I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 171: The shamelessness of the Black Bear Demon King! Refresh and subvert Wang Mang again...

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was elated again.

Oh my! Is this the benefit of a strong lucky value?

He had just left for a long time, and he encountered such a good thing!

First, the Black Bear Demon King brought the treasures of heaven and earth to the door.

It even brought three demon kings to the door.

This benefit is like growing your own feet, constantly rushing towards you!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was in a very good mood, the feeling that such a good thing came to him by himself.

Oh my! It's just luck, and I can't stop it!

At the same time, Wang Mang couldn't help but want to see, how much evolution value is there now?

After thinking up to this point, Wang Mang silently said in his heart: "System, open your personal information!"

Species: Black Flame Bull Python.

Status: Adult.

The next moment, personal information appeared in front of him.

Host: Wang Mang.

Combat strength: bite force 70,000 kilograms, speed 95 kilometers per hour.

Skills: Death Coil, Corrosion and Poison, Skin Color Camouflage, Man of Steel, Super Self-Healing, Water Breathing, Bloodthirsty Killing, Beast Deterrence, Wishful Shrinking.

Dao Xing: 4000 years.

Body: 75 meters long, 6.7 meters wide, and weighs 70,000 kilograms.

Mall: open.

Lucky value: 50 (capital of the mean).

Supernatural powers: the enslavement of the king, the seal of soul control, and the falling black flame.

Special: storage space, information detection, 10% off evolution card X1, free upgrade chance X1.

After reading the personal information.

Wang Mang was even more satisfied.

Evolution value: 81300/80000.

Moreover, this does not include the sharing of natural resources and earthly treasures, as well as mission rewards.

Thinking of it this way, Wang Mang became even more energetic!

How long has he been out?

This can evolve again!

Gods block and kill gods, Buddhas block and kill Buddhas!

I am invincible, you can do whatever you want!

At this moment, Wang Mang's ambition can be said to be high!

He's going to push all the way to the Danwan Kingdom!

He was even more terrified.

He saw Wang Mang's methods before.

At this moment.

The black bear demon king who came back to his senses.

Otherwise, how to explain the previous picture?

Thinking of this, the Black Bear Demon King was secretly vigilant.

At the same time, he also wanted to know.

Did Wang Mang get the means to control others?

Originally, the last time he hunted and killed the demon king with Wang Mang, his strength also improved a lot.

After parting ways with Wang Mang, he was even more non-stop and started running around again.

At the same time, he couldn't help but cursed in his heart:

Heaven is unfair! Old Bear, I have worked so hard, but my strength is not as fast as this dog!

It seems that the old bear has to patronize more, the old lair of other fellow daoists!

At this time, seeing Wang Mang looking at him, the black bear demon Wang Can smiled and said, "Brother Giant Python, if it's okay, let's go our separate ways!"

But in the end, his strength was not as fast as Wang Mang's improvement, so Hei Xiong felt aggrieved.

Could it be that I haven't worked hard enough, Old Bear?

"It turned out that you were fine, you didn't keep any of them with me!"

Obviously, the Black Bear Demon King wanted to renege on his debt.

Hearing this, Wang Mang sneered in his heart, and said solemnly: "Brother Hei Xiong, haven't you brought out the treasures of heaven and earth?"

The Black Bear Demon King said helplessly: "Brother Giant Python, the corpse of the Demon King that was agreed upon is mine and you."

"Brother Big Python, if you have something to say, talk about it, brother is joking with you."

After finishing speaking, the Black Bear Demon King opened his **** mouth, and took out a wooden box.

Of course Wang Mang also saw it, so he said grimly: "Brother Black Bear, my supernatural power has improved recently, why don't you help me try my power again, brother?"

Hearing Wang Mang's words, the Black Bear Demon King immediately thought of the previous scene, and immediately said with a flattering smile:

However, what made Wang Mang a little speechless was that this guy actually hid this treasure in his stomach!

After Wang Mang made his body smaller, he came to the side of the Black Bear Demon King and said expressionlessly, "Open it! Let me see!"

Then, he turned into a size of two meters, and shook the wooden box in his hand towards Wang Mang.

Similarly, after this guy took out the wooden box, Wang Mang could smell the scent of medicine coming to his face.

At this time, the Black Bear Demon King immediately held down this treasure.

To be honest, this Tiancaidibao looks too ordinary in appearance.

Seeing this, the Black Bear Demon King opened the wooden box with a face full of pain, and the scent of medicine immediately overflowed.

In the wooden box, a plant of green grass more than two meters high immediately struggled to run away.

At the same time, Wang Mang also used information detection.

The next moment, the information about the treasures of heaven and earth immediately appeared in front of my eyes.

If he hadn't felt the incomparably strong medicinal fragrance.

It is estimated that it is no different from an ordinary dogtail grass.

Level: Demon King level.

Target: King of Ten Thousand Poisonous Weeds.

Daoxing: 4499 years.

No wonder this Ten Thousand Poisonous Herb King has such a rich and lively medicinal fragrance.

This is even stronger than the Polygonum Polygonum King that he had monopolized back then!

After reading the information.

Wang Mang was simply astonished.

Logically speaking, shouldn't such a treasure of heaven, material and earth should become a demon king?

At this time, the Black Bear Demon King saw Wang Mang's doubts, and smiled triumphantly:

The Polygonum multiflorum king he monopolized at the beginning was only 3800 years old.

But this King Ten Thousand Poisonous Grass has been practiced for 4,500 years.

The Black Bear Demon King explained: "Brother Giant Python doesn't know something!"

"It is very difficult for them to be turned into demon kings for the spiritual woods classified as heaven, material and earth treasures."

"Brother is thinking, why didn't it turn into a demon king?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded.

"Once the age limit reaches nine thousand years, you can directly transform into a land fairy!"

After listening to the explanation of the Black Bear Demon King.

"But they are uniquely blessed. Once they break the nine thousand year limit, they can directly transform into land gods!"

"Moreover, these treasures of heaven and earth, they don't need to go through the tribulation every thousand years! To put it bluntly, they don't need to go through the tribulation!"

It can be said that as long as these treasures of heaven, material and earth can escape the disaster of nine thousand years, they can turn into gods on land.

This is much more powerful than usual!

Wang Mang was shocked.

He didn't expect that this kind of natural material and earthly treasure is also unique in this aspect!

At this time, the Wancao Poison King couldn't help but let out an ethereal and melodious pleading voice: "Can the kings save the little ones, just leave the roots!"

Hearing this, the Black Bear Demon King glanced at Genxu and said with emotion:

Thinking of this~www.readwn.com~ Wang Mang nodded expectantly and said, "Hurry up and share! I can't wait!"

Hearing this, the Black Bear Demon King nodded, with a look of reluctance on his face.

This guy is as shameless as ever!

The roots of the Ten Thousand Poisonous Weed King are very thin, they don't occupy much of the body at all, the roots are like the roots of a spring onion.

"It's not impossible to save your life, but you have to make an oath of your own life, and you will repay the old Xiong me in the future!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang was speechless.

But the Black Bear Demon King is good. If he wants to eat others, he will ask them to repay his life-saving grace in the future, and he will force them to swear poisonous oaths!

To be honest, Wang Mang couldn't do this kind of act of eating others and asking them to repay their kindness in the future.

This kind of thing can only be done by a black bear who has never been a human being and has no demon face...

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