Sensing Wang Mang's breath of life, which is like half of the eternal star, Liang Qi's eyes showed surprise.

The realm is obviously only the sixth heaven of the immortal realm, but the breath of life is seriously inconsistent.

Such a majestic breath of life already belongs to the eternal realm!

Awesome! As expected of a man with supreme destiny!

Abyss Bo Yang and Abyss Xuanming at the side also showed strange expressions on their faces.

It is really that Wang Mang's breath of life is too majestic, compared with their own, it is simply a sky and a ground.

For a moment, the three of them couldn't help showing suspicious expressions.

Such a majestic breath of life did not show any decline.

What's wrong?

For a moment, the three of them cast curious glances at Wang Mang.

Facing the eyes of the three, Wang Mang said slowly, "Using the power of the Dao is overloaded."

"I need a break."

After hearing Wang Mang's words, expressions of curiosity suddenly appeared on the faces of the two people except Shen Yuan Xuanming.

Use the power of the avenue to overload?

What is this nonsense?

You know, neither of them has such a situation, at most, the power of the Great Dao is temporarily exhausted.

As for the use of the power of the great way to overload, causing abnormalities in the body, there is basically no such situation.

Generally, before the body is normal, the power of the great way will be exhausted.

And Wang Mang's physique is one of the 15 great physiques, the God Refining Overlord Physique.

This physique is outstanding in its hardness.

The degree of firmness ranks first among the fifteen physiques.

Even such a physique couldn't withstand Wang Mang's use of the power of the great way.

How much power is needed for this?

For a moment, the eyes of the two of them looking at Wang Mang suddenly changed.

"Brother Wang Mang, what happened to you?" Abyss Bo Yang asked curiously.

You know, it's rare to see Wang Mang consume so much power in the Starfield Emperor's Conquest.

After hearing his words, Wang Mang squinted his eyes and thought for a moment.

"There is an ancient starry sky beast sealed in the middle of the special world. There was an accident, and it broke through and was engraved."

"It should be in the special world now."

As soon as these words came out, a look of surprise appeared on the faces of Shen Yuan Bo Yang and Liang Qi at the same time.

Both of them have heard a little bit about the ancient beasts in the starry sky.

"Did that one actually break through the seal?"

Abyss Bo Yang had obviously heard the news a long time ago.

After hearing his words, Wang Mang was a little surprised: "You know?"

"Yes, I have seen it in the scrolls in the clan." Abyss Bo Yang said truthfully.

After hearing the words, Wang Mang suddenly became interested.

"Oh? Tell me about it carefully."

Wang Mang only knows about the ancient starry sky beast's origin and strength.

He still doesn't know why he was sealed in this special world.

After thinking about it for a while, Abyss Bo Yang said thoughtfully: "The ancient beasts in the starry sky are violent in nature and terrifying in strength."

"It was finally sealed in a special world by the six top forces."

"Use the Star Zhoutian Banner of the ancient clan to preside over the seal, and extract the power of the stars from the ancient beasts in the starry sky to bless the special world."

After hearing Shenyuan Boyang's words, Wang Mang chuckled suddenly.

So, it seems that I have a good chance of helping it to fight against the top forces.

"How long has it been sealed?" Wang Mang wondered.

Abyss Bo Yang thought for a while, and slowly said: "According to the records, after the ancient beasts in the starry sky were sealed, the top forces would come to reinforce the seal every once in a while."

"It slowly evolved into the sign of the emperor of the star field."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Mang smiled, but was also a little surprised.

The Conquest of the Emperor of the Star Region started before it was established?

How long has this been?

After pondering for a while, Wang Mang said again: "Got it, I need to go to the central part tomorrow."

Hearing this, Abyss Bo Yang quickly said: "Are you looking for ancient beasts in the starry sky?"

"That kind of existence can be handed over to those elders, there is no need to go."

At this moment, Liang Qi who was on the side also interjected, and said weakly: "The ancient beasts in the starry sky are terrifying in strength, I think it's better not to provoke them."

As soon as the words fell, Wang Mang immediately gave him a sideways glance.

The latter also quickly fell silent.

After retracting his gaze, Wang Mang closed his eyes again.

What to do now is to recuperate and wait for the cooldown time of the constant time body to end.

the next day!

At this time, the desert that should have been shrouded by the scorching sun was still shrouded in dark clouds because of the thunder calamity.

The sky is still extremely Very good, it has almost recovered. "

Wang Mang moved his hands and said in a low voice with a smile on his face.

Beside him were three people with apprehensive faces.

Abyss Xuanming, who didn't know anything at first, was fearless and even had some expectations.

But after Abyss Bo Yang talked to him about science, Abyss Xuanming was immediately discouraged.

Looking left and right at the three men with cowardly faces, Wang Mang said angrily, "It's not that I'm going to die, so there's no need to be so afraid, right?"

As soon as this remark came out, Shenyuan Baiyang quickly expressed his opinion: "Brother Wang Mang, I think it's still too risky."

"It's better to be more cautious, and I have already notified the elders in the clan."

Hearing this, Wang Mang was stunned.

"Can you contact the outside world?"

Staring at Abyss Bo Yang, Wang Mang looked surprised.

Seeing Wang Mang's unbelievable expression, Abyss Xuanming said disapprovingly: "Of course, the Abyss Nine Clans are one of the initiators of the Starfield King's Campaign."

"The members of the clan are naturally..."

Halfway through his words, Wang Mang covered him with his hand.

"Understood, I don't think there is any need to continue."

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