I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1052: Deep in Bitan! Corpses pile up! In the hand of the strange corpse...

After hearing what Qu Long said.

Wang Mang laughed out of breath.

This Qulong didn't understand the truth at all.

In the end, they pointed the finger of blame at him.

Could it be that Qu Jiulong couldn't kill him if he was asked to stand up?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang's affection for Qu Long completely disappeared.

However, Wang Mang did not make a move, but put his hands behind his back and said indifferently:

"I will say one last thing."

"Get out of my sight before I change my mind!"

"Otherwise, don't blame me for not remembering old feelings and being cruel."

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Qu Long immediately mocked:

"I am not planning to go back alive this time."

"I just want to gamble with my life, when you kill me."

After hearing this, Wang Mang sneered indifferently and said:

"Are you threatening me with Tianhuang Temple?"

"Since you want to die, then go die!"

"Will Tianhuang Palace stand by and watch?"

"Come on! Anyway, you are a beast, so you don't need to be hypocritical here."

"From your eyes, I see a strong killing intent, why bother to pretend?"

It's a pity that Wang Mang didn't hold back at all.

Moreover, under Wang Mang's full attack.

Qu Long, who was about to explode himself, had no time to dodge, but smiled before dying.

As soon as the words fell, Wang Mang raised his hand and blasted out with all his palm.

At the same time, a voice full of shock and anger came from a distance:


Similarly, Qu Long didn't even have a single scum left.

After doing all this, Wang Mang looked indifferently at the figure flying in the distant sky.

At the same time, Wang Mang couldn't help frowning, and said to himself, "Why do you always force me to take action?"


Accompanied by a shocking explosion sound!

Most of the black region was blasted into ruins by him.

But this guy just wanted death and sent him to his door.

And yelled at him.

Naturally, it was impossible for Wang Mang to save his life.

Obviously, as far as Wang Mang is concerned, the friendship with Qu Long can be given up at any time.

If this guy doesn't show up.

Wang Mang could choose not to kill him.

The relationship between the two in the past was not ordinary, and it definitely belonged to the level of friends.

But even so, Wang Mang didn't frown when he killed his friends.

But how would the ancestor of the corpse demon know.

Seeing this scene, the corpse demon patriarch beside him was also secretly shocked.

He once again refreshed his understanding of Wang Mang's cruelty in his heart.

Therefore, from the previous conversation, the ancestor of the corpse demon can naturally hear it.

Wang Mang can also kill without hesitation.

In addition to the parents who can't do it.

To be honest, Wang Mang felt that there was no one he couldn't handle.

Wang Mang didn't just frown when he killed his friends!

Even the two people who call him brothers, the Bear Emperor and the Dog Emperor.

Once there is a huge conflict of interest with Wang Mang.

At the same time, he gradually began to put interests first.

It can be said that although Wang Mang has not yet reached the point of being heartless and righteous.

However, it is not too far from the point of being completely heartless.

Even, even if it is a choice between his parents and his life.

Wang Mang would also choose without hesitation and save his own life!

Obviously, the more he practiced, the more ruthless Wang Mang became.

This also made Wang Mang a little cautious.

This guy is obviously also a strong king of the world.

Moreover, it has reached the level of the seventh heaven of the king of the realm!

at the same time.

From the distant sky, the old man flew over, standing proudly, looking at Wang Mang with cold eyes.

Similarly, Wang Mang was also looking at the old man in front of him, and he could feel a strong sense of threat from him.

"If I don't kill him, won't it make people think that I am a powerful king of the realm, and I am really easy to bully?"

"Besides, I didn't say not to take Tianhuang Palace into consideration! Fellow Daoists, please don't splash dirty water."

Hearing this, the skinny old man had an ugly face and snorted coldly: "If you dare to kill again, even if you are from outside the realm, Tianhuang Palace will not let you go."

At the same time, the skinny old man in black robe said in a bad tone:

"Fellow Daoist, although you are from outside the Tianhuang Ancestral Realm, but killing in the Tianhuang Ancestral Realm, did you not take my Tianhuang Palace seriously?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang immediately smiled brightly and said, "Fellow Daoist, you can't blame me for this! This son provoked me first, and he humiliated me so much."

Even if his background is lacking, so what?

Can this guy kill him?

This is obviously impossible!

Facing this guy's threat, Wang Mang smiled and nodded.

But in his heart, he didn't take it seriously at all.

At the same level, he didn't need to pee on the old man at all.

With Wang Mang having such background, he wasn't worried at all.

Even if the master wants to kill him, it is not so easy.

However, since I have the idea that I can do one thing less, I can do one less thing.

If you don't want to cause trouble again.

Prepare for the next plan of the sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon.

to be honest.

Finally let go of a few harsh words before leaving.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang also heaved a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, he and the ancestor of the corpse demon stayed in the black domain in a low-key manner for another three months.

Naturally, Wang Mang didn't want to cause trouble.

Right now, the most important thing is to get the sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon first.

Similarly, the old man was subdued by Wang Mang.

Under the leadership of the ancestor of the corpse demon, Wang Mang and the two began to search in the mountains at night.

The two searched for most of the night.

When passing a piece of green pool.

After three months of being honest with Wang Mang and the ancestor of the corpse demon, no one from the Tianhuang Palace came to the door again.

After feeling that the time was ripe, Wang Mang decided to set out to obtain the sixth-rank high-grade magic weapon that night.

Afterwards, Wang Mang and the two quietly left the Black Territory and came to the mountains near the Black Territory.

"However, be careful, this sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon is held by a strange corpse."

Hearing this, Wang Mang was stunned for a moment, but he didn't care too much, and plunged into the deep pool without hesitation.

It is worth mentioning that after entering Bitan.

The ancestor of the corpse demon hastily transmitted a voice:

"Fellow Daoist, this is the place."

"Old Ancestor, I was the sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon that I discovered in the depths of the Bitan."

At the bottom of this Bitan, there are many corpses, most of which are the corpses of fifth-order monks.

Even Wang Mang has seen a lot of fifth-level magic weapons, but these things are useless to Wang Mang.

In addition, even the rest of the fifth-level monks, or even the sixth-level monks, would find it difficult to dive here.

Wang Mang was surprised to find that this Bitan was really bottomless, and the water was so deep that it turned black.

Wang Mang went deep under the Bitan at a very high speed, and after diving a full million meters.

Only then did he fully lurk to the bottom of Bitan, and began to search at the bottom.

Wang Mang suddenly saw it.

An extremely strange and terrifying corpse.

Wang Mang hadn't approached this strange corpse yet.

Because the water pressure here is too terrifying, and it also contains a strong law of water!

Without the strength of the realm kings, Wang Mang doubted whether those realm masters could have dived to the bottom.

After searching for a long time.

Wang Mang couldn't help but became ecstatic.

Because, this halberd is the sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon he was looking for!

Sure enough, this old fellow corpse demon patriarch did not lie to him!

It has already given him a terrifying sense of oppression~www.readwn.com~ This also made him feel a little puzzled.

But when he saw the great halberd in the hands of the corpse.

There is even a terrifying law of darkness flowing all over the body of this corpse!

However, Wang Mang didn't think too much, and tried to drag the sixth-rank high-grade magic weapon.

But the next moment, something happened that made Wang Mang extremely astonished.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang immediately came to this corpse under the pressure of the terrifying law.

It is worth mentioning that.

Wang Mang was surprised to find that this corpse was very strange, as if it was lifelike.

He tried his best to pull the sixth-level high-grade divine weapon, but he couldn't move it!

Afterwards, he began to drag the magic soldier desperately, but it was of no avail!

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