【There is really no giant python in my reservoir】【】

Staring at the newly added status column in the personal panel, Wang Mang was a little dazed.

Is my current state just collapsed? It feels like the burden is much smaller than last time.

That's right. After all, the god-refining hegemony body has been improved, so it doesn't make sense to be the same as last time.

After casually looking at the personal information that had hardly changed, Wang Mang looked around.

It was still a blur.

"By the way, where are you going?" At this moment, Wang Mang finally remembered that he hadn't told Wang You the destination.

After hearing Wang Mang's voice transmission, Wang You immediately replied: "I don't know, but I think you will tell me."

Hearing this, the corners of Wang Mang's mouth twitched immediately.

So you are running around completely blindly now? Wang Mang complained.

"Go east."


At this time, in the boxes of the top forces in the outside world, apart from Qi Ling Yu Abyss, an order was repeated in each of the other four boxes.

"Everyone is ready to evacuate."

"A domain gate will appear in the middle of the day, and everyone must arrive before noon tomorrow."

"If you find Wang Mang, please join us in encircling and suppressing him."

"Whoever takes Wang Mang's head will be rewarded in the clan!"

These three sentences were gradually introduced into the minds of the members of the four top powers in the special world.

The difference is that in the box of the Abyss Nine Clans.

Although the order to retreat was issued, the attack on Wang Mang was not notified.

As for the Qiling Clan, no one in the clan participated in the Conquest of the Star Territory Emperor, even if they wanted to join the siege and suppression of Wang Mang, they would have more than enough energy.

At this time at the edge of the auditorium.

Abyss Mu, who was pregnant with Qingyi, also received a sound transmission from Abyss Jiuming.

The moment he heard the news, his expression changed immediately.

Members of the four top forces in the special world are going to join forces to encircle and suppress Wang Mang?

Qing Yi, who was in his arms, immediately noticed something strange, and before he could speak, the sound transmission of a patriarch in the clan reverberated in her mind.

For a while, Qing Yi also broke free from the embrace of Abyss Mu, and said with a serious face: "Brother Mu, have you received the news?"

After hearing the words, Shen Yuankui nodded absent-mindedly, and said softly, "Naturally."

On his face, there was a look of deep thought.

"What are you going to do?" Qing Yi interrupted Shen Yuankui's thoughts, with worry in his tone.

Shen Yuanqian glanced at her and then looked away, "I don't know too well." While speaking, he sighed again.

According to the normal time, there are still a few months before the Starfield King's March will end.

Because the starry sky ancient beast accidentally broke through the seal, this series of things happened.

This greatly squeezed the preparation time for the Abyssal Skeleton.

The situation was sudden, and he was at a loss for a while.

Looking at Shen Yuankui's constipated expression, Qing Yi also covered his mouth and let out a chuckle.

"Brother Mu, don't worry anymore, do your best and obey the destiny."

At this time, in the tailor-made world.

Personnel from the top powers other than casual cultivators rushed towards the central part one after another.

Within half a day, the edge of the central part was full of people.

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【There is really no giant python in my reservoir】【】

Looking at the continent that has disappeared in the middle, everyone's faces are full of shock!

It is not difficult to see that this place has experienced such a great battle before.

"Is this the place where the ancient starry sky beasts are sealed?"

"The earth just disappeared?"

"I hope that before tomorrow, the starry sky ancient beast will not patronize its previous lair."

"hope so."

"By the way, who of you knows about Wang Mang?"

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately attracted the attention of most people.

Obviously, Wang Mang's name is taboo, and most people have never heard of it.

But the information from the clan made them have to pay attention to it.

Join hands with people from other forces to encircle and suppress one person together!

Such a situation is very rare in their cognition.

At the same time, this also made them very curious, who is this so-called Wang Mang?

Some people who had been in contact with Wang Mang also changed their faces slightly.

For example, Shen Xuan Bai Ye, or the sky of the abyss...

"Wang Mang, the young patriarch of the former Abyss Eighth Clan." Shen Xuanbaiye said with a sneer.

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted the attention of the people around them.

Facing everyone's gaze, he squeezed his chin, and said with a playful face: "The scum who defected from the abyss clan."

"I'm afraid the only ones who can make a defector live a good life are the Nine Clans of the Abyss?"

As soon as the words fell, everyone nodded immediately, and faintly glanced at the personnel of the surrounding Abyss Nine Clans.

Sensing everyone's indistinct gazes, members of the Abyss Nine Clans all gritted their teeth.

"Shen Xuanbaiye, you arrogant person, have you forgotten how you were driven out of the top world of the abyss like a bereaved dog?"

Abyss Fu Ke not far away is not used to him at all, both of them are young patriarchs in identity, who is afraid of whom?

After hearing his words, Shenxuan Baiye's expression froze.

Then he seemed to think of bad memories from the past, and a scowl suddenly appeared on his face.

"If it wasn't for..."

"Enough, be quiet."

Just when he was about to refute, a cold voice interrupted him.

Looking along the place where the voice came from, Shenxuan Baiye's pupils shrank, and the dissatisfaction with the interrupted speech disappeared. Fun Court

This person is the most powerful young patriarch in their clan~www.readwn.com~Shenxuan Tiandou.

After interrupting Shenxuan Baiye, Shenxuan Tiandou said without changing his face: "Wang Mang is the common goal of everyone, if we meet, we will attack together."

"Don't fight inside."

When he said the last sentence, he deliberately stared at Shen Xuanbaiye.

Seeing his gaze, Shenxuan Baiye was aggrieved for a while, but he didn't dare to say anything.

Just like that, the scene fell silent.

At this time, Wang Mang and his party who came to the east, looked at the continuous mountain range, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

There is no other reason, at least it is safe now.

Looking at the blue sky, Wang Mang breathed a sigh of relief, and then slumped down on the ground.

"Need a break again."

Sensing the condition of his lower body, Wang Mang also nodded slightly.

After the God Refining Hegemony is upgraded, the defense and resilience are greatly improved.

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【There is really no giant python in my reservoir】【】

"Wang Daoyou, this time it can be said that there are many crises." Liang Qi patted his chest with a look of fear.

After hearing the words, Wang Mang suddenly showed a bewildered expression.

You didn't do anything, where is the danger?

"Hehe." Wang Mang was speechless.

Looking at the surrounding scene, Wang Mang chuckled suddenly.

There is no other reason, this is the place where I fought against the Phantasmal Earth Dragon.

The mountain range, which originally contained a very majestic power of the avenue, is now bleak compared to before.

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