I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 159: Evolution succeeded! The body length reaches more than 70 meters! Open Advanced…

Remember in a second【】

After the sound of the system sounded.

Wang Mang completely lost consciousness during the evolution.

Two hours later.

Wang Mang just woke up from evolution.

After waking up, Wang Mang immediately observed the changes in himself.


The two sharp horns on the top of his head have grown quite a bit.

It used to be close to five meters long, but now it is more than five meters long.

Moreover, Wang Mang estimated that it could be used as an attack method.

However, with this pair of sharp and long horns, Wang Mang doesn't have to worry, the other monsters will wrap his head in one bite.

In addition, the body has grown a little longer.

Of course, it also became thicker a lot.

As for the extent of the change, Wang Mang is not too clear.

Therefore, Wang Mang silently said in his heart: "System, open personal information."

In the next moment, personal information appeared in front of his eyes.

Host: Wang Mang.

Species: Heisha Bull Python.

Status: Peak.

Dao Xing: 3900 years.

Body: 72 meters long, 6.4 meters wide, and 66,000 kilograms in weight.

Combat power: The bite force is 66,000 kg, and the speed is 95 kilometers per hour.

Skills: Death Coil, Corrosion and Poison, Skin Color Camouflage, Man of Steel, Super Self-Healing, Water Breathing, Bloodthirsty Killing, Beast Deterrence, Wishful Shrinking.

Supernatural powers: the enslavement of the king, the seal of soul control.

Special: storage space, information detection, a piece of He Shou Wu Wang, 10% off evolution card x1, advanced blind box x1, free upgrade chance x1, designated lucky draw chance x1, random lucky draw chance x3.

Mall: open.

Lucky value: 25 (unlucky).

Evolution value: 23150/40000.

After reading the personal information.

Wang Mang secretly nodded with satisfaction.

This time, his strength has indeed increased a lot.

His body length has also reached a breakthrough, more than 70 meters!

His body width has not improved much, only 6.4 meters.

He still gained five tons in weight!

Now it weighs 66 tons!

Taoism has risen for a hundred years.

This made Wang a little speechless.

He found that every time he evolves and improves his Taoism, it also rises very slowly!

But his combat effectiveness cannot be measured by Taoism.

After all, Wang Mang's Taoism is less than four thousand years old.

But he still killed the 4100-year-old Green Python King! And the Stone Demon King!

Therefore, today's Wang Mang is definitely the strongest demon king in this province! The well-deserved overlord!

As for the Black Bear King, Wang Mang now has great confidence that he can kill this guy!

It's just that thinking of being with me for so long, the Black Bear Demon King has helped me a lot.

Moreover, the relationship between the Black Bear Demon King and him is very familiar now, and both parties are familiar with each other.

Otherwise, Wang Mang would have killed even the Black Bear Demon King.

There is another reason for not killing this guy, that is, the Black Bear Demon King is not a big threat to him.

Wang Mang, who was in a good mood, began to struggle again after enjoying the fruits of victory.

Did he open the advanced blind box first?

Or a random draw first?

Or designate a lottery first?

Oh my!

This tangled feeling made Wang Mang feel very sour!

If only I could struggle like this every day.

Wang Mang, who was in a happy mood, made a decision after thinking about it for a while.

He decided to get an advanced blind box first!

At this point, Wang Mang silently said in a happy mood: "System, open the advanced blind box!"

The next moment, a familiar voice from the system sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully opened the advanced blind box...! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get a Fighter Pilot License! 】

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang almost fainted.

God **** fighter pilot license!

I don't drive a fighter jet, so I need a ghost driver's license!

To be honest, Wang Mang almost couldn't hold back his curses.

What the **** is this!

Driver's license is here!

system! Please be human!

Don't mess with me like this!

You can give me 30,000 to 50,000 evolution points!

For a moment, Wang Mang's mood was not to mention depressed.

He really didn't expect that the system gave him a driver's license, this shit!

Another minute passed.

Under Wang Mang's nervousness, the system voice sounded again:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get a box of Master Kong Lao Tan Pickled Vegetable Noodles! 】

Lying... Groove! My day is your uncle!

After listening to the sound of the system, Wang Mang couldn't help crying.

This system is inappropriate again!

Everything is here!

Even instant noodles are here!

At this moment, Wang Mang even wanted to die for this system.

Although, he hadn't eaten instant noodles for a long time.

But the system doesn't need to give him a box!

^0^Remember in one second【】

Thinking of this, Wang Mang became depressed again.

Is it bad luck today? Not suitable for opening blind boxes?

Just when Wang Mang was wondering, the system voice sounded again:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get 2000 evolutionary value! 】

Hearing this, Wang Mang breathed a sigh of relief.

Although two thousand evolutionary value is not much, it is better than the system not being a human being!

have a look! What did the inappropriate people give him?

A fighter license! A box of Laotan sauerkraut noodles!

So, getting 2,000 evolutionary points this time made Wang Mang feel much relieved.

subsequently. System sound, sounded for the fourth time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get 3000 evolution points! 】

good! good!

The system will continue to work hard! Give me something nice!

Wang Mang breathed a sigh of relief, his mood turned from cloudy to sunny again, and he began to look forward to it.

If the fifth time does not open a good thing.

Then Wang Mang's advanced blind box is a loss!

The next moment, the system's voice sounded for the fifth time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get a snake action movie! 】

? ? ?

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was completely speechless.

At this moment, his mind was full of question marks.

He never dreamed of it.

A blind box actually opened three spicy chickens!

What made Wang Mang collapse even more.

The system really gave him a snake piece this time!

Could it be that what he once said has come true?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang wanted to cry without tears.

What is the use of the snake slices for him!

He's not ready to be a snake yet!

Does the system really want him to learn from Xu Xian?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't even complain.

That's all!

It's impossible to get something good every time.

After being silent for a while, Wang Mang thought helplessly.

Opening the advanced blind box this time broke Wang Mang's heart.

For his sister, only 5,000 evolutionary points were offered, and the spicy chicken was given out three times in five lottery draws.

How dark is his face!

Thinking about this, while Wang Mang was depressed, he also felt very unhappy.

It's the hottest thing he's ever had.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang became even more upset, and couldn't help but secretly said: I don't believe it, my face is so dark!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang's heart became ruthless, he gritted his teeth and said silently: "System, give me a random lottery draw!"

The next moment, the familiar voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully used 1 random lucky draw chance! 】

Then, a huge compass appeared in Wang Mang's mind.

But after seeing the nine prizes on the compass.

Wang Mang couldn't help laughing.


The nine prizes are:

[Black Flame Bull Python! 】

[Void Python! 】

[Starry sky python! 】

[Blue Sky Cow Python! 】

[Nine-Hell Python! 】

[Nine-colored sky-swallowing python! 】

[3000 evolutionary value! 】

[30000 evolutionary value! 】

[50% off evolution card! 】

Dear~www.readwn.com~This chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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