I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 134: No more pigs to eat in the future? Wang Mang's sadness! The heart of the earth be

Remember in a second【】

However, Wang Mang thought about it carefully.

He has been eating pigs for more than two months.

With 10,000 pigs coming down every day, it is conceivable that Wang Mang eats a lot of pigs.

There are not one million head, but seven or eight million head.

If you think about it this way, it is really possible that Wang Mang raised the price of pigs.

At this time, Father Wang said again: "Son! You can only rely on yourself to become stronger in the future."

"You need 80 billion for one evolution now! I can't keep up with your evolution speed!"

Obviously, Father Wang is still very familiar with his son's situation, and occasionally chats with him and tells him what's going on.

Hearing his father's complaints, Wang Mang was immediately moved and said in a low voice: "Don't worry, father, I will do the evolution in the future by myself!"

After speaking, Wang Mang was even more moved after seeing his father's sparse white hair.

My father has nothing to say to me.

If it weren't for the evolution rate too fast.

Too much wealth is needed, and it is estimated that I will help myself find a way.

At this moment.

After hearing what my son said.

Father Wang heaved a sigh of relief.

In fact, he didn't want his son to control people and plunder other people's wealth.

This is not because of his kindness, but to transfer the rich man's wealth last time.

He encountered an unprecedented investigation, if it wasn't for the rich man being completely mentally controlled by his son.

He estimated that it is possible to go in and eat in prison.

Never underestimate the power of the country!

After all, why did they transfer all their wealth to you for no reason?

And the family's children and wives are definitely not willing!


Wanting to transfer other people's wealth is easy to say, but it is too troublesome to operate.

It's just that Old Wang had already done half of the work at that time, so he could only bite the bullet and plunder the wealth completely.

But it was too troublesome to plunder the wealth of a rich man, so he didn't continue to mention this matter to his son.

In addition, after Father Wang learned that his son needs 8 million pigs to evolve once, he was completely powerless.

Eight million pigs! This is at least 80 billion!

Next time it will be 160 billion! ?

With such a demand, Father Wang is really powerless.

Father Wang nodded, and said slowly again: "Son! Be careful yourself, I can't get involved in the affairs of you monsters."

"After today, Dad won't have any pigs for you to eat!"

"By the way, let's eat those half-fat piglets by the way later! Anyway, I've been raising them for so long."

Hearing this, Wang Mang immediately shook his head and said, "No need, father, keep these piglets and sell them for money!"

"I'll eat those big white pigs later."

After listening to his son's words, Father Wang nodded.

Afterwards, Father Wang chatted with Wang Mang for a long time.

Wang Mang also told his father what he had seen and heard.

After learning that his son actually fought with many monsters.

Father Wang couldn't help worrying, but he couldn't dissuade him.

According to what my son said, if you want to become stronger, you must keep fighting.

Therefore, he couldn't say anything.

"By the way! Dad, didn't you get two martial arts cheats last time!"

"Try to practice. If you need medicine or something, I can get you some."

Hearing his son's words, Father Wang's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said, "Okay! Son! How did you do it?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang said in an awkward tone: "Shanren has his own ingenious plan, such as big redemption pills, small redemptive pills, etc., they can still be obtained."

The reason why Wang Mang is so confident is, of course, that he can still find these items in the shopping mall in the garbage sorting - primary garbage.

"Okay! I have time to study and study, you go eat pigs first! I'm going back first." Father Wang stood up and nodded.

"I'll see you off, Dad." Wang Mang said.

Father Wang didn't refuse, so he left the farm and returned to the countryside under the **** of Wang Mang.

At this point, Wang Mang went to eat his last meal.

Oh no! It should be said to be the last pig meal!

After today, Dad won't send pigs.

After all, the rich man's wealth can last almost two months at most.

If he wants to develop in the future, he can only rely entirely on himself.

Not even the subsistence allowances.

Obviously, Wang Mang no longer needs Father Wang's care.

Today's Wang Mang is so huge that even my father finds it unbelievable.

Moreover, Dad is just a mortal after all.

He will grow old after all, and it is impossible to worry about Wang Mang for the rest of his life.

Wang Mang naturally understood this truth.

Therefore, after Wang Mang ate 10,000 pigs, he gained another 4.88 million evolution points.

After eating the pig.

Wang Mang looked at the farm with some reluctance.

He suddenly felt a little bit sad.

After all, I used to eat here every day.

After that, it is very likely that it will not come.

Whether it is any **** or monster

^0^Remember in one second【】


As time goes by, there will be some feelings.

After all, how can people be ruthless if they are not grass?

"That's all! The road of the strong may be destined to be lonely!"

After leaving a sentence, Wang Mang came to the bank of the reservoir and took a bath.

Afterwards, Wang Mang's huge body lay on the bank of the reservoir, silently looking at the starry sky at night with a full moon.

At this moment, Wang Mang's mood became extremely complicated.

Especially thinking that after my parents get old, maybe I will be really lonely!

At this moment, Wang Mang saw a miraculous scene.

I saw that the calm water surface suddenly lit up.

It's as if there's something amazing under the water!


After seeing this scene, Wang Mang was stunned.

The next moment, Wang Mang saw an old turtle surfaced.

When the old turtle in the reservoir saw Wang Mang, he immediately shouted excitedly: "My lord! The heart of the earth is ripe! Come quickly!"

What? Is the core of the earth mature?

Wang Mang was stunned!

Only then did he think of the core of the earth in the Huanshan Reservoir!

yes! It's been a few months!

The core of the earth is finally mature!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang's originally lonely heart finally boiled again.

It's been two months!

He hasn't evolved in two months!

It has been more than half a year since he turned into a giant python!

Although his volume has reached 63 meters!

But in the past two months ~www.readwn.com~ it has become more and more difficult to obtain evolution points.

Now even the subsistence allowances that can be received every day are gone.

Therefore, Wang Mang felt very disappointed.

But Wang Mang never expected that the heart of the earth has matured!

What's more, the essence of this treasure of heaven, earth, and earth actually illuminates the entire reservoir!

Because, at this moment, the Huanshan Reservoir is simply dazzling!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help but get excited.

The next moment, Wang Mang swung his huge body and rushed into the water impatiently.

Accompanied by a loud bang!

After Wang Mang rushed into the water, which was originally calm, a huge wave broke out...

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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