【Ding! Also ask the host to check it by himself! 】

After hearing the system's prompt, Wang Mang looked impatiently at his personal belongings.

After seeing this newly added supernatural power, Wang Mang's pupils shrank for a while!

"The fruit of all fruits? Seventh-rank top grade?!" Seeing this supernatural power, Wang Mang read it subconsciously.

At this time, Wang Mang has fallen into a state of bewilderment and has not fully reacted.

After a few breaths, Wang Mang finally came back to his senses.

"System! Explain quickly!"

Wang Mang stared intently at the supernatural powers in the personal panel, with some disbelief in his joy.

[Fruit of all fruits: Passive supernatural powers! 】

[Details: At the moment of obtaining this supernatural power, the host will not be infected with any cause and effect. 】

[At the same time, no matter whether the karma caused by the host intentionally or unintentionally will not be liquidated by the power of karma! 】The starting website https://m.vip

After hearing the system's introduction, Wang Mang's eyes widened.

"So awesome?"

At this time, Wang You, who was protecting Wang Mang from the outside world, looked at Wang Mang who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, and there was a wave in his eyes.

Staring at the inexplicably disappearing aura in Wang Mang's body, Wang You frowned.

"Did something disappear?"

At this time, Wang Mang had already opened the last treasure chest.

At the same time, the magic weapons needed to improve the body of the gods are also enough.

"Open the personal panel."

Host: Wang Mang.

Cultivation realm: Immortal Realm Six Heavens! (Great Supreme Tianjiao).

Yuanshen Realm: Immortal Realm Sixth Level (Shen Yuan Value 200/3000 Immortal Realm Sixth Level)

Realm of the physical body: level two of the immortal realm (refining the supernatural body, 48/100 Dacheng level).

The special extreme state of the physical body: not activated.

Realm special extreme state: the power of double extreme state.

Primordial Spirit Special Extreme Realm: Domineering Extreme Realm (cannot be upgraded).

Comprehensive Combat Strength: (Fourth Layer of Eternal Realm).

Divine pet status: Unborn (8000/10000).

Supernatural powers: Aspect of gods and demons (seventh-tier top-rank), ultimate territory (seventh-tier mid-tier special!), constant time body (seventh-tier mid-tier!), rebellious sky (seventh-tier mid-tier.), universe star sea (from seventh-tier mid-tier!) Creation of supernatural powers.). The fruit of all fruits (seventh-level top grade.)

Weapons: Slaughtering God of War (top seventh-tier mid-tier), Slaughtering Great Halberd (top seventh-tier mid-tier), Heaven-cutting Sword (seventh top-tier), seventh-tier mid-tier top magic weapon x54

Items: Seventh-rank middle-grade God's Blessing Talisman x2 Seventh-rank middle-grade Marriage Talisman x7, Body Realm Realm Enlightenment Scroll x1, Karma Shards x6. Universe Ancient Scripture, Eternal Realm Follower x1, Armor: overalls, center split headgear. Forbidden Consumable Weapon: Supreme Orb! , Realm Improvement Card x1, Advanced God Pet Experience Card x1.

Dao crystal value: 88 billion/200 billion (the limit of the sixth heaven in the Immortal Realm).

Garbage bin: None.

【Ding! The magic weapon needed by the host to upgrade the physical body is enough! Very starting to improve? 】

After hearing the system's words, Wang Mang pondered for a moment, and then replied:


The place where I am now is not necessarily safe.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang stood up abruptly.

Seeing Wang Mang who got up suddenly, Wang You was also taken aback.

Before he could react, Wang Mang said:



A muffled sound sounded, and Wang Mang's figure disappeared in place immediately.

Seeing this situation, Wang You hurriedly used his speed Dao Yun to follow.

After a stick of incense, the figures of the two had arrived in a continuous mountain range.

After choosing a place at random, Wang Mang stopped.

All of a sudden, three powers of the supreme avenue diffused from Wang Mang's body at the same time.

Silver and white and black and yellow entwined each other, and began to slowly form an enchantment.

After half a stick of incense, a barrier formed impressively.

"You continue to protect the law."

After giving Wang You an order, Wang Mang entered the barrier.

Randomly found an open place and sat cross-legged, Wang Mang silently said to the system in his heart:

"System, open the personal panel."

As soon as the voice fell, the figure of the system also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Open the personal panel successfully! 】

Host: Wang Mang.

Cultivation realm: Immortal Realm Six Heavens! (Great Supreme Tianjiao).

Yuanshen Realm: Immortal Realm Sixth Level (Shen Yuan Value 200/3000 Immortal Realm Sixth Level)

Realm of the physical body: level two of the immortal realm (refining the supernatural body, 48/100 Dacheng level).

The special extreme state of the physical body: not activated.

Realm special extreme state: the power of double extreme state.

Primordial Spirit Special Extreme Realm: Domineering Extreme Realm (cannot be upgraded).

Comprehensive Combat Strength: (Fourth Layer of Eternal Realm).

Divine pet status: Unborn (8000/10000).

Supernatural powers: Aspect of gods and demons (seventh-level top grade), ultimate territory (seventh-level middle-level special!), constant time body (seventh-level middle-level!), rebellious sky (seventh-level middle-level.), universe star sea (from Creation of supernatural powers.), the fruit of all fruits (seventh-order top grade!)

Weapons: Slaughtering God of War (top seventh-tier mid-tier), Slaughtering Great Halberd (top seventh-tier mid-tier), Heaven-cutting Sword (seventh top-tier), seventh-tier mid-tier top magic weapon x54

Items: Seventh-rank middle-grade God's Blessing Talisman x2 Seventh-rank middle-grade Marriage Talisman x7, Body Realm Realm Enlightenment Scroll x1, Karma Shards x6. Universe Ancient Scripture, Eternal Realm Follower x1, Armor: overalls, center split headgear. Forbidden Consumable Weapon: Supreme Orb! Realm promotion card x1, advanced pet experience card x1!

Dao crystal value: 88 billion/200 billion (the limit of the sixth heaven in the Immortal Realm).

Garbage bin: None.

[Ding! The magical weapons needed to improve the realm of the physical body are enough! Do you want to start lifting? 】


As soon as the voice fell~www.readwn.com~ the voice of the system sounded again:

[Ding! Deduct 52 pieces of seventh-level middle-grade top magic weapons! Start lifting! 】

After finishing speaking, a familiar feeling of dizziness immediately filled Wang Mang's mind.


The next moment, Wang Mang suddenly fell to the ground.

At this time, in the box of the Spiritual Enlightenment Clan outside.

"Oh? This kid, what are you doing?"

Seeing the sound of Wang Mang falling to the ground on the crystal screen, Qing Yi was also puzzled.

After all these

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