I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1816: The seal is broken! Ancient beasts come out!

A pure white radiance shot out from the mirror surface, enveloping the entire formation.

At the same time, they greeted the falling Shenting Xuanlei.


A violent roar exploded, and violent vibrations appeared.

The stirred up dust and sand were like surging sand waves, beating towards the surroundings.

The fierce wind blew up, making the dust in the air even bigger.

And the Abyss Bo Yang outside the formation also quickly cast the power of the Dao to surround his body.

Even so, the sporadic thunderstorms that spread out were still quite powerful, constantly obliterating the power of the Great Dao around him.

Seeing this situation, Abyss Bo Yang could only grit his teeth and continue to boost the output of the power of the Dao.


At this time, on the wasteland in the middle.

Several powerful forces are constantly destroying the terrain here.

The middle of the film is still a mess.

The space is slowly recovering in the constant collapse.

The aftermath of the power of the stars and several strands of the power of the avenue is still spreading towards the surroundings.

Not only did the ground suffer unprecedented damage, but the mouth of the abyss, where Wang Mang had been hiding, no longer had its original appearance.

Seeing this situation, the starry sky ancient beast perceiving the situation in the middle of the different space almost grinned to the ear.

"There is no unparalleled road!"

"It's not right, I will never stop my way!"

"Let's fight, hit hard! Come on for a while, the newly drawn pattern won't last long!"

At this time, it looks very pleasing to Wang Mang.

Even Wang Mang's previous provocations were selectively forgotten by it.

As long as you can get out of this ghost place, everything is easy to talk about.

Staring at Zhou Tianqi, the star that was still undiminished, Wang Mang's eyes flashed a trace of unwillingness.

Time is running out, if you still can't crush the power of stars around the flag, then you will really miss it.

If the duck with its mouth full just flew away like this, Wang Mang would definitely explode in anger!

This is a seventh-rank high-grade artifact, a priceless treasure!

But thinking of his own situation, Wang Mang frowned suddenly.

At this time, Wang Mang's body glowed faintly from inside to outside.

Even a little white smoke would float out from time to time.

"It won't last long."

Sensing the situation in the body, Wang Mang's expression suddenly became ugly.

He really couldn't figure out how it could be so difficult to deal with the Star Zhoutian Banner, which was now ownerless.

At this time, his Devouring Dao has been exhausted.

Although it can also make up for it by devouring space, the speed is far less than consumption!

The same is true for the power of devouring stars.

This led to the power of the stars lingering around the flag, making it much easier to resist Wang Mang's attack.

For a moment, Wang Mang was also a little anxious.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't use the constant time body so early!

After feeling annoyed for a while, Wang Mang quickly began to think about countermeasures.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered that he still had a follower!

Yes indeed!

The next moment, Wang Mang quickly said in his heart: "System, quickly take out the followers!"

As soon as the voice fell, the system's voice also sounded:

[Ding! Congratulations to the host! The follower was taken out successfully!】

In an instant, there was a space ripple beside Wang Mang.

The figure of Wang You stepped out of it slowly!

After seeing Wang You coming out, a smile appeared on Wang Mang's face.

Afterwards, Wang Mang quickly took out the Heaven Cutting Sword and threw it towards Wang You.

"Shoot together and attack the flag to the greatest extent!"

As Wang You took over the Excalibur, Wang Mang's order immediately appeared in his mind.

Hearing this, Wang You didn't hesitate. After nodding his head lightly, he raised his sword and flashed towards the flag.


As countless sword glows slashed across, the surrounding space was suffering from indiscriminate disasters, and faults began to appear.

The fierce sword light contained unparalleled sharpness, spanning the space, and directly fell around the stars Zhou Tianqi!

In an instant, the power of the stars around it dimmed a bit.

Seeing this situation, the corners of Wang Mang's mouth immediately raised.

One more point for winning the flag.

As Wang You joined the battlefield, there were two more forces in the middle.

Speed ​​dao rhyme, and the sword energy of the seventh-order top-grade divine sword.

At the same time, this also led to an even more exaggerated destruction of the terrain in the middle!

Before, it was just the ground sinking and cracking.

At this time, the land in the middle has begun to disappear in large areas.

Under the ravages of several forces capable of destroying the world, it seems that nothing can be intact.

At this time, in the desert.

After the thunder fell, more mysterious thunders fell one after another.

In the dust and sand all over the sky, dazzling thunder flashes appeared from time to time.

It looked like a scene of wrath.

Liang Qi in the formation also showed a smile on his face after seeing the white aura resisting above.

"It is indeed something left by the Immortal King of Time."

"Facing God's punishment is so easy."

"Unfortunately, it can only be used three times."

Speaking of Liangqi, I also feel a little pain in my flesh.

But looking back on the previous deduction, the resentment in my heart suddenly dissipated a lot.

"Don't let me down!"

From the corner of the eye, he glanced at Abyss Xuanming, who was gradually recovering from life, and Liangqi's eyes showed a trace of expectation.

At this time, in the Nine Fen Clan area, the box of the Nine Fen Clans in the outer abyss.

Through the perspective of Abyss Bo Yang, the Nine Patriarchs can roughly see the situation in the desert.

Staring at the place where the thunder continued to fall, his tiger eyes suddenly burst into fierceness.

"Corpse roads are now appearing, and the strangeness is frequent."

"What's going on in this world now?"

The head of the Nine Clans whispered solemnly, with a touch of worry on his calm and prestige face.

After hearing his words, the elders beside him also said one after another: "The younger generation in this life is really against the sky."

"There is the only inheritor of the corpse path, and there is a terrifying genius like Wang Mang."

"The Half-Buddha and Burial Emperor of the ancient clan should not be underestimated."

"But our abyss sky is not bad. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

"Compared to the above, the sky is still not enough."

"That's right."

"The so-called Brilliant World, could it be this generation?"

Several elders started to discuss after you said something to me.

After hearing their conversation, the Nine Patriarchs also frowned.

At this time, in the middle of the specially made world.

After a stick of incense fighting, the place has been completely destroyed and lost its original appearance.

earth? No, it's completely gone.

Except for the abyss, the boundaries here are completely replaced by sporadic forces.

The so-called middle part has been completely evaporated.

Wang Mang, Wang You, and Xingchen Zhoutianqi were all suspended in mid-air and clashed constantly.

Because his body was already reaching its limit, Wang Mang almost fell into madness at this time!

The indifferent indifference in the two pupils began to burst into greedy gazes.

At this moment, a vast aura suddenly appeared.

At the same time, a voice that resounded through the sky exploded:

"Hahahaha! I finally came out!"

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