I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 151: Demon King! Captain! How to write this report?

Remember in a second【】

to be honest.

Wang Mang regretted it now.

He shouldn't have let the Black Bear Demon King lead out the Weasel Demon King.

Now it is better, not only did not lead out, the situation is also very bad.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang fell into an unprecedented entanglement.

Fortunately, at this time, the weasel demon king who was fighting suddenly turned around and fled the village, naturally also led the black bear demon king out.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang secretly heaved a sigh of relief, this is already the best situation right now.

After all, it is better to die a few people than to die many at once.

Moreover, Wang Mang also noticed that this weasel demon king obviously still has some scruples about the villagers.

This was indeed beyond Wang Mang's expectation, and he did not expect that the demon king was kind and righteous.

Seeing the direction in which the Black Bear Demon King and the Weasel Demon King were chasing, Wang Mang followed suit.

However, what Wang Mang knew was that this time, the existence of the demon might be completely exposed to the eyes of the Red Empire.

But there was no way around it, the Black Bear Demon King was simply too reckless, so Wang Mang couldn't help but curse in his heart.

It's simply that there is more than enough success and more failure! You don't take humans seriously!

However, since it has already happened, Wang Mang has nothing to do.

Now he can only join forces with the Black Bear Demon King to take down the Weasel Demon King as soon as possible!

With this in mind, Wang Mang has already arrived in the jungle behind the mountain.

At this moment, the black bear demon king is fighting with the weasel demon king.

Not only that, but Wang Mang discovered that the black bear demon king really failed to gain the upper hand in a fight with the weasel.

Obviously, this weasel demon king is more powerful than Wang Mang imagined!

Therefore, Wang Mang immediately used information detection.

At the same time, the information about the weasel demon king also appeared in Wang Mang's mind!

Target: Wong Tai Sin.

Dao Xing: 3900 years.

Level: Demon King level.

Supernatural powers: devouring faith, blessings of faith, high aspirations!

After reading the supernatural powers of Huang Daxian.

Wang Mang couldn't help being secretly shocked.

He didn't expect this guy's Taoism to reach 3900 years!

This kind of Taoism simply surpassed Wang Mang and the Black Bear Demon King.

No wonder this guy was always able to suppress the Black Bear Demon King and gain the upper hand.

To be honest, Wang Mang didn't expect that this weasel demon king has such advanced skills!

And the supernatural power is also very strange, devouring faith? This may be the reason why he developed believers and received incense from the people!

Moreover, this guy has three magical powers, two of which are related to faith, and this is the first time Wang Mang has seen it.

At this time, Wang Mang suddenly heard the voice of the Black Bear Demon King: "Brother Giant Python, come and help!"

It was said that although Wang Mang was very unhappy with this guy's behavior, there was nothing he could do.

After all, he can't stop doing the task, right?

With this in mind, Wang Mang decided to complete the task early, and then parted ways with the black bear demon king.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang turned into a huge body, and rushed towards the Weasel Demon King.

After facing Wang Mang who came suddenly, Huang Daxian was also taken aback.

He obviously didn't expect that there was also a demon king!

This is obviously a bad comer!

No wonder the black bear demon king dared to fight him!

It turns out there are helpers! And also a demon king.

He could tell from Wang Mang's aura that this was a demon king not much weaker than him.

Thinking of this, the weasel demon king felt extremely heavy.

He is choosing whether to escape!

But the next moment, he couldn't help screaming in pain, only feeling a splitting headache.

Seeing this scene, the Black Bear Demon King was overjoyed, knowing that Wang Mang had once again used that magical power that gave him such a headache!

At the same time, the Black Bear Demon King also seized the opportunity, and slapped Huang Daxian on the head with a pair of huge bear paws.

With a bang!


I saw that the weasel demon king suddenly screamed.

Afterwards, the weasel demon king was sent flying by the palm of the black bear demon king.

But at this moment, Huang Daxian has no way to fight at all.

Because, as Wang Mang continued to use his supernatural powers, he suffered from headaches and pain.

Therefore, the Black Bear Demon King seized the opportunity, jumped tens of meters high, and dropped huge fists from the sky.

In the end, Huang Daxian didn't evade the timely Huang Daxian at all, so he was aggrieved by the black bear demon king and smashed his head.

So far, completely motionless!

A generation of demon kings has just fallen!

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang also secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

He found that he was indeed invincible when he cooperated with the Black Bear Demon King.

He was in charge of mental attack, and the black bear demon king was in charge of output, and finally killed this highly skilled demon king!

"Okay! Good brother! Let's divide up quickly!"

At this time, the overjoyed Black Bear Demon King smiled at Wang Mang.

Hearing this, Wang Mang didn't take a good look at the Black Bear Demon King, and just nodded slightly.

Then divide this Huang Daxian into two!

After dividing the fruits of victory.


^0^Remember in one second【】

The Demon Bear King couldn't wait to eat this Huang Daxian.

Afterwards, he smiled at Wang Mang: "Brother Giant Python, wait for me a moment, after I have digested this guy, continue to set off."

Hearing this, Wang Mang said in a displeased tone, "Get out of here first! Don't forget, you have been exposed."

The Black Bear Demon King didn't take it seriously, but seeing Wang Mang didn't look like a joke, although he was upset, he had no choice but to agree.

At this point, they quickly disappeared into the jungle.

At the same time, what Wang Mang didn't know was.

The previous scene of the battle between the weasel and the black bear demon king.

It has been completely filmed by the villagers and posted on the Internet, causing a huge sensation.

Moreover, it didn't take long for people from the local security bureau to come.

Because there were a lot of casualties in the village!

The previous battle between the Black Bear Demon King and Huang Daxian alone directly affected dozens of people and died tragically.

Therefore, it is impossible to calm down this matter.

At this moment, in the messy village.

A group of Security Bureau personnel who rushed over saw the picture in front of them and fell into a huge shock.

Because many houses at the scene were smashed and destroyed.

Even the bodies pulled out, the casualties reached more than 80 people.

But the trouble for the security bureau is that the culprits are actually two monsters?

yes! According to the explanation of the villagers ~www.readwn.com~ it was caused by the battle between two monsters.

One of the monsters was revered as Huang Daxian by the villagers.

The other monster is a huge black bear!

After learning of this result, the people in the security bureau were instantly stunned.

At this moment, a large number of people gathered near dozens of police cars.

At this moment, the **** man in charge of recording the scene of the crime asked helplessly, "Captain, how do you write this report?"

Hearing this, the person in charge who led the team also felt a headache and said helplessly:

"Report truthfully! According to the confessions provided by the villagers, and the video evidence taken, report all of them!"

"This matter is very troublesome, don't hide anything, report it immediately!"

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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