I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 155: The evolution condition has been met! About to successfully sweep the province...

Remember in a second【】

After reading the personal information.

Wang Mang secretly nodded with satisfaction.

He is now close to evolving again!

Only 5,000 evolution points are missing!

This is not counting the two reward tasks that Wang Mang will receive after completing the task!

At that time, just thinking about it can't help but feel sour!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang felt even better.

This time though, it's a bit more adventurous.

But Wang Mang successfully killed the Green Python King!

Moreover, the feeling of eating alone is really delicious!

Originally, Wang Mang felt a little guilty.

But when he saw the Black Bear Demon King, he ran away immediately and left him alone.

The little bit of guilt in Wang Mang's heart disappeared immediately.

Thinking of the shameless behavior of the Black Bear Demon King, Wang Mang couldn't help feeling angry.

This bastard, once in danger, even abandons his teammate!

Sure enough, he was still the shameless guy he knew!

But that's good too, he doesn't have to worry about making such a fool out of him in the future.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was in a better mood.

This feeling of going as fast as possible is very refreshing!

To be honest, if Wang Mang wants to evolve quickly.

He can even turn around and eat the Banana Tree King, and he will definitely be able to evolve again by then!

But Wang Mang was not in a hurry, and at the same time he was very high-spirited.

After all, he just killed another demon king with 4100 years of practice!

This feeling made Wang Mang very happy, and his mood was also very good.

In joy, Wang Mang moved his huge body slowly and surfaced.

But on the water, Wang Mang saw a scene that made him even more angry.

I saw that the black bear demon king on the shore was happily chatting with the father and daughter.

This shit! I'm fighting hard down here, why are you chatting?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang rushed out of the water suddenly with a huge body, setting off shocking waves.

The Black Bear Demon King, who was still chatting by the river, was startled and immediately jumped up from the ground.

Similarly, the father and daughter at the campfire beside him were also quite frightened.

After seeing Wang Mang, the Black Bear Demon King heaved a sigh of relief, and then happily asked, "How is Brother Python? Did you kill that guy?"

"You have the nerve to say that? I went down to save you, but you ran away!" Wang Mang roared angrily.

While speaking, Wang Mang had already turned into a six-meter-long boa constrictor.

Hearing this, the Black Bear Demon King was extremely embarrassed.

At the same time, the father and daughter got up quickly, kowtowed to Wang Mang and said, "Meet the mountain god!"

Wang Mang nodded indifferently, then cast his eyes at the Black Bear Demon King, and said coldly: "Let's go or not! I can't beat this one. If he wasn't afraid of my supernatural powers, I'd probably die."

After hearing Wang Mang's explanation, the Black Bear Demon King was not surprised at all.

To be honest, the strength of this green python king is stronger than he imagined!

It can be said that the strength of the Green Python Demon King is definitely not much weaker than that of the Stone Demon King.

Because of this, Wang Mang can understand that he can't beat him.

After all, he can't beat it!

What's more, it's still in the water?

Therefore, the Black Bear Demon King did not have the slightest doubt this time.

Moreover, thinking that he sold Wang Mang directly, he felt a little guilty.

After all, he was going to pretend to be aggressive, but it turned out that he was almost colder than not pretending.

If there was no Wang Mang, he might have died in the river.

This point, Black Bear Demon King, is also clear in his heart.

Therefore, facing Wang Mang's disapproval, he still laughed and said:

"Brother Giant Python, you can't blame me! Brother, I'm not good at water warfare!"

"Otherwise, why wouldn't my brother stay and help you?"

Seeing that Wang Mang's attitude eased slightly, the black bear demon king smiled and said, "Let's go! Let's go."

After finishing speaking, the Black Bear Demon King said to the father and daughter, "Leave the mountain village as soon as possible!"

Hearing this, the father and daughter nodded respectfully and said: "Respectfully send off the ancestor!"

After speaking, the father and daughter watched in awe, and Wang Mang and the Black Bear Demon King left.

In a blink of an eye, another week passed.

This week.

Wang Mang and Black Bear Demon King killed two more Demon Kings.

One of the demon kings is equally divided with the black bear demon king.

Another demon king, Wang Mang eats alone again!

So far!

Wang Mang has already met the requirements for evolution!

However, Wang Mang did not evolve!

Because, Wang Mang intends to go all out and take down the last two demon kings!

They are the Stone Demon King and the Turtle Demon King!


In a jungle.

Wang Mang and the Black Bear Demon King have already entered the territory of the Stone Demon King.

But when Wang Mang and the Black Bear Demon King found the Stone Demon King, they were a little surprised.

They actually met two demon kings, the Stone Demon King and the Turtle Demon King!

These two guys actually stayed together!

This was beyond Wang Mang's expectations!

After all, Wang Mang and the Black Bear Demon King intend to defeat them one by one!

After all this

^0^Remember in one second【】

In this way, the more you can bully the less!

But neither Wang Mang nor the Black Bear Demon King expected that these two guys would be together.

Moreover, they just ran into each other!

After seeing the Black Bear Demon King and Wang Mang.

The Stone Demon King and Turtle Demon King were also very surprised.

They didn't expect that these two demon kings would find them?

What made them even more puzzled was that the Black Bear Demon King dared to come?

Not long ago, he was hunted down by them, and there was no way to go to heaven or to earth.

Now that she came to her door, did she come to seek death?

However, the Stone Demon King and the Turtle Demon King immediately noticed something was wrong.

They could feel a **** aura from Wang Mang and the Black Bear Demon King.

This evil spirit is very strong, so there is only one possibility that they hunted and killed the demon king not long ago!

Thinking of this, the Stone Demon King and Turtle Demon King became secretly vigilant.

At this time, before Wang Mang could speak, the Black Bear Demon King laughed wildly and said:

"Stone Demon King, Turtle Demon King! When you besieged and killed Lao Tzu back then, did you ever think that you would have today?"

Hearing the black bear demon king's victorious tone, Wang Mang was speechless.

It hasn't been fought yet, but the Black Bear Demon King looks like he is sure of victory.

However, Wang Mang was not careless, but quietly used information detection.

The next moment, the information about the turtle demon king and the stone demon king appeared in front of Wang Mang.

Target: Turtle Demon King.

Dao Xing: 3900 years.

Level: Demon King level.

Supernatural powers: thick earth, absolute defense, extreme bloodthirsty!

Target: Stone Demon King.

Dao Xing: 4100 years.

Level: Demon King level.

Supernatural powers: the power of the earth, the reorganization of the stone body, and the undead stone body!

After reading the information of these two guys.

Wang Mang couldn't help but nodded secretly.

The strength of these two guys cannot be underestimated.

The supernatural power of the Stone Demon King is what Wang Mang fears the most.

Both are physical supernatural powers!

Even known as the undead stone body?

Wang Mang didn't know how unnatural such supernatural powers were.

However, once this guy was broken by the tree monster king, his stone arm is now intact.

This clearly proves.

The Stone Demon King is very powerful!

It's definitely not easy to mess with, and the supernatural powers are also against the sky!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang did not feel timid in the slightest, on the contrary, he was full of fighting spirit!

Because, Wang Mang's blood is boiling now!

Because, after this battle is over.

He basically completed ~www.readwn.com~ two reward tasks!

At that time, the extent of his harvest is simply unimaginable.

Even, he is very likely to evolve twice in one go!

Likewise, after the war.

This also means that Wang Mang successfully swept away all the demon kings in the province!

At that time, he will be the strongest overlord in this province!

ps: The fifth update is over!

Thanks to all veterans for their support!

At present, it is still a little short of 30 million fans.

Old irons, can you help us break it.

Three bows! Thank you to all the veterans who silently supported us!

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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