I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1808: Seduce Wang Mang? The strongest under the ancient gods?

The moment he heard this voice, Wang Mang was shocked!

What's the matter with Made?

Even though he couldn't see anything clearly now, Wang Mang kept turning his head and looking around.

The sudden sound raised the panic in his heart to the extreme.

At the same time, the power of the Dao in his body was running to the extreme, and it continued to burst out of his body.

"Human, I'm asking you something." An extremely heavy voice came towards my face accompanied by endless wind.

For a moment, Wang Mang immediately looked towards the position where the wind was blowing, but he still couldn't see anything clearly.

Suddenly, the panic in Wang Mang's heart turned to anger, and he directly drove the four great powers to bombard the place he was facing.

'Bang', after a few breaths, a muffled sound that was neither light nor heavy came into Wang Mang's ears slowly.

"Human, are you tickling me?"

Another deep voice echoed, and Wang Mang's complexion changed suddenly, his whole body tensed up, ready to use his constant time body at any time. The first website https://m.vip

Taking out the massacre halberd from the system space, Wang Mang said with a vigilant face, "Where are you?"

While speaking, he continued to use his perception, trying to get information about the surrounding situation.

However, the perception is still unable to detect the primordial spirit. This situation makes Wang Mang a little crazy!

There is an unknown mysterious existence staring in the dark, but I can't find where it is.

This situation is completely out of control.

At the same time, this is also the scene that Wang Mang is least willing to face.

"Hehehe, small human beings don't need to panic, I can't do anything to you."

The moment the voice just fell, the invisible fog that filled the surroundings dissipated immediately.

The surrounding scenes immediately came into Wang Mang's eyes.

The gray-brown cliffs are covered with green vines, and a desolate atmosphere blows over us.

And then, a pair of huge eyes? !

The moment he saw these pupils, Wang Mang's heart trembled!

There is no other reason, these eyes are too huge!

Wang Mang looked extremely small in front of these eyes.

According to preliminary estimates, just one eye socket is the size of hundreds of Wang Mang.

This is not the most shocking thing, Wang Mang saw the shrinking of Xinghai from these eyes.

The constantly rotating dots of stars are like the embryonic form of the Milky Way.

For a moment, Wang Mang was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

Even the Xuantian Turtle I met before is far from being able to compare with it.

"Damn it." Wang Mang said subconsciously, and the power of the Great Dao surrounding him also stagnated.

Looking at Wang Mang's attitude with great interest, there was a hint of disdain hidden in his eyes.

"Human, do you want power?"

The moment Wang Mang heard this sentence, he was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed lightly.

This familiar bewitching words.

"Oh? How much strength can you give me?" Wang Mang said with great interest, with a smile on his face.

After seeing Wang Mang taking the bait, a gleam of light flashed across those huge eyes.

"A power unrivaled by all men."

"A power over all beings."

"A supreme force that ignores time."

A series of deep voices came to Wang Mang's ears one after another, echoing under the abyss.

Immediately, the smile on Wang Mang's face became even wider.

"I don't know if your strength is as strong as the ancient god's?"


As soon as Wang Mang's words fell, the mysterious existence suddenly became quiet.

At the same time, the light in its eyes began to become cloudy and uncertain.

"Hehehehe, you dare to say that you are a human being."

"Do you know what an ancient **** is?"

Hearing this, the corners of Wang Mang's mouth immediately raised.

"Gods are born innately in the universe."

"Mother of all things."

Immediately, Wang Mang also moved out of the same set of rhetoric that Shen Yuan Xuanming used to say.

After Wang Mang finished speaking, the mysterious existence immediately fell silent.

For a moment, the scene became so quiet.

"Humans, the ancient gods are existences that even the highest are afraid of."

"There are only a handful of people in this universe who can rival the ancient gods."

"If I had that kind of power, how could I be trapped here by a few ants."

"But although I can't give you the power of the ancient **** level, it is still easy for you to be the strongest under the ancient god."

This mysterious existence still bewitched Wang Mang.

Obviously not giving up yet.

After hearing its series of words, Wang Mang frowned.

It's not that he was moved by its words, but he was thinking about how strong this thing is.

"Why should I trust you?" Wang Mang started the first wave of temptation.

Even if you think about it with your toes, you know there is a problem, but this does not affect Wang Mang's desire to devour the opponent's heart first.

The breath at the mouth of the abyss is most likely emitted by the mysterious existence that is talking to him now.

Such a majestic breath, once swallowed by oneself, it will definitely be a massive amount of Dao crystals.

This temptation to Wang Mang, whose realm has not improved for a long time, is no different from that of a beautiful woman appearing in front of an idiot.

And Wang Mang, who is a dao crystal idiot, will definitely not miss it.

"Hehehe, interesting human being."

"Isn't the things around you the best proof?"

As soon as the voice fell, Wang Mang's eyes suddenly went dark.

Perception has lost its effect again.

Everything around becomes invisible again.

Suddenly, Wang Mang frowned.

Such a scene.

"Hey, I see, take back these things around."

As soon as Wang Mang's words fell, that incomparably deep voice also sounded.

"Hehehe, very good."

In an instant, Wang Mang's sight was restored again, and the surrounding scenes immediately came into view.

"Human, how are you thinking?"

At the same time as he was speaking, his huge eyes suddenly lit up.

After hearing the words, Wang Mang also pretended to be successfully attracted.

I saw a smile on his face, and a greedy light in his eyes.

"Then what price do I need to pay?" Wang Mang asked with a fiery face.

After all, it is too direct, and the other party will be suspicious if it is not guaranteed.

Sure enough, Wang Mang's posture successfully lowered the vigilance of the mysterious existence.

"Smart choice."

Rao can only see those two pairs of eyes that seem to contain the universe~www.readwn.com~ Wang Mang can still clearly feel its smile from them.

"What you gain is what you lose, this is an eternal truth.

"But the price you need to pay is very small."

"As long as you help me smash all the surrounding rocks, when I come out, I will give you supreme power."

"How about it."

The deep voice echoed in Wang Mang's ears continuously, like a demon whispering.

"It couldn't be better." Wang Mang said with a smile on his face.

As soon as he finished speaking, he swung his right arm fiercely, and with a whistling sound of the slaughtering halberd, he pointed straight at the cliff in front of Wang Mang.

Seeing this situation, the excitement in those huge eyes became more and more obvious!

But the next moment, the excitement in its eyes was completely replaced by astonishment!

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