I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1063: Succeeded in the sneak attack, Wang Mang successfully killed a world king...

After all, except for the old monsters of the same level.

No one can understand their pain.

Their qualifications are not high, and their blood conditions are not good.

Similarly, there are conditions for them to break through the realm.

The qualifications and blood conditions are no less than Wang Mang.

Qualification conditions are naturally the upper limit.

However, these things are doomed.

But the Dao leaves a glimmer of life for all living beings.

How can you plunder and **** other people's blood and aptitude!

So, they are actually not easy!

It's resources, it's blood, it's qualifications.

The three-pronged approach, even for the ancestors of the kings of the world, is actually quite embarrassing.

Because of this, after Cao Menghua pondered, he flew towards Wang Mang without hesitation.

After all, Cao Dehua's cultivation is a little higher than his!

A small realm higher in the sixth level represents an absolute gap.

Because of this, Wang Mang was also worried that his sneak attack plan had failed.

But what Cao Menghua didn't know was that Wang Mang was actually quite nervous too!

Once he can't sneak attack successfully.

It was too difficult for him to kill Cao Dehua by his own means.

This was what Wang Mang expected, but did he fully expect it.

After all, the two wanted to kill each other before!

At this time, Cao Menghua smiled lightly and said, "Fellow Daoist, you can just tell me now."

Fortunately, what made Wang Mang feel at ease was that this guy really dared to trust him.

It seems that in the face of absolute interests, no one can resist!

Even the Patriarch of the Realm King is no exception.

On the contrary, when seeing him approaching, Wang Mang's eyes should show excitement and joy.

But he didn't notice these emotions in Wang Mang's eyes.

This also proved that Wang Mang did not intend to sneak attack.

Hearing this, Wang Mang looked around cautiously for a long time before nodding slightly.

But after this scene fell into Cao Menghua's eyes, he subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Because, in his opinion, if Wang Mang had the idea of ​​a sneak attack, he would never continue to be so cautious.

"I'm still only a fifth-order **** emperor-level cultivation base."

"But after I broke through to the sixth level, I discovered a secret that was ignored by all the heavens and myriad worlds. It was also this secret that made my cultivation base soar wildly in a short period of time, and I have been advancing by leaps and bounds until now!"

Speaking of this, the boundary-breaking crossbow that Wang Mang hid in his sleeve was already ready.

That's why he relaxed a little bit.

As for Wang Mang, he whispered in his ear:

"Fellow Daoist, I don't know something, decades ago."

The next moment, Wang Mang immediately pointed towards Cao Menghua's head, urging the Boundary Breaking Crossbow!

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Accompanied by several air-breaking sounds.

At the same time, Cao Menghua, who was already attracted by Wang Mang's words, heard the key point, and couldn't help feeling a little itchy.

He raised his head subconsciously, saw Wang Mang was cautiously looking around, and couldn't help asking impatiently through voice transmission: "What happened next? Fellow Daoist, tell me quickly!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang, who was a little guilty at first, nodded quickly, and then said via voice transmission: "Later...!"

at the same time.

Wang Mang, who had already retreated wildly, looked at Cao Menghua with some doubts.

This guy is still not dead, which is indeed beyond Wang Mang's expectation.

When Cao Menghua reacted, it was completely too late.

The next moment, dozens of silver needles shot into his head.

Cao Menghua even let out a shrill scream, holding his head in his hands, struggling constantly on the ground.

This guy's primordial spirit is also collapsing!

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was completely relieved.

Once the primordial spirit collapses, it will be exhausted.

However, seeing this guy in such pain, and the breath is dissipating.

Wang Mang guessed that this guy wouldn't last long!

Sure enough, Wang Mang soon discovered something was wrong.

But just when Wang Mang breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, above Cao Dehua's body.

A picture was condensed. In the picture, a phantom of Cao Dehua appeared in front of his eyes.

At least in Wang Mang's perception, the collapse of the Yuanshen is basically cool.

Sure enough, Cao Dehua, who hadn't struggled for long, gradually lost his breath.

Even the power of law on his body became extremely weak.

"You pray that you will never be found by this seat, otherwise this seat will surely tear you to pieces."

"In addition, no one can escape the person I want to kill, and I will find you."

As soon as the voice fell, the picture that appeared in front of my eyes gradually dissipated.

Compared with Cao Dehua, this phantom appeared more indifferent and cold, giving people a biting cold feeling.

At the same time, a cold voice came from the screen:

"Very good, I remember you, and dare to kill my avatar."

Thinking of this, Wang Mang's original joy of attacking and killing Cao Menghua disappeared in an instant.

On the contrary, Wang Mang even regretted it a little.

What kind of **** is this?

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was stunned for a moment, his face full of astonishment.

Fuck? Meng Dehua is just this guy's clone?

Doesn't this mean that this guy's deity is even more terrifying?

If Wang Mang knew, killing Cao Dehua would anger a strong ruler.

No matter what Wang Mang said, he would not provoke the other party.

It turned out to be better.

Isn't it just a sneak attack to kill an old guy in the late stage of the world king?

As a result, this f*ck is still a clone that is likely to be the master of the strong.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang felt a headache and even felt uncomfortable.

Wang Mang really had no choice but to escape.

And there is always the danger of being hunted down.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help but give himself two big mouths.

This master is still in the early stage of the master realm.

He can also let the puppet help him resist it.

But if it is a powerhouse beyond the early stage of domination.

Wang Mang stepped forward and took out the silver needle.

Afterwards, Wang Mang opened his mouth and sucked the old thing into his mouth.

At the same time, the system voice also sounded:

"What the **** are these things!"

"Oh! Why is my father so unlucky!"

After sighing helplessly for a while.

Wang Mang was somewhat surprised.

He didn't expect that the powerhouse who devoured a world king and the eighth heaven would give him 2 million law points?

It's not that Wang Mang thinks it's too little, on the contrary, Wang Mang thinks it's already very good.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully devoured a world king and Yachongtian powerhouse! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 2 million law points! 】

After hearing the sound of the system ~www.readwn.com~ Wang Mang's depressed mood finally improved a lot.

Afterwards, Wang Mang took out two storage rings.

Of these two storage rings, one of them is naturally Cao Menghua's ring.

At the sixth level, it is simply unrealistic to rely on devouring the strong at the same level to improve strength.

Unless the amount swallowed is too large, otherwise, this method will not work.

However, after thinking that this harvest is not bad.

There is another one, which is the apprenticeship fee for robbing Cao Menghua's blood descendants at the gate of the previous city.

But when Wang Mang checked the two rings.

Wang Mang finally couldn't help it, and smiled happily.

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