I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1088: The enviable treasures are crazily flowed out at the auction,...

The voice of the dominating beauty on the auction stage just fell.

Wang Mang couldn't help but gasp!

This three-ring grand event is really awesome!

Even the sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon was put up for auction!

How rare is this thing.

Look at the crowd of dominant powerhouses present.

It can be seen in the bright eyes of each.

Even if it is a master who dominates the late stage, his eyes are bright.

Especially those masters who happen to specialize in practicing the law of light.

The eyes are so hot that I can't wait to grab it on the spot.

Also, it's worth mentioning that.

This is a spear weapon.

But this doesn't seem to be able to stop the interest of these masters.

This also made Wang Mang more aware.

They don't need law crystals, they only need sixth-order top-grade supernatural powers!

But when Wang Mang saw these masters.

How precious are these sixth-tier high-grade divine weapons.

Because, this is the entrusting party who owns the sixth-rank high-grade divine weapon.

Apparently, these rulers are also unable to produce sixth-level top-grade supernatural powers.

In other words, even if it can be taken out, it is not willing to exchange for a magic weapon.

Obviously very interested, but no one bids.

Wang Mang couldn't help shaking his head secretly.

After waiting for about half an hour.

After seeing that no one has made an offer.

Obviously, the value of supernatural powers is far higher than that of a sixth-tier high-grade divine weapon!

Otherwise, there wouldn't be no masters standing up to make an offer.

Obviously, the situation of this failed auction was completely within her expectation.

Wanting to exchange a sixth-level high-grade divine weapon for a sixth-level high-grade magical power is simply a dream.

The dominant beauty on the auction stage smiled and said:

"Since none of the senior fellow daoists are interested, let's start bidding for the next item."

Soon, she smiled again and said:

"The items in this auction may be of interest to all fellow Taoists and seniors here."

After all, how many fools are able to become masters?

The value of the sixth-order high-grade supernatural power far exceeds the value of the sixth-level top-grade supernatural power.

"This time the auctioneer is entrusted with a sixth-level high-grade supernatural power! And it is a combat-type supernatural power."

After hearing these words, the faces of all the strong masters present were instantly filled with despair.

Speaking of this, even she couldn't help but look envious:

"The item in this auction is called Juggernaut Pill! After using it, it can break through a small realm."

Hence, this beauty dominates the words.

In an instant, all the existences who dominated the mid-to-early stage were present.

In particular, the powerhouses in the early stage and mid-stage of dominance all frowned.

There is no other reason, they don't have sixth-level high-grade magic weapons, let alone sixth-level high-grade magical powers?

They simply can't come up with sixth-order high-grade supernatural powers!

Even if it can be taken out, who is willing to take it out?

All of them turned off their thoughts.

Because it's useless for them to have ideas!

Moreover, there are quite a few late master masters present.

Wang Mang guessed that there were not thirty statues.

Obviously, the next is the home field of these masters in the later stage.

Fortunately, there are obviously late masters in the auction house.

A late-stage dominant master sitting in the back seat slowly stood up, and then said:

"This seat happens to have a combat supernatural power here, and it is also a sixth-order top-grade level!"

It is estimated that there should be more than twenty statues.

At this moment, Wang Mang saw it.

Moreover, it was traded out!

This is amazing!

After hearing this, all the masters present looked at the latter in shock.

Possess a sixth-order high-grade supernatural power!

"This old man also has a sixth-order high-grade supernatural power!"

Seeing this scene, all the powerhouses present were shocked again.

But just as these early and mid-term masters were shocked.

Another old man stood up slowly, and then said indifferently:

This also made the beauty Juggernaut on the auction stage couldn't help but be surprised.

Afterwards, she said with a smile on her face: "Seniors, you can describe the supernatural powers to this fellow Taoist."

Obviously, they didn't expect that there are still people with sixth-level top-grade supernatural powers!

All of a sudden, on the scene, two powerful masters appeared in an instant.

The same is true for the rest of the masters.

However, Wang Mang and others could not hear their specific transaction process.

While speaking, the beauty master looked at an old man who was also sitting in the back seat.

Hearing this, the other two old men who ruled the late stage looked at the old man one after another.

At the same time, the client who dominates the late stage powerhouse also smiled and said:

"This seat has already completed the transaction with this fellow daoist!"

However, soon Wang Mang saw it.

One of the rulers had a smile on his face.

After speaking, the auction continued.

Similarly, Wang Mang also began to envy him.

After hearing this, the beautiful master on the stage quickly smiled and said respectfully:

"Congratulations, senior."

He was so envious that his eyes straightened.

All kinds of treasures, magic weapons and the like.

There is no other reason.

These dominate the auction items of the strong.

However, none of the dominator-level puppets were seen.

Because, dominator-level puppets are too rare.

All in all, it can be said that there are all kinds of medicines, and there are several kinds of elixirs.

Similarly, there are talisman papers, and even puppets.

However, it is impossible to refine a master puppet.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang felt even more painful.

There is no other reason. Juggernaut-level puppets are not something that Juggernaut can refine.

The existence of the dominator level may be able to forcibly subdue the strong dominator.

If it is sold, I am afraid it can be sold for a price of hundreds of millions!

In this way, it is enough for him to break through several realms!

After all, he lost a master puppet!

Just thinking about it, Wang Mang couldn't help but began to feel sad.

However, Wang Mang felt that he was very close to the master.

The more than 40 million high-grade law crystals he obtained this time are enough for him to evolve once.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help feeling heavy in his heart.

Now he only has the combat strength of the king of the realm, the seventh heaven.

Even, once the harvest is successfully digested.

He can completely attack directly, and he is a master-level combat power!

In addition, the dog emperor and dog bear emperor promised him to help him get a boundary-breaking pill, which was enough for him to evolve again.

In this way, Wang Mang can completely evolve twice in a row.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang felt much happier.

He found that this time he came to the three-ring event.

At that time, he will also draw closer to these rulers and enemies.

If you think about it, you won't be killed easily!

Then the sound of the system sounds:

【Ding! The current status of the host has been detected! Give the host the following task options! 】

He really gained a lot this trip!

Just then.

[Mission reward: 2 million rule points! Realm King Blind Box X1! Realm king treasure chest X1! 】

【Mission 1: At the end of the auction~www.readwn.com~, release the news that Cao Mengde owns the master puppet. 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Mission reward: 4 million rule points! Dominant Blind Box X1! Realm king treasure chest X1! 】

[Mission 2: At the end of the auction, release the news that Cao Mengde has a master puppet, and release the news that the ancestor of Tianhuang has a seventh-order living body. 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Mission 3: During the auction, maliciously raise the price of all the enemy's auction items! And release all the news that Cao Mengde has a master puppet, and the news that the ancestor of Tianhuang has a seventh-order living body! 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Mission reward: 10 million rule points! Dominant Blind Box X1! Master level treasure chest X1! 】

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