I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1819: Abyss Xuan Ming returns!

As soon as the voice fell, the system's voice sounded immediately:

[Ding! Congratulations to the host! Choose success! Please complete the task as soon as possible! 】

After hearing the system's words, Wang Mang nodded his head lightly, then looked at the abyss Xuanming in the center of the formation.

At this time, Abyss Xuanming's eyes were full of confusion, and his face was full of doubts.

Seeing this situation, worry appeared in Wang Mang's eyes.

"Is this the memory of the lost life?" Wang Mang stared at the center of the formation, and said intently.

Hearing this, Liang Qi who was beside him nodded and replied: "Yes."

For a moment, Wang Mang nodded his head clearly, and said again:

"It takes a new practice to reach the state of life before you can completely restore your memory, right?"

"Yes, during this process, every time his strength reaches a level, he will get more or less memory fragments." Liang Qi looked at Wang Mang secretly, and said as if nothing had happened.

After getting his reply, Wang Mang walked towards the center of the formation.

As he got closer and closer to Abyss Xuanming, the latter also discovered Wang Mang who was coming.

Staring at Wang Mang's figure, Shen Yuan Xuanming's eyes became more suspicious.

When Wang Mang came to him, he asked directly:

"Who are you? Why do you give me a feeling of familiarity and strangeness?"

Looking up and down carefully at the resurrected Abyss Xuanming, Wang Mang's eyes showed a strange color.

Then he said meaningfully, "Who are you?"

After hearing this sentence, Shen Yuan Xuanming was stunned for a moment, and then began to murmur:

"who am I?"

In an instant, he began to search for the answer to this question in his vague soul.

But at this time, his soul is in a new state, and his memory is naturally empty.

This situation made him very puzzled.

How could there be no memory after his birth? So who are you?

Could it be that it jumped out of the rock?

"Who am I?" Shen Yuan Xuanming's facial expression gradually distorted, and at the same time, he kept muttering "Who am I?"

Such a situation lasts for a few breaths.

On the other hand, Wang Mang squinted his eyes subconsciously when he saw this situation.

Originally, it was just a casual question, but I never thought it would cause the latter to think deeply.

Before Wang Mang could speak again, Abyss Xuanming suddenly shouted loudly:

"Who the **** am I?"

As soon as the words fell, his expression suddenly became a little painful, and then turned into a hideous expression!

"who am I?"

He was trembling all over, chanting words in his mouth, and kept re-encountering this sentence.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang's expression also changed, and he subconsciously looked at Liang Qi.

"What's happening here?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Liang Qi, whose eyes had been lingering on Shen Yuan Xuan Ming, sighed helplessly.

The next moment, the power of the dark green avenue suddenly emerged from his body.

After he gestured with both hands a few times, the secluded green avenue, which was confused in the formation, suddenly flooded into Abyss Xuanming's mind.

Seeing this, Wang Mang quickly turned his attention to Abyss Xuanming.

I saw that the power of the great avenue around was surging like a waterfall, continuously gathering towards the abyss Xuanming.

With the injection of the power of the Great Dao, after a few breaths of time, Abyss Xuanming gradually calmed down.

The next moment, his eyes were closed, and he fell onto the sand.

"His primordial spirit was reshaped by the corpse path, and the memory in front of him was sealed in the depths of the primordial spirit."

"Just a little bit of common sense."

"If you ask such a question, it will inevitably cause him to fall into a cognitive conflict."

Liang Qi's voice sounded leisurely, echoing in Wang Mang's ears.

Hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly realized.

So, I thought it was some serious emergency.

Knowing that the situation was not as serious as he had imagined, Wang Mang's hanging heart calmed down.

Abyss Xuanming was originally his recognized brother, and he died because he withstood a fatal blow for himself.

If he didn't know that this is also a necessary prerequisite for stepping into the path of corpses, Wang Mang could have imagined that he would definitely fall into madness at that time.

Looking at Abyss Xuanming who was unconscious on the ground, and at Liang Qi who was smiling, Wang Mang leaned over and slowly helped Abyss Xuanming up.

After casually patting the dust on his body, Wang Mang fixed it on the right side of his body with one hand, and then walked towards Liang Qi.

While walking, Wang Mang raised his head to look at Wang You in the sky.

At this time, Wang You was waving the Heaven-Cut Sword with great effort.

The unparalleled sharpness of the sword flashed out from the divine sword continuously, and bombarded towards the sky.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Mang saw hundreds of sword glows cut out from the divine sword.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang also sighed with emotion: "As expected of the owner of Speed ​​Dao Yun and that heaven-defying supernatural power!"

"It's really fast!"

After speaking, Wang Mang also quickened his pace.

After a few breaths, he appeared beside Ryoshichi.

"The fall into the corpse path has been completed, can this formation be cancelled?"

Wang Mang said bluntly.

It's not that Wang Mang deliberately found fault. In his perception, that guy, Abyss Bo Yang, has been waiting outside.

Besides, with Liang Qi's strength, Wang Mang could easily kill him with any Devour Dao.

With Wang Mang's bad habits, there would naturally be no such thing as a good attitude.

If it weren't for Zai Liangqi who helped Abyss Xuanming regain his life, he might already be part of the nourishment for Devouring Dao.

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Liang Qi smiled indifferently, and said very calmly:

"It's natural."

As soon as the words fell, the power of the Great Dao permeating the formation quickly poured into his body.

With the disappearance of the power of the avenue, the formation under the feet disappeared immediately.

At this time ~www.readwn.com~ Abyss Xuanming, who was waiting outside the formation, saw that the formation disappeared, and hurried towards Wang Mang.

When he came to Wang Mang, he hurriedly asked, "Brother Wang Mang, Xuan Ming, what's going on with him?"

Looking at the worried Abyss Bo Yang, Wang Mang said slowly:

"He lost his memory."

"You have to re-cultivate to the ninth level of the Immortal Realm before you can recover."

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Abyss Bo Yang quickly used his perception to cover Abyss Xuanming.

Sensing his realm breath, Abyss Bo Yang said thoughtfully:

"Did you fall in the first layer of the Immortal Realm?"

"It's not a big price to resurrect."

Hearing this, the corners of Wang Mang's mouth twitched immediately.

"He has fallen into the path of a corpse. If something unexpected happens, it will be impossible for anyone to recover."

Abyss Xuan Ming frowned and said:

"Then what's his situation now?"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Mang also shrugged.

"You have to ask the doctor."

"Doctor?" Abyss Bo Yang looked puzzled.

Wang Mang turned his head and looked at Liang Qi who was on the side.

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