I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 164: Is this the giant python mentioned in the Beast God Dimension? Scared me so much...

Remember in a second【】


Wang Mang still chooses the task with the most lucrative rewards.


Wang Mang really wanted to kill all these beast **** spaces!

Since you dare to trouble him, you will naturally have to pay the price in blood!

Originally, Wang Mang thought that after the last time, the Beast God Space would not dare to provoke him.

But he never expected that now the beast **** space appeared again!

Moreover, he is still unkind to those who come to him!

How could Wang Mang, who had greatly increased his strength, bear it?

Not to mention the great increase in strength!

Even Wang Mang was not afraid of the other party before!

After all, among the terrestrial creatures nowadays, even if it is the demon king, Wang Mang always says to kill.

Although the members of the Beast God Space are unusual, Wang Mang has never been afraid!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang's anger dissipated a lot.

Just when Wang Mang was about to leave.


Not far away in a jungle clearing.

Appeared out of thin air, more than a dozen top predators.

Among these top predators are hyenas, hippos, rhinos, buffaloes, lions and more.

These huge predators that appeared out of nowhere also looked around in a daze.

Afterwards, the members of the Beast God Space began to discuss heatedly:

A big wild boar with a body size of four to five meters couldn't help but looked around blankly and asked, "What kind of mission is this?"

"What mission? Of course it's a mission to send you to death." At this moment, a snow-white fox's ethereal and melodious voice sounded.

Hearing this, the rest of the Beast God Space members looked at the snow-white fox one after another, and raised questions in their hearts.

"Why do you say it is a mission to send to death?"

"Yeah! Isn't it just to kill a giant python?"

"That's right! We have so many members, why are we afraid of a giant python?"

"Ants are afraid. For you little fox, it is a mission to die, but it is easy for us."

Many members of the beast god's space with huge bodies spoke in disdain. Obviously, it was the first time they had encountered this task.

Of course, there are also some weak members, such as antelopes, zebras, and huskies, who are worried.

However, when he heard these huge predators mocking him, the little snow-white fox snorted in displeasure, "Okay! If you can complete the task, I can't wait to see it!"

"Let me tell you the truth! The target of the hunt in this mission is a giant python!"

Hearing this, the huge hippo sneered and said:

"And then? What about a giant python? Could it be those big monsters, the demon king?"

"If it wasn't for those big monsters, or the level of the demon king, wouldn't it be easy for us?"

The rest of the large predators also nodded in agreement, obviously none of them had experienced the terror of Wang Mang.

In this regard, the little white fox simply didn't bother to explain. Instead, it was a terrifying hyena, who couldn't help trembling and terrified:

"Don't think that this task is easy. This task is really a mortal task. What the little fox said is right."

Obviously, this hyena was also one of the targets that died tragically at the hands of Wang Mang last time.

Moreover, he was not only one of the targets who died tragically at the hands of Wang Mang.

He was still the target of Wang Mang's hand who died tragically last time!

Because of this, he knows exactly how terrifying Wang Mang is.

This is also one of the reasons why he feels so desperate!

Because, back then, their strength was no weaker than they are now!

Moreover, the large top predators who participated in the siege of Wang Mang were no worse than this mission.

But the result was that all members, without exception, died tragically at the hands of Wang Mang.

Therefore, if the hyena is most afraid of any task.

In fact, what he is most afraid of is the task of besieging and killing the owner of the Huanshan Great Reservoir.

at the same time.

As time went by, Wang Mang also discovered that there were more and more members of the Beast God Space!

Just for a moment.

Originally there were only a few dozen Beast God Space members, but now they have filled the nearby jungle.

At first glance, it was completely dark.

All kinds of top predators on land are among them, and the number is huge!

However, after Wang Mang glanced at it, he became even more disdainful in his heart.

The reason why he continued to wait without doing anything was to wait for all these guys to arrive.

When the time comes, he will directly wipe them all out!

Moreover, to Wang Mang's surprise.

His fierce reputation seems to be very resounding in the beast **** space!

But what Wang Mang didn't know was.

In fact, in the eyes of some Beast God Space members.

The Huanshan Reservoir where Wang Mang is located is considered a restricted zone by many Beast God Space members!

It's the kind of restricted area where anyone who comes will die!

In a blink of an eye.

Half an hour passed.

At this moment, in the entire huge jungle.

At a glance, Wang Mang saw that at least nearly a thousand members of the Beast God Space had appeared.

However, Wang Mang was still in no hurry to act, he wanted to see

^0^Remember in one second【】

any left.

at the same time.

At this moment, these beast **** space members.

They haven't started fighting yet, but they've already quarreled.

Because, a small number of tragic guys participated in the siege of Wang Mang for the second time.

But in the eyes of this small group of Beast God Space members, they have already seen Wang Mang's ferocity.

Therefore, before seeing Wang Mang this time, they already looked desperate, waiting to die.

But their negative attitude made most of the Beast God space members feel very dissatisfied.

In their eyes, these guys are simply soft bones!


All of a sudden, all kinds of ugly words came out one after another.

"Looking at your fear of death, I just want to laugh!"

"So afraid of death, I really don't know, how did you survive until now?"

"That's right! Once this task is completed, the benefits will be too great."

"That's right! Who cares about the giant python, we have so many members, can't we kill a giant python?"

"That's right! Even if it's a giant python, with so many of us, we can consume him to death, okay?"

Hearing that they had already experienced Wang Mang's horror, the small group of Beast God Space members smiled wryly.

At this time, the huge hyena couldn't help but said helplessly: "Anyway, don't have too much hope!"

It was said that most of the Beast God Space members were about to taunt again.

Suddenly, an extremely cold voice sounded: "Yes! This hyena speaks very quickly, don't get your hopes up!"

Hearing this, all the members of the Beast God Space present were stunned, and then looked sideways at where the voice was.

Then, they saw a strange black python with a length of six meters, moving its body and appearing from a distance.

Seeing this scene, the giant hippopotamus of seven or eight meters in the head couldn't help laughing, and said mockingly:

"Hyena! Is this the impossible task you said~www.readwn.com~?"

Hearing this, the rest of the Beast God Space members also laughed and mocked:

"Made, you scared me to death, such a big python!"

"Could this be the beast **** space talking about giant pythons?"

"Fuck! It's true, he has a mission mark on his head!"

"Ahaha! In this beast **** space, the precipice is giving benefits to everyone!"

"Male Gobi, I'm scared to death. I thought this mission was really scary!"

"Mom! I'm so scared! What a big giant snake! Hurry up and eat me! Hahaha!"

"I'll go! I laughed so hard, it's six meters long? It's much bigger than the one in the zoo!"

"Is this the giant python mentioned in the Beast God Space? I was so scared that I almost couldn't drool..."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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