.

The ancestor of the corpse demon will never turn a blind eye.

Because, the Holy Land of Demon Refining was destroyed, and the business of the corpse demon patriarch had vanished.

After all, once the corpse demon patriarch joins the rest of the Holy Land.

The ancestor of the corpse demon also needs help, he also has the fighting power of the king of the realm.

But at this moment, Wang Youliang stopped in his tracks instantly, and looked at the figure standing proudly appearing out of nowhere in front of him.

After seeing clearly that it was Wang Mang, Wang Youliang was sweating profusely on his forehead, and his body was trembling a little.

Joining the new Holy Land meant that the corpse demon ancestor needed to regain his footing.

Therefore, he did not worry at all that he would not be taken seriously by relying on the ancestor of the corpse demon.

Why did he meet Wang Mang like this?

All of a sudden, Wang Youliang panicked.

Fuck! Is my father going to be so unlucky?

I escaped at the last moment!


He escaped at the last moment.

He always thought it was the most dangerous time.

On the contrary, it is the safest time.

But he never expected that he would meet Wang Mang at such a time!

Could it be that Wang Mang has been waiting for him?

This can not only show his loyalty to the Holy Land of Demon Refining.

It is also the best chance to escape.

"Where is the second elder going?"

Hearing this, Wang Youliang suddenly trembled.

Thinking of this, Wang Youliang felt a chill down his back.

At the same time, Wang Mang, who was standing proudly with his arms around ~www.readwn.com~, said indifferently:

"My lord, if you don't remember the faults of villains, just let me go!"

"When I was young, I had eyes but didn't know the true God!"

He immediately kowtowed to Wang Mang and cried:

"Great Elder, if you are wronged, you have a debtor!"

Hearing this, Wang Youliang looked at Wang Mang anxiously, and whispered nervously:

"My seat asks where are you going at this time?"

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang immediately raised the corners of his mouth, and then asked with his hands behind his back:

"Report to the Great Elder, the little one is going to find the corpse demon ancestor..."

"However, after seeing you, Great Elder, the little one changed his mind again."

"You know, the corpse demon old dog offended you, Great Elder, and he is not far from death!"

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